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How can China avoid the Great Depression?

October 4, 2023

What is China most afraid of now? "Economic Depression"! Has the Chinese government ever thought about why China, despite its huge domestic demand, has fallen into an "economic depression"? Now I give the Chinese government a piece of cake! I guarantee that China’s economy will not suffer the fate of “economic depression”! Why do I dare to make such a promise? Anyone who does business in China must have discovered that doing business is difficult! Moreover, at the "Canton Fair", "Spring Fair"..."World Expo"...and so on, every merchant spends a lot of money to rent a booth, but there are more manufacturers participating in the exhibition than visitors! Why? This economic stimulus plan can only be implemented by China! It’s not that Chinese people don’t have money or the ability to consume. Chinese people have money, but Chinese people don’t dare to consume! Why don’t you dare to spend? "Economic depression" is only a very small factor, the real problem is "too many scammers"!

The most important thing for China now is to establish a "consumer protection agency"! And "consumer protection agencies" must be everywhere! Why are there no crowds at all "trade fairs"? Since everyone is shopping online, who needs to go to a trade fair? And why are live-streaming products popping up like mushrooms after a rain in China? And the income from live streaming is quite high! "Livestreaming to bring goods" is like a scammer. These people are only responsible for "bringing goods". They are not responsible for the "quality of the product" at all. Therefore, many celebrities earn "endorsement fees for goods". Do they care about "the quality of the goods"? ? China must step up efforts to "rectify e-commerce"! How could the Chinese government rely on "Alibaba", "Tencent", "Taobao" and "Weibo" to rectify e-commerce? These "public platforms" care about "profits", they care about "the profits of the platforms", they don't care about the "rights of consumers" at all!

First of all, all "e-commerce" must have a "physical stores"! The purpose of having the physical stores is to allow customers to "conveniently return or exchange" if they have problems with the goods bought online! 2. Online shopping now causes unnecessary waste! Many people buy a lot of "junk" just for "free shipping"! Online shopping often involves "impulsive consumption", so we need to control the "prices of online store products"! 3. Many stores often only care about "shipping" and don't care about "quality" at all! They use "celebrity endorsement" and "celebrity endorsement advertising", and they don't pay attention to product quality at all! Therefore, we must "control the quality of products"! Why is China's economy in recession? Everyone already has a bad stereotype when they see "Made in China"! Why do people "buy randomly" in online stores? Because they think it’s “cheaper than a physical store”! Why can merchants' "online stores" sell cheaper than "physical stores"? Because merchants can sell "bad goods" in "online stores"! "Bad goods" online stores are cheaper than physical stores, this is understandable! But this is a "vicious cycle"!

Why does the Chinese government set up a "consumer protection agency"? Protect consumer rights! China has a huge consumer market and spending power, but we must "protect consumers" so that every consumer can "consume with peace of mind"! The most important thing is: the "online store" must have the "physical stores", and more importantly, the "online store" and the "physical store" must have "the same price"! And "guarantee product quality"! China government wants economic keeping-going and has to guarantee product quality! Originally, "online stores" were convenient for places that "physical stores" could not serve, but now that "online stores" have become mainstream, "physical stores" have become nothing. Is this right? Of course this is a huge mistake! If a country's economy relies the "frauds" and a group of "liars", then the country will definitely be destroyed soon! The Chinese did not rely on "fraud and clever robbery" to have a 5,000-year history. We have our own culture! How do we behave according to our ancestors’ religion? Don’t Chinese people know how to behave in the “computer technology age”? We don’t need “computers and technology” to teach us how to “be a human being”! We are "people", not "machines"! "Moral conscience" is the basic bottom line of "human beings"!