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Don't believe devils/不要相信魔鬼

November 15, 2023

Israel is becoming more and more good at dramas... What kind of children inspire to become Hitler? This is like the United States using washing powder to frame up Iraq, and then using washing powder to fight Iraq! I really don’t know how the shameless country like Israel can survive? No one in the world wants to make money by cooperating with shameless people like the Jews! Because there is no "cooperation" in the Jewish world, the Jews will only continue to "exploit"! I can tell you this: no one wants to do business with Jews! I will never do business with the Jews again in my life! They will just keep taking advantage of people, Just as TSMC! They were raided by the United States for no reason! In the world of Israel and the United States, there are only "lies"! Is it okay for Israel to have an IQ when making up stories? Can't you treat everyone in the world as idiots? Sometimes I really think these two idiot countries and idiot officials are so ridiculous!

Hamas is always hiding in the hospital! The biggest Hamas in the hospital is Israel! Israel is more cruel than Hamas! You bombed the hospital, and may the crime of shedding innocent blood be attributed to your descendants forever! Let me see how Israel will be exterminated! If Israel's bombing of hospitals was God's will, they would not be afraid of shedding innocent blood! They don’t need to make up stories to deceive the whole world! If you spare innocent blood, you will naturally get retribution! Not only will you have retribution in this life, but you will also be burned again and again in eternal fire! There is even more good news: no matter if you go to Mars or the moon, I guarantee that Israel will definitely be exterminated! Calculate how much innocent blood you have spared? Can you calculate whether you are qualified to have any more offspring?

I've been in business since I was a kid! I have a principle in doing business: Children and old men should not be deceived! I think it's not worth it to cheat people for a little money! When I do business, I will not just make money for myself. The principle of "doing business" is to let everyone make money together! The more people we help, the wider our path will be! We often say: rely on your parents at home and rely on your friends when you go out! This is what everyone who really knows how to do business will do! Jews do business "by unscrupulousness", "by deception" and "by monopoly"! Do business with this kind of person and you will die! Never have any contact with "unscrupulous", "cheating" and "monopolistic" people! Such people are not human at all, they are "devils"! Don’t blame me for not reminding you that welcoming the “devil” is asking for death!




