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Functions of the Church: Cast out demons, Heal, Baptize with the Holy Spirit!

September 18, 2022

Still don't understand why California has 2161 confirmed cases but 316 deaths! I called my father yesterday, and he said: Chinese medicine is effective against the Covid and Chinese medicine heal better than Paxlovid. The Qingguan No. 1 is quite expensive in Taiwan! I said: You just don't believe me! I have been taking traditional Chinese medicine, and now not only do I have no Covid, but I am not even allergic to pollen! It's true that pollen allergies are not as severe as they used to be! The death rate in California has exceeded 10%! However, this is not the point I need to care about! Chatting with my mother yesterday, I said: You all have to be baptized in the Holy Spirit! She said: There are a lot of house churches near our home. You can open a church with a little money. The purposed of opening a church is to make money! If she has the ability, she can also open a church to make money. After I listened to the instant 3 lines! I really don't know what the hell are these Christians thinking? The purpose of opening a church is to make money!

I told her: I can definitely start a church! I also definitely have the ability to be a pastor! I told her: My Rakhine church must only do 3 ministries: "healing", "casting out demons" and "The Holy Spirit baptism"! Because I have done all 3 things, and there are a lot of witnesses! I have different witnesses have testimonies for me! I once laid hands on "praying for healing" and I was healed a lot of people! And "casting ghosts" is my forte, and casting ghosts is my favorite job because it's so much fun! I have also done the "Baptism of the Holy Spirit", and the baptism of the Holy Spirit is also a very interesting work! The church is not just a place to talk bullshit and collect offerings, it is a place where the Holy Spirit works! I told my mother: You all have to be "Baptized in the Holy Spirit" before you can go to heaven! When I go back, I will baptize you in the Holy Spirit! In fact, my greatest calling ever is "Holy Spirit Baptism"! At present, there should be few pastors in the world who have the ability to do the "Holy Spirit Baptism", because they do not know the Holy Spirit and do not have the Holy Spirit's presence with them, how can they do the "Holy Spirit Baptism"? But I called home yesterday because of friction between my parents! You see, old couples have a lot of friction, let alone young couples?

(Luke 13:4) Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and slew them, think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem? (5) I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. ~ It seems that our modern marriages can't stand any trouble, as long as the wind and rain are a little bigger, these families will be broken! Modern people's "view of marriage and love" has completely collapsed and disintegrated! A "husband and wife" is more like a partner, that is, two people are combined because of their profits, and they can prepare for a divorce without any profits! I see that many Christians get married for "profits" and divorce for "poor"! Their spouse has no money and leave them. I took a class on pre-marital counseling recently. If you ask me if pre-marital counseling is useful? I can tell you: "Pre-marital counseling is completely useless"!

Sometimes I really don't understand how stupid these Christians are? Or are they pretending to be stupid? Just to cheat money! My friends are not Christians, they want to find a church to hold their wedding, but no pastor is willing to help them, because the pastor said: We only help Christians to witness marriages, and we are going to take a "pre-marriage counseling course"! These are the tools modern pastors use to make money! Do we have marriage counseling for pre-marriage 20 years ago? Of course not! Now that the social structure has changed, do we have to follow the world? Follow the world and prepare to perish with the world! What is really effective "pre-marriage counseling"? "Marriage View"! We must let men and women to understand what "marriage" really means? And what is the real purpose of their "family"? The pastors helped Christians to witness marriages, and arranged for a 3-month pre-marriage marriage counseling course. If I wanted to get married, I would not want to get married after me finished the course! These pastors are really messing around! Helping Christians witness marriages and pre-marital marriage counseling is to reduce the divorce rate! Because if the pastor witnesses the marriage, and the couple divorces, the pastor's reputation will definitely drop!

When my friend told me that he was looking for a lot of pastors and none of them were willing to help non-Christians get married, I was so angry! I also asked several pastors for him, and I got the same answer! They are all unwilling to help non-Christians to witness marriages, and they all have to complete their own "pre-marital counseling courses" in order to meet the conditions for their marriage! This is how modern Christianity turns our beliefs into money and uses their dogma to control Christians! This kind of baptism and pre-marriage counseling for "marriage" is definitely not following Jesus! Is it God's will to force people to become Christians? Do we believe in the Holy Spirit? Or do we still believe in pastors? Why do I keep taking courses in marriage counseling? Because I want to break the "rotten tradition" of Christianity! I've also been breaking the "rotten tradition" of Christianity! They keep killing Jesus and keep Jesus dead forever! I just want to send these wicked pastors and preachers into the lake of fire! How many times did they kill Jesus? And how many people did they fall into the pit? I will keep them tormented in the lake of fire! Don't forget that "casting out ghosts" is my favorite job! Especially the "old shepherd" of Christianity!

Why did I chat with my dad and my mom again yesterday? Both of them are Christians, and they have been baptized longer than me, but their lives have not changed at all, I just realized yesterday that none of them have been "Baptized in the Holy Spirit"! There are many bragging shepherds in this world! Especially "Old Shepherd" likes to brag! The old shepherd is just fooling the congregations again and again! They have too many tricks to fool the congregations, I don't have time to clean up these shepherds now, because later Jesus will clean them up by himself, what I am going to do now - as many people as I can save! Like I told Mom and Dad that you are to be baptized in the Holy Spirit! Parents have been married for over 50 years! Unlike modern marriages, they are often noisy, but they are not easily divorced! The biggest problem between them is that they don't understand "love" each other at all! The Bible really isn't a dead book! The "Bible" does not record human wisdom. The Bible records God's words. God's words hide too much wisdom!

The Gospel of Luke says: The Tower of Siloam collapsed and crushed 18 people. These people were no more sinful than the people in Jerusalem, and they must perish if they did not repent! Jesus used two parables, one is Pilate's evil and the tower's collapse, both of which refer to the same thing, "confession and repentance"! Parents who got married were not Christians in the first place, and after decades of torment in their married life, they had accumulated a lot of resentment towards each other, and they were not baptized by the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit will guide that love God and love your neighbor as yourself"! They must have been living in an unhappy marriage! "Marriage" for both Christians and non-Christians is God's blessing to mankind! I would like to ask pastors: Can you only ask Christians to witness marriage? Can't you ask non-Christians to take your "pre-marriage counseling course" to get married? I do not know God has a request for a marriage certificate for pastors don't help non-Christians to get marry! That is, you must first understand the meaning of marriage and communicate with each other about marriage and love. I can help you "witness marriage", but your "divorce" must have nothing to do with my "witnessing marriage"! "Marriage" is not a deal! "Marriage" is the union of love! There is no happiness in a marriage without "love". It doesn't matter who you turn to to witness the marriage or how long you take pre-marital marriage counseling courses! "Love" is most important thing for marriage!Where does "love" come from? "Love" comes from the Holy Spirit! Why do I need to be "Baptized in the Holy Spirit"? Because without the filling of the Holy Spirit, we have no idea what love is, and we cannot love each other at all!