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Honesty is the real Christians

March 21, 2022

         Many Christians often equate stupidity with honesty! Honesty has nothing to do with stupidity!  But honesty is indeed a kind of wisdom! "Honest" doesn't mean letting you tell others everything about you, and "honesty" doesn't mean being naked in front of the scame groups! "Honest" is to learn to "reject"! "Rejection" works together with the evil one! "Refuse" to help the wicked! "Refuse" to follow the wicked! "Refuse" to do evil! "Reject" lies! "Rejection" is false! "Reject" any situation that puts you in a lie!

        "Honest" doesn't mean you tell the scam groups: how much money do you have! Not to let you tell the fraudulent groups your account password! Honesty is what makes you reject scam groups! If you feel that these people are not good, just reject them directly and refuse to communicate with them! If you feel that those pastors are violating the Truth, you will no longer listen to any of their sermons! An honest person must know "choice" and "rejection"!  And why are scam syndicates prevalent?  Why are heretics unscrupulous? Because none of us are "honest" people! If we accept lies that we think are "good" and do not offend others, then we will surely offend God! Not only do we sin against God, we make the heredy even more rampant! Honesty never sins, only stupidity people make sins!

         Many Christians like to be "bad guys"! "Bad people" are "hypocrites"! A "bad guy" is a "Pharisee"!  "Abusive people" are people who "follow the world"! "Abusive people" are people who "have no principles"! The biggest problem with "abusive people" is ~ hypocrisy! God will never please "hypocrites"! "Deceiving oneself" will never enter the kingdom of God! What God is more pleased with us to do is to say "no" honestly! Say no to lies! Reject hypocrisy! Reject evil! Do not follow hypocrites and idols! This is the real Christians!