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Historical Inheritance!

November 22, 2022

The four Asian tigers have turned into the big virus countries in Asia! Seeing the map of Covid, we can see the contribution of each country to the world! We should say that the highly civilized countries in the world ~ they contribute the most viruses in the world! Look at India and China, two populous countries, they can't compare with Europe, America, Britain and the four Asian tigers! Especially China is simply too bad! In order to control the epidemic, at the expense of the economy! Look at people in India who graze cattle and eat grass, but only 44 million comfired Covid! The United States is also very strong! With a population of 330 million and 100 million confirmed cases, what does this mean? 1/3 of the US population has had Covid! Where is the level of technology and medical care in these civilized countries? Do these civilized countries understand public health? It seems that the United Nations and the World Health Organization should be abolished. These two nonsense organizations are organized to spread the world's infectious diseases infinitely and harm future generations!

Seeing the Covid map, we can understand a very important truth: civilized countries can only represent material civilization, and their spirit is completely uncivilized! Only if the spirit is uncivilized and there is not enough moral concept, will the virus spread casually! Do the Taiwanese need to review it! How much energy, time and money we have spent on epidemic prevention, and we have handed over this report card. Do you think it is something to be proud of? I really don't know what should I say? Taiwanese! Think about it: How many people who worked in China were afraid of bringing the virus back to Taiwan and would rather stayed in China? But while Taiwanese are working hard to prevent the epidemic, our government have been spreading and creating viruses! How many businesses are closed due to epidemic prevention? How many people lost their jobs due to epidemic prevention? How many people can't survive because of epidemic prevention? Do you still think Taiwan's epidemic prevention is successful? Open your eyes and talk nonsense! Believe that God is a perfectly righteous Lord! God will definitely repay everyone according to their deeds! I believe in the justice of God!

What does the Covid epidemic tell us? Rich people are not moral people! Prove once again that people in these rich countries and people in civilized countries ~ have no morals at all! If you are really moral, why can't you prevent the epidemic like China with your medical level? Is your population density higher than China? Isn't your medical level higher than China's? Isn't your high technology more advanced than China's? Isn't your education more popular than in China? Your epidemic prevention methods are more cruel than China! Your lockdowned of the city means that there is no economic activity at all! You are mandatory vaccines, no vaccines, no jobs! The results of it? You civilized countries have made the greatest contribution Covid to the world - the most poisonous country with the most viruses! What a greedy and shameless rich people! The most contributed viruses in the world are Europe, America and Britain! Is the population of all Europe, America and Britain larger than that of India? But you sacrifice people more than half of your population to the Covid viruses!

(Genesis 37:26) And Judah said unto his brethren, What profit is it if we slay our brother, and conceal his blood? (27) Come, and let us sell him to the Ishmeelites, and let not our hand be upon him ; for he is our brother and our flesh. And his brethren were content. ~ History has been repeating itself since Genesis! Old Testament Genesis Judah betrays his brother Joseph! And the New Testament Judas betrayed Jesus again! Jesus is the son of Joseph, Jesus is the teacher of Judas, and Jesus is also the brother of Judas! Are these all coincidences? Nothing in this world is a coincidence! Like is it a coincidence that the Covic virus spread to today? Like was 911 a coincidence? Nothing in this world is a coincidence, these are all planned by the devil!

Where is the "devil"? The devil follows the evil! Wherever there is evil, there is the devil! Are we willing to accept the "facts" ourselves? Or have we been deceiving ourselves and then deceiving others? We can fool ourselves! We can scam people out of money! But can we deceive the Creator? Think for yourself: Is the "vaccine" effective? 1. The vaccine is effective, and the virus has long since disappeared, instead of spreading variants all the time! 2. "Covid virus" and "911" must have the biggest beneficiaries! Without "beneficiaries", no one will create the viruses, force the spread of the virus and create the "911" incident! Who benefits? 3. There are too many fake facts about "vaccines". Is the "vaccine" to eliminate the viruses? Or is it to spread the viruses? These are all things we have to think about! Who is the Fraud Mastermind? Who is killing the American people and the people of the world?

Let me share with you one more thing: Trump has not been paid for four years as president, why? The salary of the President of the United States is $400,000! If Trump doesn't get the salary, it can help him earn 400 million! May I ask: Do you care about the salary of the President of the United States? Don't judge a person's good or bad by looking at a single incident! Trump does not take the presidential salary, but only loses $1.6 million! But do you know how many donations he got? How much support does he get? Trump has donated at least more than 1 billion! If you don't believe me, check it out for yourself! He used various names to get various donations! Biden is bad! Democrats cheated the election! Who taught this? Election cheating, political donations, black money politics...all started by the Republican Party! For example, does the church necessarily belong to the Creator? Christian churches are like a bunch of churches worshiping money! They are not following Jesus at all! I believe there is not much Biden can do! Because the United States has been controlled by capitals, it is difficult to reverse it! Just like the churches has worshiped money for a long time, why should they follow Jesus? Who will do the thankless and unprofitable things? Trump won't do anything that is nothing beneficial! 1. Trump's character can be seen from 01-06-2021! 2. Trump's character can also be seen from the "China virus" and "EUA of vaccines"! Do you still think he is the God chosen one? God will not use people who don't care about human life and criticize others casually! Think for yourself!