If there is no monopoly in the world, can American companies have room for development? See what kind of sky-high prices Tesla is in the US? The insurance industry in the United States is also monopolized! The United States is indeed a terrible capitalist and corrupt country, and the people can't really have happy life at all! Government corruption is outrageous! What is "Intellectual Property Rights"? That is, the government gets enough money bribery from businesses to buy out the patent and they can keep going to make money! It's all about making a fortune together! Officials and enterprises use intellectual property rights to monopolize the market together. This is capitalism! Corruption and monopoly of every product are paid by consumers! How can Americans have a good life? "Monopoly" the consumer market, we are always lambs to be slaughtered, how much does a company need? How much do we have to pay? Do American consumers have choice? We have no choice as a hosipital check and treatments .... we have rights to said : No....
Look at supermarket products and products in traditional markets. How much does a supermarket product cost to get these specifications? And do traditional market products, especially agricultural products, require so many specification certificates? And how much does certificates cost to keep a farm running? These fees have nothing to do with product quality, but with the extra income of government officials! "Corruption" started with the Republicans...and the Democrats have played their best! We are a group of dead people, the more we live, the poorer we become, the harder we work, the less money we have. Corruption in government departments, bad luck for the common people! Corruption is getting more and more outrageous! There is really no country that can stop the evil of the US government, because the US is already the world's largest economy, and the American people will not do anything! Americans just daydream! I thought the world would be better if it was replaced by Biden and the Republican Party... Idiots are supporters of Satan! Republicans and Democrats together ~ greedy! Each of them knows a lot more than I do, but have they told you? Don't think Republicans and Trump will change America.... To change what was changed 20 years ago, it's only worse now!