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Etiquette and Integrity!


August 16, 2022

American society will become like this, because Americans are raising the devil! We often say: the rich have distant relatives in the mountains, and the poor have no neighbors in the downtown! American selfishness is the time for us to pay the price for our selfishness! I know how difficult it is to be a single mother in America? I have no relatives in America! There are many "friends", but when you really need help, who can help you? Trump is one of the few rich people we have seen. He is often crying about how he was politically persecuted. American patriots, you are really stupid! What is Trump's status and rank? If he will be persecuted, how many orphans and widows, how many vulnerable, how many elderly people need your help? What does Trump need? Trump will always need money! Politicians always talk about money first! They don't need social justice, they just make up a bunch of stories to turn themselves into heroic heroes, to turn themselves into victims of political correctness, and these people are the people in society who need the least help!

I chatted with my mother that day, and my mother said: You have no money, you can tell us, we can help you! I said: I am afraid that you will scold me! In fact, when I have no money and I need help, there is really no one in this world who can help me! I will only choose to borrow money from the bank, I will not borrow money from friends and relatives, because we all know that living in the United States is not easy, and now living in the United States is really getting harder and harder! I have no relatives in the United States, and I know that it is not easy to have two minor children alone. There are many women who will rely on men to raise their children, but I don't want to! That's why I'm afraid of my mom scolding me! Mom can scold me for 100 reasons, because divorce was my choice! Divorce with two children was also my decision! It is also my own choice to live together without looking for someone to support you after the divorce! After the divorce, I became a Christian, and the hardest thing is how can I still be a good Christian after the divorce? Thank God! I didn't follow the world's choice, I chose the hardest way! I never got any helped from church and I had a lot of service in the church. Those are all God's blesshings!

(Deuteronomy 14:29) And the Levite, (because he hath no part nor inheritance with thee,) and the stranger, and the fatherless, and the widow, which are within thy gates, shall come, and shall eat and be satisfied; that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all the work of thine hand which thou doest.~Thank you Lord! I choose the hardest way! The most in American society is ~ orphans and widows! And the least important thing in America is the Levites! What are "Levites"? The Levites are our modern servants of God! Most of the Levites in this day and age refer to preachers, but famous preachers in America are quite wealthy, and poor preachers are those who are anonymous and do things silently! The American society is a big show field. As long as you are shameless enough, you dare to show off, and you dare to lie enough, wealth is in your pocket! The last thing American society needs is ~ courtesy, righteousness, no corruption and shame!

"Courtesy" is a proper attitude! "Righteousness" is a righteous act! "No corruption" is the distinction of innocence! "Shame" is a real awareness! In fact, after coming to the United States for so many years, I have already forgotten about propriety, righteousness, and integrity! Now the children in Taiwan have no sense of etiquette, righteousness and shame! Etiquette, righteousness and shame are the school motto of our school in ancient times! And we must recite the school motto loudly voice before class every morning! Why should the school motto teach etiquette and integrity? Because propriety, righteousness and honor are indeed a criterion for us to behave in the world, but what do modern people learn? Modern people just want to be "Dishonest and Shameless"! "Unscrupulous and shameless" is the way of survival for modern people, and all despicable means can be used for the sake of profits! Every time I see the disgusting political shows of these politicians, I just want to curse them! I know these people are so shameless that they are not afraid of curses. They can lick anyone's ass if they have money in their eyes. As long as they have money, they can eat shit for money!

Chatting with a friend yesterday, she said: Now there are more and more prostitutes in Flushing and Jackson Heights, and most of them are Chinese, who are wearing very sex clothes and soliciting customers on the street! Have you ever thought that this kind of clothing is very exposed on the street to solicit customers, and how far-reaching the impact is on children? Trump is really shameless! He uses public opinion to package himself as a hero every time! But what does he really do? He has been worshipping Money, bringing America into a shameless country! The Confucius said: "Slippery cliches speeches-shameless !" It is a person who is shameless and dishonest, and is generally a person who speaks eloquently. Such people have no benevolence and morality, but they are full of benevolence and morality on their mouths! Confucius does not know Trump, but Confucius has seen through Trump's shamelessness and lack of benevolence, righteousness and morality! Trump is all about "money"! The real problem in America is: "moral corruption"! This is also the problem of every "democratic country", a breeding ground for corruption in "democratic countries"!

Why are there so many Chinese people in New York swaggering about as prostitutes on the streets? What is the difference between a woman prostitution and a politician cheating money? It's all just as shameless! But to put it more objectively: politicians are more shameless than prostitutes! Women's prostitution affects themselves and the next generation, but politicians prostitution for money will affect the entire country and future generations! Politicians do anything for money, is it different from prostitution? They just don't need to undress for prostitution, politicians prostitute with shameless mouths! Politician prostitution affects our country and affects our children and grandchildren! Just like Ukraine, the president is shameless, and the people of the whole country are shameless together! It is clear that Ukraine can be a rich and resource-rich country, but now it has become a country that says anything shameless and shameless because of money. Can such a country and leader be blessed by God? Trump is Ukraine, he has everything, but his heart is infinitely greedy and shameless!

Why is Taiwan a world economic miracle? Because early Taiwan was really hard, but we were really blessed! When I revisited the old school motto, my mind was filled with emotion! In the era of Chiang Ching-kuo, we had very good moral education! The real downfall of Taiwan is Lee Teng-hui, the father of democracy? The father of corruption! Lee Teng-hui's corruption, Chen Shui-bian flourished, and now Taiwan's corruption is at its peak! As long as there is "corruption" in a country, the people will always suffer the most! On the surface, the life of the Taiwanese people has indeed changed for the better, and the Taiwanese people have changed themselves from a righteous person to a shameless person. We have thrown the propriety, righteousness and honor into the trash! Is propriety and integrity consistent with biblical principles? Propriety, righteousness, and honor are of course biblical principles! Taiwanese are shameless and shameless victims of fake Christians! Democracy and freedom is to make excuses for one's own shamelessness! Democracy and freedom are a breeding ground for "corruption"! The Bible never tells us that "democracy" sets us free! The Bible tells us: "Truth" sets us free! The Bible tells us: "Freedom" is not sin! What are the biblical principles of American democracy and freedom?

****Why is America getting worse? Because America is the country God wants to exterminate! The United States only cares about "money" and "power". The United States does not pay attention to orphans and widows, elders and poor. More correctly, the United States is a country that advocates "money" and "power". God will never bless those churches that want to eliminate orphans and widows, elders and poor, and those pastors who only focus on power and wealth and lick the ass of the rich and powerful!