I heard that a teacher with an annual salary of more than $50K, raising two children, needs to sell blood plasma to live! The government encourages people to do evils! All evils is caused by the government! If, for my own sake, I lie against my conscience, may God punish me severely! I have promised God - I will do whatever I can to help people! I will never bow to any evil forces! I will not sell my conscience for profit! Even if I know what hurts people, I will continue to do it, and I will deceive people with lies! Just ask God to punish me severely! You evil beasts, you are not worthy of being human at all!
2022 is not going well! I already told everyone that 2022 is sad! I'm already praying that God will shorten these days! If, in another three and a half years of disaster, how many people will survive in the world? May God have mercy and let us have a real spring after this year is over! I know a lot of people hate the low class population! Hate the vulnerable groups! But it's definitely not me! There's nothing good about me, I'm just "hatred people who bully vulnerable groups"! Who will eradicate those vulnerable groups? Who is against me! Since, you are against me! Of course I won't be beaten stupidly!
God asked me just now: I will die if I do it, and I will die if I don't do it! Do you do it or not? Of course do! It's like boiling a frog in warm water! You know you will be boiled to death, but you still have a chance of survival if you jump out, jump or not? But if you jump out, you may die even worse, and you will become a scorched frog if you jump not too far! Therefore, if you want to jump out, you need God's guidance, not just by yourself! If Moses had not been led by God, could he have left Egypt? 7 months to go.... There are even bigger disasters to come! Because we have to face the disaster and punishment in the next three and a half years! God can reduce the days, but never reduce the punishment! This is the law of God's righteousness!