How authoritarian is America? My FB was banned and deleted the article again .No violence, no pornography... You can read this article! That's just about inflation! What's really bad is...I was banned for 59 days, plus a few more 29 days...I don't even know how to count.It doesn't matter! Anyway, the porn media is the same as the prostitution agent! I can also have 59 days without being harassed by boring people... There are really a lot of weird people on FB... They are all freaks ! My friend counted and she said: totally banned 152 days! That's real funny!
Why is America a bunch of idiots? Democrats and Republicans are all shit! Again: Democrats and Republicans are crap! All are corrupt regimes! These politicians are playing a big show! We are just the melon-eating masses who were slaughtered at the show! The world doesn't change because of someone, and the world doesn't change because of a politician or a president! If you want to change the world, first change yourself! Only if you have the ability to survive can you help others stand in this evil age! If, you just follow a certain lying politician and deceive's all dead ends! Both the left and the right are going to die...why are you dying so tired? Be yourself and do not blindly follow the left or the right! We are all righteous people who follow God! If people have a right heart, what they do will naturally be right! People with crooked hearts will never do the right thing! God of right heart will naturally protect us! There is absolutely no need to be afraid of those who kill the body, we should be afraid of the God who can kill the body and kill the soul!
I once cursed to destroy Meta! How many days they banned my account and their stock will drop how many days! They'll be down for a few days! Let's see how powerful it will kill Meta or not? Will find out Monday....because they banned my account on Saturday! Do they really think they can destroy God? These people are crazy proud, God will never be destroyed by mankind, but mankind will definitely be destroyed by God!