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Do hospitals and medical treatments really help us?

August 5, 2022

For many people "doctor" has a high and great image! In the past, doctors were the authority in my mind because they ruled people's life and death! When I practiced in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit of Cathay Pacific Hospital, I really saw the irresponsibility of doctors and the greed of doctors! So my impression of the doctor later was quite, quite bad! Always remember a few small patients! A little girl whose father is an employee of Cathay Pacific Hospital, and the baby girl was born prematurely. She spent millions to sleep in an incubator, but she still couldn't survive! The baby girl has 4 older brothers, and she is the only girl. The parents cherish this daughter very much, which is why they spend so much money on her sleeping in an incubator! After she died, I also saw the lonely expression of her father, from hopeful to disappointed! Many people really have great expectations and hopes for the medical system, but I can only say: people are always people, and we really cannot measure the "evil" of people!

There was also another little girl, she is the niece of my classmate! This baby is really pitiful! She is such a beautiful baby girl! Because of her Salmonella infection, she underwent surgery three times with a year to cut her intestines. How could a one-year-old child withstand this torture? In the end, the child also spent millions! This child has been lying in the ICU for quite a while, and later, I don't know... This child was a medical negligence, but this medical negligence cannot be appealed at all! The child just started to have a fever, and the doctor in the clinic used strong antipyretics. As a result, the child did not have a general fever at all, but a bacterial infection. As a result, the child was dragged by the doctor, allowing Salmonella to multiply, causing the child’s intestines to be cut! Everyone who studies medical schools should have a concept: Life cannot be repeated! In the past, we were taught to be very careful, because the patients who entered the hospital were all patients, and the patients’ original emotions were different from those of normal people, and the patients needed to enter the hospital only when they were sick. If we make the wrong decision, we may kill a life! Therefore, all hospital operations and all major decisions must be summed up by many doctors. "Surgery" is not our ultimate goal! "Cure" is the ultimate goal! But then I found out that Taiwan's medical system is getting more and more deviant!

(Daniel 5:11) There is a man in thy kingdom, in whom is the spirit of the holy gods; and in the days of thy father light and understanding and wisdom, like the wisdom of the gods, was found in him; whom the king Nebuchadnezzar thy father, the king, I say, thy father, made master of the magicians, astrologers, Chaldeans, and soothsayers; ~ recently reading Daniel! Why was Daniel taken captive to Babylon, when Daniel could be valued by kings from an early age? Daniel went through many kings, he went through Babylonian kings and Persian kings, and every king had a lot of respect for Daniel, why?

Many people think that Daniel is respected because he is wise and smart, but he was not! The reason Daniel is respected is: Daniel had the Spirit of God! Daniel had the Holy Spirit with him! So the Bible always emphasizes that Daniel had the Spirit of the Holy Spirit! There was another man who also had the Spirit of God, and that was Joseph! A person with the Spirit of God is completely different from having without the Spirit of God ! There are many wise and smart people in the world, but very few people have the Holy Spirit! Why didn't King David and Moses have the Holy Spirit? Because both King David and Moses had the sin of bloodshed! Moses killed the Egyptians in the first place, so he fled to the wilderness to feed the sheep! And King David killed the giant Goliath in the first place, so Moses needed to speak directly to God, and King David needed to rely on prophets to deliver messages! In fact, the records of the Bible are really quite true, and those who say that the Bible is not the word of God, but a fairy tale~ are all ignorant and proud people!

There is another character in the Bible, King Saul. King Saul was the first king. He was originally with the Holy Spirit. Later, because of Saul's pride and his constant want to kill of King David, the Spirit of God left King Saul! We must understand the divinity of God before we can know what the blessed way is! First of all, the Spirit of God must be with us and not sin minds! Many churches and many pastors have not properly fed their congregations, they are simply a bunch of nonsense! Many churches do not recognize the Holy Spirit! I would like to ask those churches that do not recognize the Holy Spirit: If there is no Holy Spirit in this world, who do you worship? The Holy Spirit is not with you, why do you preach the Word of God? The corruption of Christianity is because many Christian leaders... reject the Holy Spirit! Why did they reject the Holy Spirit? Since the Holy Spirit will not be with them, of course they reject the Holy Spirit! The Holy Spirit will never be with sinners! That's why the leaders of the church can preach the Bible at will, they can make Christian festivals Days at will, and no one can make Christian festivals Days except God Himself!

Christmas must be abolished! Christmas is not Jesus' birthday! Too much false information has made Christianity more and more deviated from the right path! Good Friday is not Friday, Good Friday is Wednesday! Anyone who says Good Friday is Friday is the Antichrist! God must judge you Himself! Good Friday is Passover! And Easter is the Feast of First Fruits! These Christian leaders arbitrarily set festivals days and change the Bible. They are not the antichrist, but who is the antichrist? Jesus was at the tomb for 3 days and 3 nights, if Good Friday is Friday, then Sunday is Easter, is there 3 days and 3 nights? Is it reasonable? You tamper with the Bible to make the world not believe in God! This is your sin! What were you pastors ordained by which qualifcations? Is it because of your educational system? Christianity without the presence of the Holy Spirit is the religion of the dead! How are you different from evil spirits? You are more evil than evil spirits! You destroy the authenticity of the Bible! What you preach is not the way of God, you are preaching the way of evil spirits! This is the real cause of Christianity's corruption! God is so real! He kept telling me this yesterday, and I never took these things in my heart, but the Holy Spirit moved me today to write them out today! I have always been led by the Holy Spirit when I write articles and made videos! I have no plans at all! This is the importance of the presence of the Holy Spirit!

Why do Taiwanese doctors go bad? For making money! Both doctors and hospitals have to make money to stay afloat! Doctors spend so much money to study "medical school"! Hospitals are not charities. Hospitals spend so much money on medical equipment. There are costs for medical equipment and maintaining hospital operations! If doctors and hospitals don't make money, how do they survive? I don't know if you have noticed: there are more and more types of viruses in society, and medical equipment is becoming more and more complex! There are more and more types of diseases! Why? Is it because our environment creates new viruses and new diseases? Or do our hospitals need to make more money? I really do not know! I know one thing: Trusting the doctors are sending yourself to the grave! If, we all think marriage is the grave, I can tell you: going to the hospital is the long road to the grave! When you enter the hospital, you will get sick forever. Entering the hospital will consume your money, energy, and finally, the hospital will kill your hope in life! The hospital will bury you! I can't say: Hospitals are bad! But I can't say: the hospitals are all good! "Hospital", "Church" and "Money" are all tools!

"Hospital" is a tool to heal our body! "Church" is a tool to help us enter into eternal life and upgrade our lives! "Money" is a life tool that helps us live in the world and sustain life! A tool is a tool! Tools are neither good nor bad! The real good or bad lies in the person who uses it! When the people using the tools are "good people", then the tools are good tools! I am not superstitious about Christians, and I am not superstitious about pastors! "Good people" are not necessarily Christians! But I know one thing - the presence of the Holy Spirit makes us even more blessed! Looking at Daniel and Joseph, we are even more willing to choose the "blessed way"! Trusting hospitals and doctors, I will suggeste you to trust God and the Holy Spirit! Only people have a good mind and the Holy Spirit will be with us.