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God's grace/上帝的恩典

October 4, 2023

Finally, I cut it off! Because if I don’t mow them, the lawnmower will throw them away as trash! Lots of hazelnuts on the ground! If hazelnuts can be used as medicine, I believe it will benefit many people! "Good Ganoderma" grows quite slowly! This beautiful Ganoderma is hard to grow! However, "Ganoderma" is really good for human health! The cost of medical care in the United States is too high, and the medical effects in the United States are not very good! The most important thing is: the cost of medical equipment in the United States is so high that the salary of primary care workers in the United States is about the same as that of a cleaning lady! American education has laid a "big thunder" for the United States! This "big thunder" has begun to explode! "Financial markets" use "capital manipulation" to achieve the purpose of making money! The "gap between rich and poor" in the United States is getting wider and wider! The "medical industry" is also a target of capital market manipulation! The salary of "medical staff" has not increased, but the "medical expenses" are indeed "sky-high"!

What big thunder has American education laid for itself? "Capital first"! The United States is originally a country controlled by "capital"! In the American world there is no "morality", only "profits"! Every American works with "profits" as the starting point! What kind of country will this become? "A country where profits come first"! A "national political arena" only cares about profits and must "buy and sell official positions"! "Government officials who serve as officials only care about their own profits and must be corrupt!" "School-run schools" only care about profits, and they will definitely become "school shops"! The "school teachers" only care about profits and is the "knowledge sellers"! "Hospitals" only care about profits and definitely "buy and sell lives"! "Medical staff" only care about profits and must "sell medical care"! And what about our “public utilities”? There are also "Police Department", "Housing Bureau", "Social Affairs Bureau", "Immigration Bureau", "Fire Department"...etc., etc. In a country where "profits comes first", "thunderstorm" is bound to happen sooner or later! Poor people must have hateful acts! Why is the U.S. medical technology so advanced, but the American people spend so much money on medical care? This is not a "money" issue! We must understand: It doesn’t matter how much money we spend when we are “sick”, but each of us must bear the “pain of being sick” on our own! What are the consequences of "profits first"? We each have to take it upon ourselves! No one will help us bear these "pains"!

I was just thinking: Why can the Federal Reserve "print US dollars at will" and then "raise interest rates at will"? Have we ever thought about a problem: We take out a mortgage on our house. This is obviously our property, but we have to pay high interest to them? Next, we use money to buy a pile of garbage, and we will have to pay high interest on the garbage later. Isn't this stupid? If you don’t have money, don’t buy a house! If you don’t have money, don’t buy “junk”! There is so much “junk” in my house that I feel I am stupid! The Federal Reserve "prints US dollars". The "US dollar" was originally a "trading tool", but the Federal Reserve now turns the US dollar into a "money-making tool"! This is a completely different concept! "Trading tools" are like weights and measures to facilitate "trading" with each other! The Federal Reserve has turned the US dollar into a "money-making tool", using the "US dollar" to drain the "labor value" of the people! Why does the Federal Reserve keep "printing US dollars" but there are still not enough "US dollars" in the market? Because “raising interest rates” brings “US dollars back”! This is a method of "hunger marketing"! I have the opportunity to talk about "Hunger Marketing" again!





