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Follow the Devils into eternal Death!

August 18, 2022

Faced with the incident of live organ harvesting and selling piglets in Cambodia, which is increasingly feverish in Taiwan, I really don't know what to say? Just don't understand why this kind of thing happens to young people in Taiwan? What kind of countries are usually tricked into going abroad to work? Just like those illegal immigrants who usually take their families through Mexico and come to the United States! These people are risking their lives to make money, and why are these people risking death in the desert? Because their country can't stay! Why are young people in Taiwan tricked into fleeing to Cambodia? Isn't Taiwan's economy the best in 20 years? Why do Taiwanese risk their lives to go abroad to work and pan for gold? Taiwan and the United States are the same, there are many liars and fraud groups! The United States deceives a bunch of children to go to war everywhere, and Taiwan is a bunch of liars who deceive children into selling themselves! Taiwanese! How long are you going to harm your own people?

Cambodia is a country I am not very familiar with, but I have a friend who is indeed a good friend of the Cambodian royal family! Sihanoukville I heard, because where the ex-husband has a piece of land! Cambodia is the same country as Laowo. If you have money and connections, you can enter. If you don’t have money and you don't know any official power, you never enter Cambodia! In fact, Cambodia has been much better in recent years, but I don't know why the organs and people of Taiwanese children have been lost in Cambodia recently! This scam is malicious scam! This is absolutely not tolerated! Tell everyone the truth! We must first solve the scam syndicates in Taiwan! If it weren't for a fraud group in Taiwan, I would like to ask: How could the children be deceived into Cambodia? There must be terrible groups of human trafficker in Taiwan. Today, it is not a few people who have been deceived. If they are rescued back to Taiwan, everything will be fine! If these evil human trafficker groups are not ended, more and more people will be deceived! The fraud syndicate must be terminated, or the deception will upgrade!

(Nahum 3:1) Woe to the bloody city! it is all full of lies and robbery; the prey departeth not;~ It is often heard that the Bible is the most useless book! Do you really think the Bible is useless? I am a person who is very concerned about current affairs. I will definitely read the news every day. I am not those pastors who have nothing to eat and talk nonsense all day long. They follow the news and talk about the butterfly effect and the broken window effect. I just follow the news and told you about you said the Bible useless! The Bible has clearly written down what will happen in our generation! The current events we are discussing with you are never outdated events, but events that are actually happening around us! Events not only record what will happen in our time, but the Bible also records solutions. This is the magic of the Bible, and it is also the reason why the Bible has become the book with the highest practical value, the most publications, and the most language versions in history!

Many non-Christians and Christians, as well as pastors, believe that the Bible is for Sunday sermons! Just to prove some nonsense that cheats money. If the Bible is deceived by those pastors for preaching, then the Bible really has no value at all! You really despise the Bible too much, and you too despise the Word of God! Sometimes I really find it funny, why do those Christians and pastors regard the butterfly effect, the broken window effect, the theory of evolution, Freud, and Aristotle as the words of God and study hard, but the Bible is left in the trash buckets! Tzu Chi has Jing Si Quotations. We must understand that Jing Si Quotations are the same as the Analects of Confucius. Only the Bible is the word of God! The Bible is a book completed by more than 40 authors, and the words of the Bible were the inspiration of God! Why are there no exact numbers? Because, we don't know how many authors of Chronicles and Kings are there?

I don't know what you think of Taiwanese being tricked into Cambodia for organ harvesting? But I really think these people are really pretty hateful! This kind of person who deceives even children is really a heinous devil, this kind of person is not human at all! Taiwanese don't have very good traditional beliefs. You don't believe in and worship so many idols. Why are you so evils? There is only one reason - you worship the devils! Only worship the devils can do what the devils do! America is now a place to worship the devils! Only the devils are full of killing and lies! The devils are sucking the blood of our children and eating the flesh of our children, the devils are completely inhuman for their own benefit! To believe in the devil and indulge the devil is to make the sin of bloodshed in our world never stop! Americans and Taiwanese have been condoning the devil, because the devil buys out our conscience with money! We put money and interests above life!

Covid is definitely not from China, but from America! Every outbreak of the epidemic is the release of viruses from biological laboratories around the world. Our government knows this, but our government is willing to condone it. These governments even blame China for the source of the Covid virus! Why do countries without biochemical laboratories have no problem with the spread of the Covid virus? To be more correct: as long as the country has bad relations with the United States, the Covid virus will not be serious! The better the relationship with the United States, the more serious the Covid pendemic! The higher the vaccine rate, the more serious the virus! Japan, South Korea Covid is already a disaster! North Korea once proliferated, but North Korea is now completely stopped Covid! Australia and New Zealand are pretty bad too! Covid spread map may be related to nuclear warheads! The United States has deployed 6,000 nuclear warheads, but where are they? We don't know either? Covid is good for personal protection, no vaccination, you can still escape, you can still have peace, New York has released a lot of viruses now, monkeypox, pediatric poliovirus... Viruses will never stop automatically, only the end of the devil, the virus to end! Can a nuclear bomb be dodged? To end the devils can end all evils!

The devil not only releases the virus, what does the devil want? The devil is killing people! The devil kills and destroys! The devil is trying to destroy us! Why does the devil want to destroy us? Because the devil wants to take over the world! The devil wants to make the world his own! Don't think that you follow the devil, the devil will treat you well because you are together. The devil will never be kind to people, the devil will only use people, and after they use you, they will destroy you! The devil will never have any friendship with you, never believe the devil! Taiwanese young people just regard money as a good friend, they believe that money will make their lives better and better, but in the end, money will make them die! The devil is money! When we become slaves of money, we can't care the difference between good and evils at all, there is only "interest and profits" in our hearts! The greater the benefits, the more profits the better! When we sell our humanity to the devil, our lives also become slaves of the devil. We are not only slaves of the devil in this life, but we will never be able to escape from the devil for life and death! The terror of the devil is not what we can see now, but the domination and lies it brings in our hearts are a nightmare that will never be shaken away! If you can leave far away the devil, leave the devil far away while you breathe! Only the "Triune God" can help us escape the control by the devils!