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God's wisdom is Infinity~~

August 9, 2022

God's wisdom is always higher than ours! Yesterday, God asked me: why don't you support social communism? In fact, since childhood, we have been brainwashed to be democratic! But recently I have really experienced it myself~ the democracy in the United States is a fake democracy, and the United States has no human rights at all! So, when God asked me, I really don't know, why do I keep rejecting social communism? Does it make a difference who is president? Absolutely no difference! Mata & LinkedIn can ban my accounts at will, if social media keeps me from shut up, I must be silence! If any consortium company wants to increase the price, we can only bear the price increase silently! The Fed wants to raise interest rates, can we refuse? The management company wants to increase the maintenance fee, do we need our consent? Electricity, natural gas, gasoline prices, do we need our consent? None of this requires our consent! I want to ask everyone: Where are human rights and freedoms in the United States?

Saw the news yesterday, Trump's home was raided! We don't care why! Let’s think about it first: as rich and influential as Trump, they are all raided properties, and we are ordinary people, is it worth it for us to fight the government for Trump? God told me: We can suffer less by accepting social communism! Trump has been president for 4 years, we have not changed the United States, and the world and the United States have been on the road to perish! God said: I have so little property, don't be afraid at all! If you have properties over two million and you should be afraid of your wealthy! What those people want is the property of the corporate consortium! Since corporate consortia support social communism, why should we fight against the government? Do we need our lives to protect those who exploit us? Why do we have high inflation? Why do we have high energy price? Why are our national resources completely owned by enterprises? We are simply the bottom ants in the world! God will never punish any wicked person by any means, because God cannot help any wicked person! We are all wicked, so don't expect God to help us! But God can hand the wicked into the hands of the wicked, and use the wicked to punish the wicked! So, I decided to listen to God's words - accept social communism! Anyway, I believe that no matter how bad it is, it will not be worse than it is now!

(Jeremiah 25:11) And this whole land shall be a desolation, and an astonishment; and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years.(12) And it shall come to pass, when seventy years are accomplished, that I will punish the king of Babylon, and that nation, saith the LORD, for their iniquity, and the land of the Chaldeans, and will make it perpetual desolations.~ The prophet Jeremiah told the Israelites: Do not rebel against the Babylonians, you will go Babylon, after 70 years, you will surely return! For a long time, I have not asked God: should we oppose social communism? I have been doing things with my flesh and blood, and I have not followed God's will at all. It was not until God told me yesterday that I realized that my thinking was wrong! Later, when I saw Trump's house being raided, I was more willing to support communism! America has no human rights! We are forced to vaccinate! There is no mandatory vaccine in the mainland at all! The mainland China only does a lot of nucleic acid testing! In the past, we have seen news information about how China has no human rights, but does the United States have human rights? American human rights are worse than China! I used to live in China, so I can say this because I'm not brainwashed by the lying media!

God loves me so much! He will never harm me! Only the lying media and politicians keep lying for their own benefit! Just like New Jersey was originally the Garden State, full of beautiful surroundings, but New Jersey has become a rotten place in recent years! New Jersey is quite polluted! Air pollution! And New Jersey suddenly has a lot of heavy industry, the polluting industries! Why has New Jersey changed so much? Many people in New Jersey have cancer, and cancer must be a regional problem! And New Jersey has different snakes, worms and ants, which is pretty bad! Why is New Jersey like this? This of course has something to do with industrial overexploitation! With so much heavy industry, the people must be suffering from industrial pollution! The United States is not a country with a large population, but I never thought: Americans' ability to damage the environment is so terrible!

New York is a densely populated state, so the industrial pollution in New York is not that serious! New Jersey is a state with many elderly people, so of course all industrial polluting companies go to New Jersey! In the future, the United States will definitely move towards places with a small population to destroy the environment, because in places with a small population, the cost of land acquisition is low, which is in the interests of enterprises! These heavy industries and these environmental polluting companies must obtain cheap land costs so that their products can get the most benefits! I have never understood what the Taiwan government is doing. Taiwan has been developing chips and semiconductors. These high-end industries cannot benefit mankind at all, but they will always damage the environment. Can people really eat IC chips? We have almost been turned into half man and half iron by the government! When we're microchipped, and we're force-feeding, we're robots! We don't need food at all! Robots need electricity, cars need refueling, and we are force-fed formula milk like babies, and we can survive! This is the reality of our world!

"President of the United States" can't change anything! We have been fighting against the US government, do you think it is useful? Why should we fight the US government for Trump? We should support social communism! Let me explain it to you: because we simply don't have the power to change the American economy! The US government has run out of money! America's properties is in the hands of private individuals and corporations! No property is in the hands of the government! What can the government do? The government can only keep raising taxes and exploiting the people to satisfy their greed! Do you want the government to take your money and poor people money or elders money? Or take the money of the rich? Why is Biden raising taxes on the poor? Because the United States is in the hands of the rich, the American government must become a social communism to end politcal now to the rule of the rich people! Govenment don't want to rule by rich people and take money from poor because that's just small money. They can become social communism and takes money from rich why we stop them? These corporations can control the government because government officials take their favors! Just like companies asking government officials to start wars and print money, these will lead to inflation, but government officials must listen to companies because companies paid them money! So when government can get money from consortium and they don't rule by consortium! Here's what I said: the US government can't do anything at all! The President of the United States is even more incapable of doing anything! Like mandatory vaccines, these are sources of interest for government officials! Do the American people still find elections useful? Trump has been replaced, what is the use of the election? And 1/6 of the people who marched were arrested. Do you still believe in American democracy?

Now only we can save America by promising social communism! Because the United States is capitalism now, and the Americans life and death struggle are in the hands of the capitalists! And only when the regime changes, can our political ecology change! Both China and Russia can take back property from the capitalists! We must now change to social communism so we can reclaim United State's property and we can curb inflation! The real reason for inflation is that all energy is in the hands of the capitalists, we just let the capitalists exploit! Electricity bills, natural gas fees, oil prices, and rising prices are all because sellers have raised prices! And the United States exports natural gas to the world, why is American natural gas so expensive? Because U.S. natural gas resources are in the hands of private consortia, these have nothing to do with the U.S. government! God can't help us get our property back from the consortium, but an evil government can help us get it back! As gas field controls by Bush's family! Our land controls by Bill Gates....So why we agianst God? God wants to help us!

These government officials are for the realization of social communism, not for the people, of course, but for their own wallets! Let's make their dreams come true! Let them take America's properties back from these black-hearted capitalists! For ordinary people, our property is simply not enough, what are we afraid of? You can think about my what I said! By accepting social communism, we can suffer less, and everyone wins! It's like the Israelites were taken captive to Babylon! All those who remained in the land of Israel died horribly! But the days of captivity in Babylon were the same! We accept social communism, and we are not afraid of sky-high energy in winter! Winter is coming! God will never harm me! We must believe in God! Thank God! God's wisdom is too high!