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Evil must be punished!

December 18, 2023

We often say: Evil will be punished! But we often don’t believe that “evil will be punished”! If a person truly believes that "evil begets evil," I would like to ask: What reason would they have to do evil? Only those who do not believe that Eevil will be punished" will be inseparable from their evil deeds! Like why do so many people like to lie? Because "lying" brings them "money and profits", and they do not pay the price for the "lies", they will be immersed in the "world of lies"! Like why do many people like "gambling"? Because gambling initially makes them win money and they profits from gambling, they become immersed in gambling and eventually lose everything with nothing! Thank God! I am the kind of person who "bets ten times and loses ten times", so I think gambling is too hard for me. The profits are too small and there are still losses, so I don't like gambling!

Does Japan's discharge of nuclear wastewater into the Pacific Ocean harm marine ecology? Of course! There has been a sudden increase in dead fish in Japan recently. Are you blind? Can’t you see the dead fish? Has Israel's attack on Palestine caused any harm to Israel? Of course! All the Israeli cargo ships were sunk, are you blind? The Israeli soldiers even killed their own Israelis. You say: Isn’t this a danger? How many Israeli civilians did Hamas kill in its raid on Israel? Israeli soldiers have accidentally killed 3 Israeli civilians! Perhaps the Israeli government can explain this as "manslaughter"! Don’t you think Israel’s attack on Palestine is full of mistakes?

First of all, Israel has "accidentally killed" 19,000 Palestinians! The destruction caused by Israel in Gaza should be worth hundreds of billions of dollars! Let’s do the math: The death of one American soldier costs 12 million U.S. dollars. I believe that many families of American soldiers have received pensions from the deceased! Is it okay to "kill people" casually if you have money? Isn’t it easy for the United States to print money? The United States can print trillions of dollars at will, but how many people can the United States kill at will? The United States really relies on "having money" to kill people at will! Never mind! America’s retribution has not yet arrived! Let’s talk about Israel’s retribution first! Israeli soldiers have no discipline at all! Israeli soldiers burned Palestinian people’s food and entered Palestinian civilians’ homes to rob them! I want to ask: Are Israeli soldiers poor? Israeli soldiers have lost their basic humanity by burning civilian food! And Israeli soldiers bullying the Palestinian people is really "impermissible"! Israel! Israel! This is already the 21st century, and your behavior is completely the same as that of "Japan's invasion of China"! What you are doing to the defenseless people is unjust!

Israel currently only has small retribution! The real retribution of the United States and Israel has not yet come! Israel has only had a few ships bombed, so what’s the big deal? Just like Japan, if they discharge nuclear wastewater into the Pacific Ocean, it will be the fish in the Pacific that will die, not the Japanese people, it doesn’t matter! Japan, Israel, and the United States can all continue to do evil! I said: God does not judge individuals, but a "nation"! Let me ask you this: How many Americans accuse our government of atrocities? How many Americans think our government is evil? How many Americans approve of the indiscriminate killing of Palestinian people by Israeli soldiers? No one needs to explain, God is the God who searches people’s hearts! Retribution will always come to everyone who deserves it!

By the way, I would like to tell the Israeli people: Don’t think that soldiers of a country can kill innocent people indiscriminately, and it will have no impact on you! I can tell the Israeli people: You will be even worse in the future! First, in order to satisfy the desire for aggression, the government condoned the massacre by soldiers. These soldiers have become arrogant and do not even have basic "goodness"! Second, Israeli soldiers can "accidentally kill three Israelis" today, and tomorrow they can accidentally kill the entire Israeli people! As long as there is a conflict between the profits of the Israeli people and the government, they will definitely choose to kill civilians! Third, the Israeli people are stupid! Where you destroy the Palestinian people's existence, you also destroy your own existence! Because you and Palestine can no longer coexist peacefully! The Palestinian people are now hostile to the Israelis! I want to ask the Israelis: How does your government treat the Palestinian people? How can you expect the Palestinian people to live in peace with you? If I live in a place where I could be killed at any moment, can I live peacefully with someone who could kill me at any moment? O people of Israel! Should you think from the perspective of the Palestinian people? Hamas is wrong! But who is responsible for the Hamas attacks? If Israeli become Palestine people, and how will you treat Israeli?

The retribution of the United States and Israel has not come yet, why? Because the real retribution of the United States and Israel will be "soldiers"! Including the war in Ukraine! Why did Ukraine collapse? Why are Ukraine, the United States and Israel at wars? The wars in these countries are all motivated by "self-profits"! These wars are all driven by the ambitions of some politicians! Ukraine, the United States and Israel all fight with "money and weapons"! China defeated Japan, why? Because we fight with our lives! We are fighting for our descendants! Why does Hamas still have to fight to the death even though it is clear that it cannot defeat Israel? Because they have no choice! For their survival and for their descendants, they must fight to the death! "War" is cruel! "War" can allow us to see what the final victory is! "Righteousness and righteousness will prevail"! The evil ones will surely be punished!