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Genesis had prepared salvation!

November 25, 2022

(Genesis 49:10) The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawyer from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be. (11) Binding his foal unto the vine, and his ass's colt unto the choice vine; he washed his garments in wine, and his clothes in the blood of grapes: ~This passage just wants to slap those who don't believe in the Creator! There are people who doubt the authenticity of the Bible! Liars will often use any means to prove their lies! Telling a lie requires thousands of lies to cover it up!

Now is the time to unravel the lies! We should make an analysis of the population of Covid-19 deaths around the world: How many people have been vaccinated? How many people are not vaccinated? What do vaccines really do? We have not had a good life for 3 years! No one dares to pursue the evil of those who made and released the virus! What's about "vaccines"? Does "vaccine" solve the Covid problems? Or spread the Covid viruses and create more unknown diseases? If there is no Creator in this world, there will be no justice! There is no Creator in this world, and the devil must be in power, so what do you want justice to do? But I tell you this scripture is ~ There must be a Creator in this world! The Creator must punish the evil of every wicked person! No wicked person can deceive the Creator!

Why can I use a passage from Genesis to prove the existence of the Creator? Because this passage is very important! From the birth of Jesus to the present, the Jews have always used the book of Isaiah to prove that there is a Messiah. We have never thought that there is already a Messiah in Genesis! This passage is spoken by Jacob, who is Israel, and he blessed Judah! We must know that Genesis is God's inspiration to Moses, and Genesis is the first book in the Pentateuch! The difference between Isaiah and Moses is about 1,000 years, but Moses can already know it in Genesis~The king came from Judah! Even more miraculous: Israel said to Judah: The colt is tied to the vine! Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. Jesus said: I am the vine, we are all branches, and the branches cannot leave the vine, so Jesus is the vine! And what is grape juice? Grape juice is blood! Our sins are washed away by the blood of Jesus! And grape juice is what washes our clothes ~ the blood of Jesus! Our sins are cleansed by the blood of Jesus! Is it a coincidence that Jacob gave Judah a blessing on his deathbed?

Moses and Isaiah were from different ages, why did Moses and Isaiah both prophesy the same? The "Messiah" has come! The "Messiah" will come again! All the records in the Bible are being fulfilled one by one! There must be judgment after death! Whether you believe in God or not, everyone will have a second judgment! This world has gone too far! There is no right or wrong and truth! In the United States and in Taiwan, it is one lie after another! Seeing the profits of Continental's accounting and testing, I really find it incredible! Why are people so evil? Just like 911, destroying the World Trade Center is to start a war for oil! How much profit is hidden behind 911? Like how much profit is hidden behind Covid! "Truth" and "truth" need to be exposed by the Holy Spirit! Only by following the "Holy Spirit" can one be protected! Those who dare not do justice will never have a part in heaven! And those who condone the wicked and follow the wicked ~ will surely enter the lake of fire!