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God's power!

December 8, 2022

Thank God! See snowstorms everywhere! It should have a heavy snowfall in the lunar calendar today, and there is no snow yet in my location! God has really kept me quite! We've had great weather lately! It seems a bit exaggerated that there is 60 centimeters of snow in Vancouver! The teacher said in class just now: Many Christians have the same wrong concept: If God is good, why doesn’t God heal that person? Why did God let that good Christian die? Many people feel that there is no God because of God's non-healing and God's inaction! They feel that God is not justice at all!


First of all, I want to tell you: 1. God is 100% righteous, but God's justice is not our justice! God is the Lord who searches the heart! What He sees is not the appearance, but the heart of man! Someone who does evil may have good intentions! It’s like a stone falling from an upstairs building. There may be a person who pushes you away and makes you fall. Can we say that this person is not good? Therefore, do not walk by sight, but by faith! God is 100% righteous! 2. God is absolutely powerful! But the sovereignty to heal or not to heal is in God! Sometimes we lack confidence! Sometimes we don't believe in the power of God! Sometimes God wants us to rest from our earthly labors! We don't know God's will, how can we deny God's ability?


Finally, I would like to share with you a story in the Bible, the story of Jonah! Jonah is a prophet, God wants him to go to the city of sin ~ Nineveh to preach the gospel of repentance! Jonah refused God's command, so Jonah ran away! Later, Jonah was swallowed into the belly of the big fish for 3 days and 3 nights. Jonah thought he was dead, but the big fish vomited Jonah out whole! Later, Jonah obeyed God and went to Nineveh to preach the gospel of repentance. As a result, the whole city of Nineveh repented from the old to the young! Jonah thought he knew what the wicked people in Nineveh were thinking, so he was unwilling to preach the gospel of repentance, and God knows the people in Nineveh better than Jonah thought! Jonah went to preach the gospel and saved the lives of 120,000 people in the city! Who is greater? How great is Jonah? Or is God great?


I want to share an important truth with you through this story: If Jonah disobeyed the king's order today, would Jonah survive? But Jonah disobeyed God's command, God saved Jonah and gave him a chance to repent, this is God's love and grace! God is definitely greater than any king, but we are often willing to offend God, but we dare not offend any rich and powerful people, this is why we are often deceived by our eyes! Why doesn't God heal someone when God just doesn't have the power? God just doesn't exist? Is it because God beats and kills human beings painfully like a devil, so that people will reflect on their mistakes? God had mercy on Jonah, couldn’t God have mercy on the 120,000 people in Nineveh? I just want to tell everyone: God is a true, living, and loving God! It's not that He is incapable, but that God is really, really merciful to our weakness! Fear God! We can be blessed by God! God's grace is truly immense, and He is absolutely worthy of our awe!