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God's prescriptions for America!

October 11, 2022

Give Biden and the Democratic Party re-election gift package: 1. Every American citizen with an annual income of less than $10,000 will receive a living allowance of 50,000! 2. Biden and the Democrats continue to print money, anyway, there is no difference between owed 31 trillion and 100 trillion! 3. Sell Ukraine to Russia! 4. Continue to let G20 reduce gas production! 5. Collect huge profits taxes from all enterprises! 6. Send all the criminals on the cruises, no jail needed to build at all! 7. Welcome official corruption, hand over all corrupt officials to Putin and sell them to Siberia! I'll slowly explain why and how we do this? And what is the purpose and meaning of doing so? America is the most evil country in the world! God must clean up America first! When the United States is cleaned up, the people of the world are not far from a better day!

There is now a widespread problem of officials corruption all over the world! So you can see how these practices in the United States work? If your country is really corruption, you can contact me, and I will help you get rid of these corrupt ghosts! Corrupt officials bring disaster to the country and the people! Exorcism is my favorite job, it's so much fun! Many people ask: Are you a Christian? Why are you different from other Christians? Christians all hold the Bible and tell everyone: cooperate well with the government and obey the government! I have also been obediently cooperating with the government! And to rule the troubled world, use the heavy strict laws! You see how much I love Democrats and Biden? I really want them to win the hearts of the people and continue to be officials! If Democrat officials are willing to fully cooperate with God's policies, I promise midterm elections - God will keep you in power! Because these methods are all God wants me to give to the Democrats and Biden, otherwise how can I have this kind of wisdom!

(Revelation 9:20) And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk: ~ Is the scripture talking about now? The word "still" is indeed used quite well! Chinese is great! "Still" means still continuing the past, still unchanged, still the same as the past! The book of Revelation is awesome! Written before 1950, but totally accurate with modern predictions! Modern people have experienced so many disasters, are there many people who still do not repent? Do many still worship idols made by their hands? The answer is yes! We have experienced 3 years of epidemic! After so many natural disasters, inflation, and energy crises, we seem to be numb! We have no desire to repent at all!

First explain why God wants me to give these 7 methods to govern America? 1. Every US citizen with an income of less than $10K will receive a living allowance of $50K! This is for US citizens only! For a family of 4, look at the income of the parents and divide by 4! If the parents earn $30K, they can make up a living allowance of $50K! And this subsistence allowance is not used for this year, but must continue until the November 2024 election, that is, this subsidy needs to be used for 2 years! And this benefit is only for U.S. citizens! So, newborn babies are also included! $10K a year is too difficult to live with the current price, and people with an income of less than $10K will receive more subsidies. This is the US's poverty alleviation! Some people are not lazy, but they do not have the conditions to do better jobs, especially for single-parent families. Once the subsidy is in place, it will not affect the financial expenditure of the United States, and it can help more people, and many people can take the opportunity to pay off their debts! 2. To issue subsidies, you must borrow money and print money! Why can U.S. officials print money for their salaries and messy fiscal spending when these grants can't? And my ultimate goal is to bankruptcy the Fed! The Fed is so evil! Only when the Federal Reserve goes bankrupt can the United States have financial freedom! Fed and America officials can print money for supporting wars, why can't support America citizens life?

3. Sell Ukraine to Russia! 4. Let G20 continue to cut gas production! It's all set! Ukraine owes a lot of money to the United States, and sell Ukraine to Russia, the Russian-Ukrainian wars will stop! It is impossible for Russia to continue to fight Ukraine, because who would be stupid enough to beat their own people? And how do we sell Ukraine to Russia? We don't want money! We want Russia to exchange energy for Ukraine! When Ukraine is completely handed over to Russia, the President of Ukraine has absolutely no sovereignty over the Ukrainian people! Debt repayment is justified! Officials love wars so much, and they love wars with debts, then they must pay the price! And stop production of G20! Nothing amazing! G20 stop production and their economy will collapse! Because the United States sold Ukraine to Russia, we don't want money, we want to exchange energy! So, we don't need to rely on G20 energy at all! And energy prices have absolutely nothing to do with the US!

5. A windfall tax on all businesses! In fact, why should you take care of people whose income is less than $10K? Why charge a windfall tax with companies! This is a key element in reducing the gap between the rich and the poor! What is "profiteering"? "Windfall" is relative! If the per capita income is $30K a year, and the company has an annual income of 5 million, this is the huge profits! And what should the windfall tax be? The "windfall profit tax" should be 90%! That is, all companies deduct all expenses and per capita income, and the last remaining surplus is to collect 90% ~ windfall profits tax! This can definitely help close the gap between the rich and the poor! Abolish inheritance tax! Because inheritance tax should not be! In human history, there is no inheritance tax at all! Inheritance tax is government greed! 6. Send all the criminals on a cruise, no need to build a prison at all! This is relatively harsh to deal with criminals! For these people in jail, it's too cheap for them! The criminals just send them on a cruise with only 1 day of food! After that, they would kill each other, cut each other's flesh to eat, and don't even have to deal with the corpses! Very cruel! But why do they sin? And there is no big or small crime in the future! As long as it is "malicious" injury and killing, go on a cruise ship! This is to see if God saves you or not? The Mosaic Law - an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth! This is what truly stops crime!

7. Everyone understands what "corrupt officials" are? "Corrupt officials" are the main reason for corrupting the country! Without corrupt officials, there would be no collusion between officials and businessmen! America has been corrupted by these corrupt officials during a century! These business giants in the United States have become business giants because of these corrupt with officials! These business giants in the United States use the US government to harm the people of the world together! And the United States is a country that talks about human rights, we don't need to kill them! In the future, the United States will not need to build prisons, let alone prison management! We will hand over these corrupt officials to Putin or send them to Siberia! Go to Siberia for labor reform! No matter how they hurt the people, we will let them experience the pain of those who have been tortured! Many people think that Christians are cowards! Christians are not cowards! But what Christians do is not for ourselves, we do everything to glorify God! If the Democrats and Biden follow my post (prescription) to get the right medicine, all Americans must thank God! People all over the world should also thank God! The United States is sure to cure the death disease!