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Good News/好消息

January 25, 2023

Should have studied hard! I was careless and not doing my job properly! Because I really want to share this exciting "good news" with you! Just now God asked: What do you think the United States needs most now is to change? I said: Corrupt officials step down! God asked: Do you think I can't do these simple things? Actually, I hesitated for a long time... I kept thinking: Can God do it? The answer is: yes! God replied: All systemic problems, all the problems you can see, I can change, the only thing that is the most difficult to change is ~ people's hearts! We can change all hardware structures, but we can never change the "human hearts"! I suddenly remembered a sentence my friend told me in ancient times: The problems that can be solved with money are not problems! In the past, I always thought he was: standing and talking without back pain! Because he is rich, he can say such words! But today when God spoke to me like this, I started thinking!

God said: Christians only need to believe in a few key points, where do there come from so many inexplicable bullshit doctrines like today's false Christians (shit is added by me)! God said: 1. Christians only need to believe that there is the "Creator". 2. This "Creator" creates and controls everything in the universe. 3. The "creator" loves everyone He created, so His only begotten son died for the sins of mankind! Why believe in the "Creator"? Because He is in charge of everything in the universe, and He created everything in the universe! Then we Christians have the greatest backing up! What are we afraid of? Because the Creator has never forsaken us! It is because He loves us! Why are we afraid? Why do we need to rely on "money"? Because you don't believe there is the Creator greater than "money"! I saw what I wrote before: The more you love, the more Faith you have from God! That's right! Because our love comes from God! We believe that "God is love", and we also know how to love others! If we have no faith in God, we are "love money", we are "trust money"! Then our faith is false!

God said: These hardware devices, these systemic corruptions are all easy to solve! Whoever God wants to win the war will surely win! It does not depend on which country has advanced weapons, what matters is God's deeds! Is it difficult for God to destroy a country? It's not difficult at all! God can rain sulfur to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, why can't God rain sulfur to destroy the country He wants to destroy now? It is not difficult for God to destroy people. The important thing is~ Can destroying these evil ones change people's hearts? Of course not! Many Christians often say: Modern Christianity has no miracles, so people don't believe in God! Do people believe in God if there are miracles? Do people not do evil? "People's hearts" will never be changed by miracles! Do Buddhists often have miracles? Why do so many people believe in Buddhism? The first generation of Israelites who came out of Egypt saw the miracles. Didn't they all die in the wilderness? "Miracle" has nothing to do with "faith" and "love"!

We must build our "faith" on the "Rock of Jesus Christ"! It’s not that any pastor died for us, it’s not that anyone can achieve salvation for us, and it’s not that the teachings of the Bible can save us. What’s more, the Bible is interpreted in the mess. These pastors are terrible! We must focus on Jesus Christ, the "beginner and finisher"! Everything in this world will pass! Which comes first, tomorrow or death? None of us know! But we know: Our life has "Faith, Love, Hope" because of the Lord Jesus who loves us! Because we "believe" that God is the living God, we can have "Love", because God has "Loved" us, and our "Love" comes from God! Only with God's love can we have the "Hope" of eternal life! And the Bible is God's "word of love" and our "guidebook for the hope of eternal life"! That's why we learn truth from the Bible! The Word of God is: A lamp to our feet, a light to our path! Walk according to God's word, and we will not lose our way! Thank God! Let us tell more people the "good news" so that they all have "Faith, Love, and Hope"!






上帝說:基督徒的信仰只要相信幾個重點,哪裡來的像現在假基督徒那麼多莫名其妙的狗屁教義(狗屁是我加的)!上帝說:1. 基督徒只要相信有一位「造物主」。2. 這位「造物主」創造、掌管宇宙萬有。3.這位「造物主」愛祂創造的每個人,所以祂的獨生愛子為人的罪捨命!為什麼要相信有一位「造物主」?因為祂掌管宇宙萬有、祂創造宇宙萬有!那我們基督徒就有最大的靠山!我們害怕什麼呢?因為這位造物主從來沒有撇棄我們!就是因為祂愛我們!我們為什麼會害怕?我們為什麼會需要靠「錢」?因為我不相信有一位比「錢」更大的造物主!剛剛我看到自己寫的話:愛越多、就是對上帝越有信心!沒錯!因為我們的愛都是由上帝而來!我們相信「上帝就是愛」,我們也知道去愛別人!如果我們對上帝沒有信心,我們就是「愛錢」、我們就是「信靠錢」!那我們的信心就是假的!

