Looks like I was duped by fake media and fake numbers again! New York's Covid death toll should exceed 30%! This is why New York has been hosting illegal immigrants! Why do these countries do fake numbers? Because to make money! "Covid Virus" + "Covid Vaccine" = 30% mortality rate! The vaccination rate in India is low, so about 100 million people died! And other poor Asian countries should have a death rate of 30%! I remember I have studied the EUA data, and the EUA vaccine rate is 100%! Therefore, the death rate in a country with a 100% vaccine rate should be 40%! No one would think of China opening up! And they cover up the real data because they want to sell vaccines and special medicines to the Chinese! Looking at China's 1.4 billion population, how many business opportunities are there? Anyway, it doesn't matter if China's population is 300-500 million less! Why does the World Health Organization keep forcing China to release real data? Why doesn't the World Health Organization force India to release real data? India is poor! Who wants to buy vaccines and specific medicines when India's real data is released? Fake medicines in India cannot be sold!
How do these numbers work? It's easy! Looking at India's demand for energy and food, we know how many people died? New York's energy prices have been soaring, which is directly related to the death of New York's population! When people are alive, there must be consumption! The Covid virus has reduced the population of New York, and the transportation costs of energy giants have increased prices, and of course the prices have been increasing! Behind the rise in energy prices tells us: Many dead people in New York! And the New York government conceals many facts! New Yorkers, we are ready to fight back against this government! Pray first! God will give each of us wisdom! May God bless New York! May the kingdom of God come to New York this year! Pray! God will prepare the way for us!