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Happy goat everyday!

December 7, 2022

Just went to Costco.....not good at all! Forget about buying eggs! In the end, I went to Walmart to buy eggs! How is it now? Don't let people live the rhythm? In the past, 4 tea eggs were $1, but now a dozen eggs are $3.49! Is there a mistake? In the past, a dozen eggs were only $1... I would like to ask: whose salary has more than tripled? The supply is plentiful, but the price is ridiculously expensive! More and more food from Taiwan is entering Costco...


I found that young Americans are not aggressive and not professional! I feel that their work is dispensable, just dawdling! Seeing those young people, I am suddenly worried about the future of the United States! There are too many huge companies in the United States. These companies have worn down young people without fighting spirit. Young people rely on a job to work for a lifetime... receiving pensions and dying of old age! We parents really need to worry! The bosses and leaders of these Fortune 500 companies are killing our children! These business owners will never train our children to be their successors, they will only train our children to be slaves day by day! We don't have parents who want their children to be dominated forever. We all want our children to be alone and independent, but life under protectionism is the way to turn children into waste!


Share with everyone: Be like a Happy Goat, and act like a Big Big Wolf! Happy Goat is very kind and smart! Big Big Wolf tries to eat sheep with tricks all day long, but Big Big Wolf is quite active! We need to know why Happy Goat is so smart? Because Happy Goat often challenges Big Big Wolf! Therefore, although Big Big Wolf is not good, but because of Big Big Wolf, the sheep will live more actively! There is no need to overprotect the children, we need to let the children know the way they should walk, and let them walk on the right way! (Matthew 10:16) Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. ~The environment is not a reason for children to be bad, but how we educate our children! We have a tough battle to fight! It is not easy for everyone in this generation, but we can all live a better life, like Happy Goat every day!