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Exposed Solomon's folly and cruelty!

November 26, 2022

Arguing a story with the Holy Spirit yesterday, I can finally write out all the grievances I have had in the past few years! I've always thought Solomon was a cruel, stupid idiot! But many Christians and Christian pastors, including many Christian leaders and Jews, many Jewish leaders adore Solomon! So, I'm really in pain! It is self-deception to ask myself to agree that the stupid and cruel Solomon is wise! Therefore, I was brainwashed by these Christians for several years without knowing it! Sometimes the Bible is not meant to listen to the message of these people without the Holy Spirit. The message of the people without the Holy Spirit will send people to hell! I received the vaccination message again, and this time I will increase the amount ~ give $200! Vaccines work, so why bribe people with money? Was Solomon a wise man or a fool? Not these Christians decide, but God decides! Just look at Rehoboam and you will know Solomon's stupidity!


Why do many Bible scholars and Christians, Christian leaders and Jews worship Solomon? Because Solomon was rich, not because Solomon was smart! Solomon was indeed very rich, because David left a lot of gold and silver treasures to Solomon, and the queen of Sheba also gave Solomon a lot of gold and silver treasures! Solomon did have a lot of "little cleverness", we should say: Solomon had "cleverness", but Solomon did not have "real wisdom"! Solomon asked God for wisdom to manage the Israelites, and God did indeed give Solomon wisdom to manage the Israelites, but Solomon turned God’s “wisdom” into “little cleverness”. Why did the wisdom God gave Solomon turn into little cleverness? When Solomon feared God, his wisdom became infinite! But when Solomon wasn't God-fearing, his wisdom became his own (this takes time to explain, to share when I get a chance)! (Proverbs 9:10) The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.


I quarreled with the Holy Spirit about a story: two women gave birth to a baby boy at the same time, and they were both in the same place. Later, one of the women’s baby boys died, and she took advantage of the other woman’s deep sleep to secretly take the baby boy replace! Later, the woman who replaced the live baby with a dead baby sued the yamen, and finally brought the case to Solomon. How would Solomon judge? When Solomon heard the woman's statement, he said, "Cut the boy in half, and each woman will get a half!" This story is a masterpiece of Solomon's cleverness, as it is well documented in the Bible! I asked the Holy Spirit: Do you think Solomon’s actions are right? I said: I think Solomon's actions are stupid and cruel. I really don't understand why so many blind and ignorant Christians worship Solomon?


The Holy Spirit asked me: Is there anything wrong with Solomon's handling method? Why do you think Solomon is stupid and cruel? I replied: Solomon cut the living boy in half, isn't that a cruel way of dealing with it? In order to make the baby boy's biological mother give up the baby boy, he cut the baby boy in half! If they are like American women, they don't care about their children at all, and American women abort at will, if the biological mother of this live boy is also like an American woman, then the live boy will die? If both women say: Yes! Cut the baby boy in half! I would like to ask: Did Solomon cut it? Wasn't Solomon stupid and cruel? Throw yourself into a situation from which there is no turning back! In fact, this problem is quite simple to solve, and Solomon shouldn't have to solve it in such a stupid way!


The Holy Spirit asked me: How would you solve it? I answer: very simple! A woman who wants to live a male baby must pay the price! Who wants to live the baby boy? Anyone must have a hand or a foot broken! If, these two women are willing to cut off her baby's hands or feet, it means that the two women must love the living boy. So it doesn't matter who the child's biological mother is, they can raise the infant boy together! But a woman who does not love a male baby will certainly not lose her hands or feet for this male baby, so, isn’t this an easy solution? A woman who is unwilling to pay, of course, is not qualified to get this baby boy! From this story, we have to get a truth - the person who truly loves someone that he/she will definitely sacrifice for someone!


Solomon was indeed cruel and unwise! Here I also share a fact with you by the way: Why did Jesus die for us? Why did Jesus die for our sins? Because Jesus must have known that the lake of fire is miserable! And Jesus died for our sins because He loved us! Jesus wants to protect us from the lake of fire after death! Only God can know the whole truth! In fact, there are many truths and God’s criteria for judging people in the Bible! I can only tell you little by little! The Bible is definitely not like those who read the Bible casually and interpret the Bible casually! There are really too many mysteries in the Bible, which can unravel the mysteries of life and human nature for us, and share them little by little when I have the opportunity!