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Don't worship devils as god!

October 8, 2022

Have no mercy on the devil! Do not follow the devil! Do not compromise with the devil! Be sure to resist the devil! Yesterday, saw the devil license plate! There is already a group of people in New York who voluntarily follow the devil. This is not the first time I have seen the devil's license plate. There is a group of people in the devil, and their license plates have been numbered! Why didn't you want people to know when you did evil in the past, but now the people who do evil want everyone to see it? The New York Devil's Evil is already open! The devil will not be afraid of you reporting them, because they are already legitimate evil! No one of us dares to report the devil, and no one dares to fight against the devil. It is because no one dares to fight against the devil, so the forces of evil are getting stronger and stronger! The devil is the same as the virus! If you don't eliminate the viruses, the viruses will definitely destroy you!

By the way, let me share with you the "viruses"! Why greedy Fauci said: "Hydroxychloroquine" and "Ivermectin" are ineffective against Covid? Remember, in the article I wrote in March 2020, I said: "Traditional Chinese medicine" should be used to deal with Covid, but in fact, I always thought that I had the possibility of Covid, so I started to drink Chinese medicine, so these 2-3 years I've been pretty healthy! This time I saw Fauci say: Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are ineffective. I knew he wasn't wrong! The most effective medicine for Covid virus is "Chinese medicine"! Why do I say: Chinese medicine can treat Covid? And it is the most effective medicine! Because this "Covid virus" was originally a laboratory product! All chemical things must be composed of molecular structures, and cracking the code of viruses is to destroy their structural chains! And chemical drugs are not as effective as traditional Chinese medicine for destroying the structural chain of viruses! Traditional Chinese medicine generally inhibits viruses replication and reproduction, and achieves the purpose of healing! Chemical drugs and chemical viruses will produce chemical reactions, chemical reactions and physical reactions are not the same! Chemistry may be out of nothing, or it may be a little flood! This can explain why Covid in countries that use western medicine is completely never stop the Covid viruses!

(Romans 1:28) And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; (31) Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:(32) Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.~Paul says there is a group of people who deliberately don't know God , and they feel that it doesn't matter what they do, because there is no God in them! I have always emphasized: If there is no righteous Lord in this world, then we do not need to do justice! We will be like the devil Paul said - we deliberately do not know God, we do all evil, we know that evil will send us to hell and the lake of fire, but we still do evil! Not only do we do evil ourselves, but we want others to do evil with us! Just like America right now! In the world controlled by the devil, the devil must cut off all "goodness"! The devil must make us feel that "evil" is normal!

There is no one in this world who can help us distinguish "lie" from "truth"! We must distinguish ourselves from "lie" and "truth"! A person's 10 sentences, there are 9 truths, just 1 lie, but this lie is enough to kill us! A person has 9 lies in 10 sentences, maybe just 1 truth can save our life! Greedy Fauci is not a good person! But maybe if he told the truth, he might have saved tens of millions of lives! Like he said: Covid viruses is ineffective with hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, this sentence may stop many people from using these two drugs, and the chemical harm caused by these two drugs, will stop! And everyone thinks Trump is a good guy! He told a lot of truth, but he lied about "Covid viruses" and "Covid vaccines", which is enough to kill tens of millions of people! Therefore, "lie" and "truth" are up to us to judge! No one is responsible for our health and life!

We really can't predict the evil of human beings! And the evil of the government is completely out of control! Just called ConEdison and they just cut off the power! No responsibility for their own mistakes at all, who gave them the right to power off at will? Because electricity is a monopoly industry! All energy is a monopoly industry! We have no choice, we have to accept the prices and charges that these energy suppliers tell us! We are not qualified to refuse high-priced energy, because energy is a monopoly industry, we can choose not to, but we have no other choice! Like "electricity"! There are no gas pipelines in many places. They choose "electricity" for heating. When the price of "electricity" and "natural gas" rises together, we can't burn wood for heating at all! Because New York is generally a building, and the building chooses to burn wood, just like burning charcoal to commit suicide! Moreover, many wooden houses in the United States have no chimneys prepared in advance, so these officials are really greedy and thorough! They do not take into account the needs of the people, they only take into account their own profits! How do children and the elderly spend the winter without energy in winter?

The devils is meant to "kill" and "destroy"! America is a country ruled by the devils! The devils keeps provoking wars for them own benefits, and more and more Americans follow the devils, they don't care about justice! They only care about their own benefits! Don't care about other people's lives! Many people do not believe in God! Especially Americans don't believe in God at all! They would rather believe Trump's lies than God's justice! In fact, I am quite disappointed with the Americans! I am even more disappointed with the so-called patriots of the United States! What country do you love? You love Trump! You don't care how much Trump has done against humanity! All you care about is Trump's lies! Many people ask me: Biden is so bad, we don't support Trump, who can we support? America is now the devils ruling the country! I said: Republicans and Democrats are the devils! Why do we have to choose the devils? We can choose to follow God, and God will choose a righteous man for us!

How much money do "Republicans and Democrats" print? Do you really know how much U.S. debt is? Now the US debt is 31 trillion! How did the U.S. debt come about? Have politicians ever cared about elders care? Do politicians care about children's education? Have politicians ever cared about infrastructure? Have politicians ever cared about moral education? Politicians care about their "profits"! The elderly do not need insurance! The elderly must have quality of life! No old man has to be sick! Have a good quality of life, naturally no pain! Elders have no sick and no need insurance at all! Why is America's drug and alcohol addiction increasing a lot? Why is the crime rate in America increasing a lot? Americans are really sick! Can more police change the law and order? The police have nothing to do with law and order! No one commits a crime to truly change the law and order! We are all a bunch of stupid Americans who don't know the difference between lies and truth! Why is energy soaring? Energy does not belong to big companies and consortiums, energy belongs to the American people! Now the sovereignty of American energy is in the hands of big consortiums and big families! We must defeat these big consortiums and big families! The nation of the American people - we run it ourselves! We must eliminate the Republicans and Democrats! We are God's people! As long as God is willing to protect and lead us, we can certainly eliminate all devils!