September 26, 2024

When I return to Taiwan this time, the price of gold has risen by almost 100% from 3 years ago to now. I have already put money into your pockets. You are too stupid, if you don't buy "gold"! If you listen to the experts, you will be poor for the whole your life! One of my nephews wears a gold chain, I think it is as thick as a pencil! He is great! He is setting up a market stall himself and is doing quite well! I asked his mother: Is he afraid of being robbed? Her mother said: Who dares to rob him? I used to lead people with me in Taiwan, and "leading people" means "leading people with hearts"! If the people you are with are getting poorer and poorer, who will want to work with you? Christians and Christian pastors feel that Christians should be "poor"! Who says Christians should be "poor"! I must break this misconception! Who must be "poor"? Who should be "poor"? "Lazy people" must be poor! "People without morals and no conscience" will inevitably be poor!

This modern generation has put the cart before the horse! There are many people who work hard all their lives and end up "poor"! There are many "lazy people" who are very rich through fraud! There are also a bunch of "people without moral conscience" who make money by being evil and evil! We all have "agree them" with these "lazy people" and "evil people", so we all have the same concept as the Cantonese people: Being loyal and upright must eventually beg for food! This concept must be broken! We must make "lazy people" "poor" because of their "laziness"! The resources of the earth cannot be wasted on "lazy people" and "people without moral conscience"! To indulge "lazy people" and "people without moral conscience" is to kill ourselves, our descendants and destroy the earth!

The only way is to change people's mind! We must correct our misconceptions! Your "pseudo-Christians" and "pseudo-Christian doctrines" have nothing to do with me! I believe one thing: (Romans 4:4) Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt.~Many Christians believe that grace in Paul’s words is “pie”! The workmanship should be paid as it should be! Many churches owe a lot of "wages" in order to save costs! Remember, the wages owed by the church have nothing to do with the Lord Jesus! This is what the church “owes” to its congregation! What is "grace"? Paul said: "Grace" is free! What's the meaning? It means that you don’t deserve “grace” at all, but the Lord Jesus gives it to you freely! We must also remember what Hebrews says: There is no more “grace”! Every Christian must be very clear about these concepts!

When does “grace” cease? While we are still sinners, Jesus gives us grace freely, just like Paul said: Grace is freely earned! But we have received grace, and many of our past sins have been forgiven, but we are still in sin, and we have never left our "sin". At this time, "grace" is no longer there! Do you remember what Jesus said to the “woman caught in adultery”? Jesus said: Go back! I don’t condemn you either, but don’t “sin again”! We must remember: There are never contradictions in the Bible! Moreover, the laws in the Bible are always "consistent"! The general outline of the entire Bible is: Love your neighbor as yourself! If a person truly acts from the perspective of "loving your neighbor as yourself"! I promise: you have no doubts about going to heaven! "Love your neighbor as yourself" is not false, but comes from the heart. A false lover cannot withstand the test!

Don’t believe the nonsense of this generation! Don’t envy “lazy people” and “evil people (people without moral conscience)”! Do you think there will be no room for "lazy people" and "evil people" in hell? "Lazy people" and "evil people" will be tortured for life! "Lazy people" and "evil people" are not only tortured in this life, they will still be tortured after death! Let’s look a little further! Today, we may have to endure a little pain, but have you ever thought about it? Every "suffering" is the cornerstone of our "growth and strength"! Just like a child, if he never "falls", how does he know how to "walk"? He has never "falled down", so how does he know how to "get up"? When we have experienced a lot of "suffering", the future is the pride of our lives, and the future is where we can boast to others! This is what Paul tells us: Paul can only boast in his own weaknesses! "Victory over suffering" is our "sign of boasting"!


Laughing at the poor but not at prostitution is the most ignorant and stupid concept in the world! Never pass this stupid idea to your children, it will kill them! I can tell you: Using prostitution to make quick money, but the consequences will be miserable! If you are festering all over the body, no one will sympathize with you! You are festering all over the body and the money you earn is pitiful! I know many men and women who make money from prostitution, and none of them ending well! They are all poor forever.....