February 17, 2023

Wondering what everyone thinks about the vinyl chloride spill in Ohio? I can only tell all the American people: we are really pathetic! The people of East Palestine in Ohio are even more pitiful! Your life is worse than that of a criminal! Do you remember Floyd?! A drug-addicted criminal has made the entire American people indignant! He received 12 million compensation! Do you know how many American policemen have been killed by your 12 million? How many young Americans were killed by 12 million compensation? American young people don't know right from wrong. They think that as long as there are too many people and scare the government to death, the government will obediently compensate them. They care about money, and they don't care about fairness and justice at all! Trump is shooting himself in his foot! All this nonsense originated with Trump! Trump believes that as long as he can "slander" others, it is right! If Floyd is worth 12 million, how much should your life, surrounding environment and dead animals be worth, Ohio residents? BLM, you should be responsible for black young people whose values ​​are distorted and killed by you guys!

The train derailment in Ohio completely exposed the corruption of the US government and business consortia! First, this train transports chemical poisons, and there is no special treatment at all! Carrying chemical poisons, train cars and paths require special handling! Second, these crisis management personnel do not have enough knowledge and ability to deal with chemical poisons! Detonating poison is simply not the best way to deal with it! Third, the entire American people do not need the TV! News of the United States is only set up for the government and business syndicates! Our news media is trying to brainwash the American people into "fools"! A fool who is allowed to be fooled by the government and exploited by the consortiums! Why did Floyd die when the police were on duty, that is, when the police were working. Why was the news about Floyd widely reported and publicized, but the vinyl chloride explosion had nothing to do with the leak, and there was no report at all? A criminal who died of a crime Floyd, is more importane than the life of 330 million people in the United States? If God and the little bird hadn't been telling me the seriousness of this matter, I would have watched the US government play balloons and American clowns lightly!

The train derailment in Ohio is not only related to the residents of East Palestine, this environmental hazard is related to the residents around the eastern United States! Explosive substances and explosion dust have drifted to the eastern United States. Do these processing personnel have any brains? The air is open, the air is open like the sea understand? We're not blocking the Ohio air with windshields! Ohio is the breadbasket of the United States, and the food price in the United States will definitely increase in the future! We will face no enought food! Just now I saw the word "Dioxin", I really felt dizzy... Do you know what "Dioxin" is? "Dioxin" is a terrible substance, the gas of burning Dioxin will kill our brain cells! There are also "blackfoot disease" and "cadmium rice" that are inseparable from "Dioxin"! Many farmlands in Taiwan were killed by "Dioxin"! And the poison gas explosion in Ohio produced "Dioxin"! Looks like Ohio farmland is doomed! It will take decades to be used again!

"Famine" will definitely happen in the future! I can only ask God to shorten the days of famine now! God predicts that the punishment period of the famine will be 3 years! In the next 3 years, our food will definitely become less and less, and the price will become more and more expensive! Because there is less and less farmland that can be cultivated! I don't know who is responsible for the train derailment in Ohio? And who is really abled to responsible? American justice is completely upside down! These judiciary institutions in the United States are hell. They agree with devil officials and harm the American people! In the Floyd case, they can sentence the police very harshly! But the spread of the Covid virus across the United States and the killing of the elderly by the former governor of New York, they dealt with it coldly, or even did not deal with it at all! Is this correct? With 330 million people in the United States, who cares about the 4,800 residents of East Palestine? And who cares about the food problem of the 330 million people in the United States in the future? The American people have always been rich, and the American people have never experienced a famine. When we experience a famine, we will know: Is Floyd a hero? Or just how stupid the American people are? I thank the American media again, you are great! They brainwashing American people are very successful! Don't worry! I promise, God will deal with you guys very harsh!