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Don't follow False Truth!

April 29, 2022

            Americans, Christians, and churches don't know how long will you be blind? I can tell you plainly: God really exists, and God will repay everyone according to their deeds! It doesn't matter who you like to be tied to, but I will never be tied to you! Now everyone starts to think about a question: If there is a famine of the century one day, will you choose to eat human flesh? There were quite terrible famines in both the Old Testament and the New Testament, and in fact, there was a famine in China. What would you do if there was a famine?

           In the Old Testament we see mothers exchanging their children for food, while in China we see people eating people! Whoever can't stand it, whoever starves to death, will become someone else's food! This is America today! The United States has never had a famine, but the United States is also a country that has become cannibalistic! All big companies and all consortiums are eating human flesh! This Covid-19 has made us see how these big companies manipulate the people and eat the people's hard-earned money! I despise these people only care about money, just like I despise churches, and those Christians and pastors who take money as their fate, Americans are really selfish! I didn't like Americans before, but because an old white couple from Spoken saved me, I changed my mind about Americans!

           Why have I never wanted to contact the church? Why don't I like Christians? Because the church I saw just recognized money but not people! And the Christians and pastors I saw were selfish and greedy with no moral bottom line. This is why I always looked down on the church and Christians and pastors! It is because I see the conduct of these people that I despise the Christian God even more! If the God of Christianity is real, why are these believers so bad? I despise Trump, because with Trump's character, he really doesn't deserve to hold the name of Jesus! Do you know? If a person cheats on an exam and a brazen person tells everyone who his parents are, you will look down on his parents! What is "Tutoring"?  Tutoring reflects your parents' education!  America is a country without tutors! Their education is a failure! Americans are all computer educated, they don't know what a family is? What is tutoring? What are parental responsibilities?  They only have "money" in their eyes!

         (Ezekiel 33:18) When the righteous turneth from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, he shall even die thereby.(19) But if the wicked turn from his wickedness, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall live thereby.  ~Many pastors and many Christians have read the Bible all their lives, but they don't know what the Bible is talking about? The Bible is conveying a very important Truth: where your feet end up, you belong! There are several concepts in China that are contrary to the Bible: a single mistake can lead to eternal hatred! Make up for it! The Bible completely rejects these two wrong ideas of the Chinese: 1. God will not reject us forever just because we do one thing wrong! So one slip will never become eternal hatred! Jesus gave us a chance to repent! 2. Previous work can never be made up for later! Solomon made great achievements in his life, but in the end he went to worship a bunch of idols. Did God let him make up for what he did?

        The book of Ezekiel also tells us clearly and plainly: The righteous who turn from righteousness and do evil will surely die of evil! There are also two Judas: one is Joseph's brother Judas, who turned from evil, and the king came out of Judah! In addition, Judas, who betrayed Jesus, followed Jesus, turned from righteousness to evil, and committed suicide! Neither Judas was accidental! Maybe you don't understand the Bible why you can't make up sins from what you have done good before? Many Christians and pastors are often telling everyone: how I was, how, so I can do infinite evil now, right? This is why I despise Trump! What you have done in the past is not a reason to do evil now! Sooner or later God will let everyone see the truth! Who made Covid viruses? Who let Covid viruese spread out? What are vaccines for and why mandeted vaccinated all people over the world?

       There is Yue Buqun in Xiaoao Jianghu, he is the head of the Huashan faction! Everyone praised him for being a man, but he stole Lin Pingzhi's Sunflower Collection, and even wanted to kill his disciple Linghu Chong in order to grab the Sunflower Collection! Yue Buqun used his previous achievements to cover up his greed and hypocrisy! Therefore, the previous achievements cannot be made up for the later sins! No matter how much and how good you did before, if you turn to evil later, you will surely die! This is to tell all Americans, Christians and pastors that your previous goodness cannot make up for your later evil! Your later evil is your final destination!

         But if the wicked turn from evil and do what is right and righteous, the wicked will surely survive! No matter how much evil we have in the past, as long as we are willing to change from today, as long as we are willing to give up the evil of the past, God will surely give us the opportunity to do good! As long as we are willing to repent, God will surely give us the opportunity! Samson ended up killing more Philistines than he did in his life because God finally brought his power back! And all the disciples betrayed Jesus, only Judas committed suicide! But every disciple God gave them a chance to repent, and they were fruitful! God tells us: the place where you finally stand is the destination of your eternal life! Christianity does not look past!  Christianity looks at present and future! And the path you are on now is where you are going in the future! Are you on your way to heaven now? Or go to hell?