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God's Selected!

December 18, 2022

You may be wondering, why did God choose me? I have always emphasized: I am not Jesus! I will definitely do what I have to do! I'm not one of those "over-love" Christians either! We all know that there are many people from different places in China. They are very good at doing business. People from Shanghai, Wenzhou, Fuzhou, Chaozhou, and Cantonese are all good at doing business like Jews. They all have one characteristic-rich just made it! And I just don't belong to these places! I remember, I used to ask about my ancestral home in Taiwan, where did my grandfather come from? Of course I know where my grandfather is from, and I will always answer: Hubei! In the past, answering Hubei in Taiwan, I never felt different!

Once in the United States, a guest asked me: Where is my ancestral home? I answer: Hubei! The guest suddenly replied: Nine-headed birds in the sky, and Hubei guys on the ground! I went to find out what it means? It turns out that Hubei people are very difficult to deal with! That is, people from Hubei are just like nine-headed birds! Later, I had the opportunity to be roommates with people from Hubei! Hubei people are really difficult to deal with! Hubei people are not stupid! My grandpa should be considered smart, my uncles and dad are not stupid! But Hubei people are particularly difficult to deal with, and so am I! We are not stupid, but we have a sense of justice! I will make money! But there are several kinds of money I won't make! It's the money of the poor, the money of the disabled... if you ask me to do something that is injustice, I won't do it! Just like the girl who washes people feet is short of money, you still have to deduct wages severely! The money that should be given to others must not be owed! I have done many jobs, but I will never touch "drugs"! And I must not bully the elderly, the weak and the disabled! This is why I do business differently from Fuzhou, Wenzhou, Shanghai, Chaozhou, Guangdong, and Jews! Money is very important, but I really can't do anything just for making money! I never be the Trump, money, money......Money is his god!


Both my father and my grandfather had the opportunity to embezzle, but they all chose not to embezzle! Not stupid! But the principle! The Covid virus is spreading in Wuhan, and I dare not tell everyone: My ancestral home is Hubei! In fact, many people in Wuhan said: How could it be the Wuhan virus? And the death of Dr. Li Wenliang proves that Wuhan people are not that kind of selfish people! Why did God choose me? It's easy! I am not stupid! I am not treacherous either! I am not Jesus! If someone slaps me on the left cheek, I will definitely slap him on the right cheek too! Whoever bullied me and my family, I will definitely make them pay back double! Everyone must ask: You are so out of line with God’s will, how could God choose you? I am a sinner! God can use good people as well as bad people! And I am a bad guy and be chose by God's! I will never be soft to treat the devil! And if you are willing to be slapped on the left cheek by the devil, and let the devil slap you on the right cheek, that is your choice! Each of us has to give an account to God! I double repair the devil, this is my own account to God! You don't have to try to change me! I don't need you to be responsible for my actions, so you have no right to criticize and limit me! But you have to be responsible for your own actions, take care of yourself first! Don’t be the end, I will in the heaven and watch you burn in the fire lake!

God is the God who searches the heart! How does God judge us? Does God see how much evils we do? It doesn't count how much kindness we have done! No amount of goodness can make up for our evil! We must know: Before we became Christians, we were all sinners! Do our sins decrease after we become Christians? Or are we going to commit more crimes? People who "love too much" may be even greater sinners! A person who does not distinguish between right and wrong or a person who punishes the wicked, which is more righteous? We are not qualified before God ~ self-righteous! Greed is always the same sin as idolatry! And in order to make money, there is no right and wrong, and you must be judged by God!