Tell everyone a very sad news: The behemoth of economic depression has arrived! We will now enter "deflation".... Price inflation, but we will still have material shortages! Don't believe the "data" of the Fed. These US officials are "faking" and they want to cover the sky with their hands! Although Americans have jobs, they can't make ends meet...that is, "shrinking clothes and dieting" must come(We can't make enought money to spend for food! The Costco winery is closed, and the shopping situation of Costco is not very good! There is also a restaurant where one person works! Costco should have hired a large number of people casually before, but now it should fire a lot of people! In order to get a good set of data, the U.S. government lets business giants hire workers at will. In the future we must.....step by step! Because it's hard! Costco hot dog buns are completely frozen....what the hell is going on?