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Democracy or Dominated?

November 29, 2022

Can you slap those who don’t believe in the Bible and Sarah begot Isaac? This is modern, not ancient! Why is it possible to conceive at the age of 91 in modern times, but not at the age of 90 in ancient times? Your science is not scientific at all! Too much science is just a lie! People who regard science as gods have become mentally ill! No wonder there are so many mentally ill people in New York! Impossible with man, omnipotent with God! Let's take a look at the group of people in the United States who have no moral conscience ~ how they'll be wiped out by Russia and Iran! This game is better!


Actually, the key point I want to talk about is ~ Americans who are common people and law-abiding people cannot evade taxes! We must do what Israel did in Egypt ~ to die! But where is our pharaoh? All capitalists are pharaohs of the American people! As long as they want us to work, we must work! How they want us to die, we must die according to their words~ die! This is the democracy we most admire! Which king in the world is not despotic? Is Putin and Xi Jinping the only autocratic regime in the world? Let's see if American capitalists are more authoritarian? Which capitalist will voluntarily hand over their wealth?

"Despotism" has never been a problem! Isn't David authoritarian? Wasn't Saul despotic? Isn’t God tyrannical and reigns forever and ever? You ask God: Are you too authoritarian? Why doesn't the Creator let other people do it or let devils to be the gods? Why can't the devil be the creator? Is God too arbitrary, why should we obey God's laws? Those pastors who talk about "autocracy" and "dictatorship", you are bound to be severely judged! God's law never has double standards! God's law has only one standard for judging people - "righteousness"! Despotism and dictatorship have never been a problem, the point is whether this person has "justice" after all? What about his dictatorship for his own benefits? Or is it for the benefits of the majority?


In the past, I had a Cuban classmate! He said: Castro in Cuba is quite authoritarian! No one can oppose him, but he said: The people worship him and love him very much! I really didn't understand at the time why Castro was so authoritarian, yet the people loved him? Now I finally understand! When we see American democracy, it is corruption, condoning crimes, and oppressing kind people for money! I would like to ask: Do you support this kind of democracy? Assets that clearly belong to the Americans people have been transferred to the hands of capitalists! What do the Americans have? We have $34 trillion debts! And Trump slanders his political opponents everywhere just for his own benefits! And why is Trump not responsible for Covid? Why is Trump not responsible for the vaccines? Just ask those Christians and Christian leaders who support Trump? What has Trump done to defend Christian truth? Will Trump repeal abortion laws? Should Trump Abolish Gay Marriage? Trump can only tell us one thing~money, money, money... donate money! Donate! Donate! This is what Christianity has been preaching for! You think you can't do everything without money! But I can tell you: it is absolutely impossible without the presence of God! Relying on money and mammon is doomed to fail the ministry! Let's see who can survive in the end?