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Dictatorship Government/独裁政府

November 18, 2023

All I can say is that those Jews are getting more and more outrageous! Warning to the Jews you better mind yourselves! First, I am holding an American passport, not an Israeli passport! If you want to take over Americans, take over of your own citizens, not Americans! You are not qualified to take over American citizens! Second, "rights and obligations" must go together! The Jewish Consortiums do not allow the American people to hate Jews. I would want to ask: What have you, the Jewish Consortiums, done for the American people? What obligations have you fulfilled? You just continue to exploit the American people, you take advantage of the American people's benefits, and you dare to restrict the American people. I ask you: Why do you dare this? Third, "Who do we hate?" "Who don't we like?" Can Jews be banned? Why don't Jews stop Trump from talking nonsense? Why don’t Jews stop Trump from falsely accusing the Chinese? It’s clearly the “Trump virus”, but it’s deceiving people by saying: “Chinese virus”! Jews are so ignorant and ridiculous! Fourth, we hate Jews, but have we harmed them? We did not harm the Jews! Jews keep saying: Help the Palestinian people! Jews cut off water, electricity, and even food for the Palestinian people. Is this for the sake of the Palestinian people? Israel also bombed Palestinian hospitals and schools. Isn’t this the crimes? Is it the crime for us to hate Jews in our hearts? We have done nothing, so what crime have we committed? Although we hate Jews, have we harmed them? Although we hate Jews, we still talk to them politely. At least we did not use "white phosphorus bombs" to harm the Jews, nor did we cut off water, electricity, or food in the Jewish community! Jews still have American "violent police" and "violent officials" protecting you, so what are you afraid of? Don’t be too “inhumane”! Retribution is coming soon! Forget that you are not "human", you are just the bunch of devils! Only the devil will "get an inch and then they take foot"! Fifth, the Jews will definitely have their retribution! You have really trampled the American people under your feet! Jews control that Bank of America, electric companies, gas companies, property management companies, and Internet companies... all companies controlled by Jewish capital, charge whatever they want! They completely ignore the sufferings of the people! Who would like this kind of devils? Who would like this kind of vampires? Only the devil likes devils! But the time for you ghosts to fight ghosts will come soon! I was forced to pay fees by those people recently. I really hate these overbearing and unscrupulous plutocrats! Special all banks in America control by Jews!

The US government is outrageous! People don’t even have the right to hate “conglomerates” and “devils”! Is this more terrifying than the "Communist Party"? Is this more terrifying than the "dictators"? Don’t people even have the right to “hate” or “not hate”? Is it wrong for us to support Palestine? Is it right for us to watch women and children being boomed to death by the Israeli army? You devils are inhumane, but that doesn’t mean the American people will follow you and be inhumane! Why would we rather trust Hamas than the Israeli government? Since we ourselves are victims of Jewish capitalists, we know that who do tell the truth? Who is lying? It’s not as the Jews can do whatever they want by controlling the “medias”! How miserable are the lives of the American people now? Why is the United States so drug-ridden? Everything is the work of the Jewish plutocrats! They use the lives of the American people to experiment with drugs and allow Jewish chaebols to make money in the drug market around the world! Should Americans like Jewish plutocrats? Jews, give me a reason: Why should Americans like Jews?



