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Evilland that are not healed-America!

March 25, 2022

         We often hear people say: The most worthless thing in this era is "morality"! In this era when money is paramount, materialistic desires are rampant, and morality is indeed worthless, but is morality important? For me, morality is very important! Especially when I do business, I don't like "cheating"! There are many people who take "cheating" as the secret of business success, but I must say: "cheating" people will always have a failed life! Modern people are too short-sighted! Modern people are too snobbish! No one cares about every step you take, everyone sees what you have? I know! But why don't I change? Why am I not keeping up with the times? Because I don't think this is my philosophy of life!

        I never cared about grades since I was a kid! I think 100 points and 60 points are the same! If getting 100 points is too hard, I'd rather get 60 points easier! So, I don't ask for high marks in reading, but I took this subject today, I put in my hard work, and I will definitely learn what I want! So, for low-altitude flying results, I often don't care! I am also helpful - I often show the answer to others! Because most of my grades are good. Although, I am playing big exams and small exams, almost every day! I am good to my classmates and friends. Those who know me know that I am "sincere" to people, although I am not a "scheming person". I don't like to treat people with counting minds, because I feel too tired! Scheming with the people around you, you will never have true friends in your life!

          Although the United States is a developing country, what is "development"? "Development" is "reality", "snobbery", "short-sighted and short-sighted", "recognizing money but not people". There are a lot of qualities and people in New York that I don't like, so I wanted to go back to Taiwan within a few days I arrived New York. I didn't want to stay in New York at all. Yesterday, I suddenly felt very emotional. If I go back to Taiwan, I may also get a official job, and in New York I'll just eat and wait to die! I don't like this kind of life, but the world is helpless, I have to choose this way of life! There is no need to regret in life, because there is no chance for you to regret in life, regret is negative equity, regret will only make you want to stab yourself with a knife! Although, I wasted more than 20 years in New York, but New York is still a very fun place! Take our repentance as motivation for the future! Christianity is good! Jesus taught us to repent, but Jesus never asked us to "regrets"!

          "Regret" is to be immersed in the mistakes of the past all the time. Regret is to tell yourself again and again: why there was nothing in the beginning, what... Time will not turn back, and we should not let ourselves live in the past that cannot be turned back forever! And "repentance" is different!  "Repentance" means forgetting the past and moving towards the future! Repentance is putting off the old man and putting on the new man! There are many who say, "Repentance" is not easy! Repentance is not easy! Jesus was a sinless man, He did not need to repent! But like I'm a big sinner full of sins, so, of course I know it's not easy to repent! Especially, as long as there is no moral bottom line in the past, although it cannot be said to be a great evil, but every day you want to go out to eat, a special car will pick you up at the door every day to go out to play ~ very easy! Before the divorce, I came to New York for more than ten years, and I hadn't taken the subway a few times! Because the New York subway is dirty! In the past, some classmates and friends would drive me into the city, so after the divorce, I started to learn everything on my own!

         (2 Chronicles 7:13) If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people;(14) If my people, which are called by my  name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.~Remember, Covid just started a bunch of churches praying with this verse, they seem to use prayer as a kind of passport, telling God: I have prayed to You! If you don't achieve, it means that you have no ability, you are not the real God, so many churches and many Christians began to pray enthusiastically during the epidemic, and later, everyone became lazy! Everyone is on their own to get through this tragic time!

        Is God incompetent? We only know that we have plagues and famines to pray, but what is the next verse? Humble yourself, pray, "turn from your evil ways" and God will forgive and heal the land! Is there any "shyness"? When people come to the end, they usually feel inferior, but seeing that there is no change, they will definitely return to their old evil ways! Therefore, low self-esteem is just talking about it! Of those who lead the congregation in prayers, which one truly humbles himself before God?  Everyone can "pray", but to whom are you praying? And are you praying? Or an order? I really do not know who is God? I often have the opportunity to pray with the brothers and sisters, or listen to their prayers, and sometimes I often think: If I were God, these people would be died! God is not your servant, let you call around, you understand how they pray! Finally, "turn away from evil"! Don't talk about turning away from evil deeds, these demons are simply getting worse! Regardless of the side effects of the vaccine, speed up the vaccine! Mandatory vaccination of 6-month-old children! What the hell are these? If God does not kill them, then there is no creator in the universe, but it is also possible that God will let the ghosts slowly torture us, God will hand us over to the devils, and God will hide his face and ignore us!

        The arm of the LORD has never been shortened! Can we ask ourselves: Why does God help us?  Where do we deserve God's help? God has given us over to the devil, how easy he is! You don't have to do it yourself, the devil has already ripped us off! Now that there is no meat to eat, no gas to drive, will people eat people in a while? However, people are eating people now... People without kindness and morality are marching in the streets! The devil is like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Now there are ghosts on the road, and there may be no one. Finally, we must go to the ghosts to eat the ghosts! Black eats black! It seems that I have a bit of humanity... Be careful of being eaten by ghosts, but ghosts should not like to come to me, I will let them beg for death! I especially love to cast out ghosts.... From now on, I will charge you to cast out ghosts! Because there are too many ghosts! No more free!