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October 4, 2023

You know that the most powerful institution in the world, and the institution I admire the most, is the "Federal Reserve"! The "Federal Reserve" should say: Are there a bunch of old ghosts in the Federal Reserve? Or: Is the Fed shameless enough? The "Federal Reserve" should control the Bank of the United States. To be more correct, the real boss of the "Federal Reserve" is the "banker"! Does the name "Banker" become "Federal Reserve" feel very officials and ritualistic? Is the official authority particularly great? In fact, the Federal Reserve is also the "banker who controls world finance", but they are smarter than ordinary bankers. They not only control "world finance", they control "the economic lifeline of the United States"! Think about it: How could the world’s largest “above ground bank(money shop)” not hire “thugs”? Of course, the Fed’s “thug” is “the United States”! Americans are still complacent, our US dollar is very strong! Our American economy is great! Ha ha! Aren't Americans just fools who help "the Federal Reserve carry debts" and "help the Federal Reserve become the world's thugs"! (Check the U.S. debt and see how much goes into bankers’ pockets?) Banks=Money Shops!

I don’t even understand. Does the Fed really treat the whole world as idiots? It doesn’t matter that the Fed treats Americans like idiots! Because Americans are really stupid! However, I am also stupid! But when I was a kid, I got full marks in accounting and economics even sleep during classes! Suddenly I discovered that Trump and Biden both seemed to study finance. Why are they so stupid? What a mess the U.S. finances have gotten! "Accounting" and "Economics" are the easiest academic subjects! I have to memorize formulas in physics and's so annoying! I'm really good at accounting, and my balance sheet is doing pretty well! The most difficult things to deal with in the "balance sheet" are "depreciation" and "bad debts"! Usually, the closer the provisions of "depreciation" and "bad debts" are, the difference in your balance sheet will not be much different! And companies can generally catch loopholes, it’s very easy! Tell us about the world’s biggest joke, the Federal Reserve! And the shameless liar agency of this century! Believing in the Fed is a "fool"!

I would like to ask the Federal Reserve: Which economic theory tells us that "Inflation" can be reduced by "Printing money"? The basic common sense of "Inflation" is "Price increase"! Why do “Prices rise”? There are only two reasons "Reduced supply" and "Increased demand"! Because of the COVID-19 epidemic + the Russia-Ukraine war, we will definitely encounter "Reduced supply", and because everyone is back to normal now, we will definitely encounter "Increased demand"! I would like to ask the Federal Reserve: What is the relationship between "Supply" and "Demand" and "Monetary policy"? Why does the Federal Reserve play "monetary policy"? Because the Federal Reserve regards the "US dollar" as the "money-making commodity"! And we are already facing the "Inflation" caused by the "Covid-19 epidemic" + "Russian-Ukrainian war" + "resumption of normal operations", and the Fed's "monetary policy" only makes our "Inflation worse"!

On the one hand, the Federal Reserve prints "US dollars" and on the other hand, it "raises interest rates"! This is a kind of "hunger marketing"! The Federal Reserve prints a large amount of US dollars and puts them into the market, which seems to have the effect of "stimulating the economy", but on the other hand, they use "high interest rates" to recycle the US dollars! What are the consequences of this? The U.S. dollar is the trading currency for many commodities, and the U.S. dollar is generally insufficient in the market. This will of course make more people use higher U.S. dollars to grab "post-epidemic demand"! The most important reason why the Fed raises prices is to allow American companies to clear inventory! Maybe none of you have even thought about it, right? All I can say is: What a disgusting trick the Fed is playing! Three years into the epidemic, many companies have been unable to clear out their inventories. However, if companies want to clear out their inventories, they must "cut prices." And "inflation" allows companies to clear out their inventories without cutting the prices! Because companies do not purchase goods at a "high price" period, and we can see that many companies can "clear inventory" quickly without lowering prices! Because these companies actually maintained "prices unchanged" in an era of high "inflation"! Who is the most pitiable? Restaurant and manufacturing workers! Because restaurants generally have very little “inventory”! And usually those who run restaurants are Chinese! No matter how hard the Chinese people understand it or not, I have nothing to say! Why are Chinese people often cut off from leeks? Because: stupid! Americans and Chinese are both "stupid"! Manufacturing workers will face to lose jobs. Not only AI robots replace humans jobs and America will face overcapacity! This is why these consortiums and capitalists in Europe and the United States are so rich! Rich people don't treat us poor Americans as human beings at all! We are just tools for them to drain whole world wealth!




