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Evolution makes people beasts,computer make people dehumanized!

August 24, 2022

Have you ever wondered why you are in so much debt? Again, my debts are all from government spending! Land tax + management fee + electricity fee + gas fee + insurance fee, are these all my inevitable expenses? Of course not! In the past three years, the travel agency has no income, but the government's expenditure has never been reduced! If I think about it carefully, I admire that I can still dig up money for these government officials to loot! Why are people's lives more and more miserable? Why are living conditions getting worse? Why is the climate getting more extreme? Is this our fault? What are we doing wrong? We make mistakes and indulge our desires infinitely, and we treat our life as a tool to make money and spend money! Earn more and more, but never have enough! The price index is getting higher and higher, the cost of living is getting higher and higher, and the quality of life is getting lower and lower, why is our quality of life so bad? Because we are always looking at money! We can only see the wealth in life, we cannot see our morals and responsibilities!

Do people have moral responsibilities? People have no moral responsibility! We are just trying to make it through our lives. That is, you can ride in a car, never walk! Can lie down, never sit! To be able to escape responsibility completely is to not be responsible at all! We just want to be a ruthless and completely irresponsible lazy person, and an irresponsible lazy person is success! Only fools have morals! Only fools are responsible! Don't care what others think of us or think of us, we only care about our own well-being! This is the universal value! Universal value is to pay the price of being a waste all your life! We measure our lives by the universal values ​​that everyone takes for granted, and we let us voluntarily give up the value of being human too! When people are the most worthless in the world, people are the most worthless and useless meat! Yesterday I went through a butcher shop, beef, mutton, and pork are all valuable, but human meat is completely worthless! A friend said: Flushing and Jackson Heights have meat sellers. It seems that prostitutes are the most valuable people in the world! At least they get what they want with meat, what about us? What do we get from working hard all our lives? bill! Not our own bills, but the bills added to us by government departments!

(Zechariah 8:8) And I will bring them, and they shall dwell in the midst of Jerusalem: and they shall be my people, and I will be their God, in truth and in righteousness. ~What is happening in the world? The whole world is full of deceit! We are all selling meat! We think of ourselves as animals, we no longer think of ourselves as "people"! What is the difference between "human" and "animal"? Since we accepted Darwin's theory of evolution, there is no difference between humans and animals at all! The biggest difference is ~ people are a piece of waste meat! Women who are prostitutes can also satisfy men, and those who are not prostitutes are making garbage! More correctly, people are inferior to animals! Humans destroy the world thousands of times faster than animals. Humans are the most worthless creatures in this world! In the eyes of God, He only recognizes one kind of person—the one who lives by honesty and righteousness! Only those who are honest and righteous belong to God!

Therefore, people who regard themselves as animals and people who sell meat are not people who belong to God! If the creator puts himself in the animal class, he is not the creator! God gives people a position that surpasses animals, but more and more people despise themselves and place themselves on the level of animals. This is what Buddhism says: all beings are equal! God told mankind: Humans are made in the image of God, and God did not treat us as animals, but God treated us as God’s people, but we have been degrading ourselves. Not only do we regard ourselves as animals, but now we are Compare yourself to a piece of scrap metal! People are really quite stupid! Often spread a stupid message - people are never better than computers! Of course, people are not as good as computers, because you are all a bunch of people! Computers are just a pile of scrap iron. Compare yourself to a pile of scrap iron. It's not a human head and a pig's brain. What is it?

Humans are beating themselves up pretty fast! Think of yourself as an animal first, and then let yourself be completely inferior to scrap metal! God created mankind to be a living being with spirit! And people who regard themselves as animals basically have no spirit! Animals have perception, and animals have animal spirits, definitely not human spirits! What is a person? A “man” must have a moral conscience, and a man must have a human spirit. How can a person be a human without a human spirit? Honesty and righteousness are the qualities of human morality. People without morality are just like animals! But animals at least still have perception, so animals will not destroy this world, and now people regard themselves as a pile of scrap iron, which means that people do not even have the most basic perception! What is scrap iron? Scrap iron is a ruthless mineral that has no signs of life at all. Scrap iron is only focused on goals and profits!

What is the value of the existence of "computer"? The value of the computer's existence is to achieve certain goals and calculations. If the computer does not have any function, the computer has no value at all. The computer's operation speed is too poor, and the computer will be eliminated! Let's ask ourselves again: We are really worse than scrap iron! We are not fast enough, we are not functional enough! Ask: What is the value of human existence? Human beings do not have the value of existence, the value of human existence is the value that the Creator creates for us! Just like we all know that every child has his own status and value in the hearts of parents! The Creator created human beings, and of course human beings have their own value and status. If human beings have no value, then the Creator does not need to create beautiful things for human beings at all! We have beautiful rivers, mountains and rivers, we have different plants for us to eat, and we have many animals to accompany us in our lives!

People keep lowering their status and denying their value. Why do more and more people commit suicide? Why is the world's climate becoming more and more extreme? Because when we deny God, we also deny the value of human existence! When we take monkeys as our ancestors, we have lost our morals! When we compare ourselves to computers and machines, we have lost our humanity! When we no longer belong to God, everything that God created for us is worthless, and we ourselves belong to God's creation, and we are completely worthless! People can never create value for themselves, because we are not creators at all! The value of human beings is the value given to us by the creator. If the creator thinks that we are valuable, we are valuable. If the creator thinks that we have no value, or if we deny the creator, we are no longer valuable! Just like every child gets the love, care and care of their parents, why should they love you, care for you and care for you if they are strangers? Every child will always be the most valuable in the hearts of parents!