Man! Don't do evil things! God really exists in this world! The Creator really is in controlled! Many people think that high technology can kill God! If men can kill God, then they will kill the idols you worship! Only the idols you worship ~ have mouths that cannot speak, feet that cannot move, and hands that cannot act! Can't even swim when flooded! It is difficult for the mud bodhisattvas to cross the river to protect themself, and you have to rely on the mud bodhisattvas to protect youself. Isn't it stupid and ridiculous? Putin is a normal person, and Russia is a country. Why does Russia dare to confront NATO? Why is Russia completely immune to NATO's economic sanctions? Where does God stand? There must be victory! Without God's platform, you will fail, and you will fail quite badly!
We have completely turned away from the truth! The United States has completely turned people's hearts into iron hearts! We believe in machines, we believe in all genetically modified foods, we even believe in formula over breast feed! Everything the devil has made in us is greater than God! Americans have destroyed God's creation! All we eat now is genetically modified food, if we want to eat food without genetic modification, we have to spend more money for nature food, why? The things that God gave us have been transformed by this group of devils in the United States, and they want us to spend more money to get the nature food that God gave us! Not only do Americans control the world with weapons and genetically modified food, but they turn hearts into iron hearts, let's us worship money!
Our lives are inseparable from money! We have nothing but money! But this world was originally given to all mankind by God, and God has not treated us badly, but Americans have let the devil control them, and Americans have handed the whole world into the hands of the devils! It's pretty easy to destroy the devils! To Destroy power plants across America! Why hasn't the United States abandoned nuclear power plants? Because without nuclear power, the United States simply cannot survive! Now destroyed the United States only has a month of power outages! America will collapse! We must destroy America power plants and destroy all devils ing the world! Let the US power plants crash! God will take action soon! As soon as all the mechanical equipment overheats, it will collapse! It's been so hot in America lately! It's God's move to fix Americans! We must dismantle the devil! We're not out there arguing between conservatives and liberals! Rather, we're going to fight the devil! Don't be used by the devils!
I remember that a single mother was imprisoned before the DWAC stock last year. I prayed for her that the stock rose to more than $90, and I told her to sell it quickly! She said that it will be listed in February this year, and it will skyrocket! I told her: This stock must plummet! As a result, I took a look at this stock yesterday, and it really fell quite scary! DWAC was crashed! People and things that God wants to punish, God will definitely achieve it! Share some spiritual principles with you: 1. If I am a person used by God, then what God speaks through my mouth will surely come true! There are many prophets and fake prophets. Some of their words are often fulfilled and some are not fulfilled. If they do not fulfill, it means that they are not true prophets of Jehovah! They are just fooled people! 2. I will be deceived and used by the devil! But as long as my heart is right, God will definitely hit me! If God allowed me to be used by the devil, that's what He allowed to happen! Important: As long as I belong to God, if I say something wrong, God will strike and correct me! God didn't correct the part, He allowed it to happen! It's God who hit me and others through my mistakes! 3. Those who truly belong to God have God's protection and blessings in everything they do! God is always the God who searches the hearts! People can deceive people, but people can never deceive God!