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How does the US government handle the crisis?

August 4, 2022

Every morning is the beginning of a new day, but more and more I feel that there is no hope in this world! Life feels like it will be crushed by inflation and high energy prices! Every day I open my eyes and think about how to pay the bills? My bill has absolutely nothing to do with myself! I didn't waste money! That is: the monthly property tax, management fee, utility bills, telephone bills, internet bills, petrol, car insurance and gas bills are all necessary expenses! Without taking into account the debts interest, no including the loan, and no including the food cost, it would cost $2,000 a month! $2,000 a month is the cheapest expense for New Yorkers! Suddenly understand why there are so many homeless people in New York! Why are so many people fleeing New York? The U.S. government and the New York government are really good! Say the Chinese government is not good! Say no good to Russia! How is America? Why can't Americans have children? Because I can't support myself, how can I raise a child? Of course, they would be executioners and abort their own children!

There are a bunch of Chinese lunatics! They have been slandering China government no human rights! What are human rights? Forced abortion of Israeli children like Pharaoh? Or do we have to kill our own children for life reasons? Or do we have to put up with going to the bathroom with both men and women? Or should our kids be afraid of being raped by fake transsexuals in the girls' toilets at school? Why are people's life misery index getting higher and higher? Because crime is increasing! Americans can't afford to have children, can't afford to raise children, Americans are facing a serious population aging, just like Europe! Europe, the United States, and Japan are all countries with severely aging populations. What high-tech countries are simply bad countries with high living costs! The high cost of living makes it impossible for people to survive, so Europe and the United States have opened up so many refugees! Without immigrants, without refugees, these countries no longer exist, and these countries have no survival value at all! Is it inevitable that we live without hope? I hate Buddhism the most: Life is birth, old age, sickness and death! Am I living for the hopeless of life, old age, sickness and death? I became a Christian thank the Lord! Because I no longer accept the devil's lies! Although the devil rules the world, we still have hope in our life! (I once said Omicron is the antidote for Covid! And now it is confirmed by German scientist that Omicron is the antidote! Soon Covid will be over! Thank the Lord!)!

(1 John 4:4) Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. (5) They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them.~John tells us in 1 John: Jesus has overcome the world, and Jesus in us is greater than the world! John lived to be over 95 years old. After John wrote the book of Revelation, John's life was actually quite peaceful! We have seen many disciples and apostles martyred, and we always feel that Christians must fight and kill to survive! There is also a group of anti-Christians who follow politicians all day long, just to support this politician and criticize that other countries leaders don't like them or they don't like. Shouldn’t Christians hope for world peace even more? Shouldn't Christians hope that the lives of people in every country are better? Does criticizing leaders help world peace? Criticizing China human rights, criticizing Russia human rights, is it good for the Chinese people and the Russian people?

The regimes in China and Russia may be bad, but is the regime in Ukraine good? Is the American government good? Ukrainian women need to sell their wombs to survive, is there a difference between selling wombs and as prostitution? The difference is that not every woman can sell a uterus, but every woman can be a prostitutite! Whether the Chinese and Russian regimes are good or not can not be decided by some people, let alone by those militants and careerists! China has 1.4 billion people, let's compare China and India! These two populous countries, if you had a choice, would you immigrate to China? Or India? To be honest, I don't even want to travel to India! Because of the imbalance between men and women in India, the serious caste system in India, and too much corruption in India, this is not what I said, this is what Indian immigrants told to me! Indians immigrate if they have money and ability, after immigrating out of India, they will never come back to India! The Chinese immigrated to the United States, and the Chinese finally wanted to go back to China, and the living environment in China is already better than that in the United States! This is the real human right! Human rights are not from the mouths of militants, human rights are the actions of the people! Why do so many people from China immigrate to the United States and Canada, but do not return to China? Because they are all corrupt, they will definitely be died when they return to China! So, those corrupt people use corruption to change America, Canada, and Europe!

China has 1.4 billion people, can China shelter criminals? China and Russia do not have human rights! Because why do criminals demand human rights? If everyone is not punished for crimes, the world will only get worse and worse, just like the United States ~ the people are not living! Not only do we have to face criminals, we also have to face greedy government officials, and we have to face values ​​without right and wrong! The United States has been suffocated by these corrupt officials. We can't find good people in the United States. Why? Because in order to survive we must eat human flesh and drink human blood, the United States is the most outrageous country in the world! I don't understand why God can tolerate Americans? Gay marriage, sex change, abortion, marijuana smoking, none of this is God's will! Do China and Russia have these? And America is fighting against God! The more God hates something, the more Americans support it! You antichrist churches wait for God to judge you!

Why were China and Russia so bad, people can't survive before? Because China and Russia are poor! Why are China and Russia so poor? Not because of communism, or socialism, but because of "corruption"! "Corruption" has always made a country poor! "Corruption" always harms the people! The corrupt regime betrays the people for their own benefits! Trump~ corruption is very serious! If it wasn't for Trump corruption, we wouldn't have vaccines! Everyone takes what they see on the surface as facts. If the facts can be seen, then we don't need the "truth"! The "truth" is often covered up! There must be a deal between Trump and the Democrats, what deal? I have no idea! I don't want to know either! Because the corrupt regime must end! Corruption in the United States not only harms the American people, it harms the whole world! America is killing the earth, killing earth flora and fauna!

We all have to pay for the sins and evils done by the United States! Because we are all accomplices! Americans can survive by using the consumption economy, using consumption and waste to stimulate the economy. This is very wrong! I already said a year ago: To solve inflation, deflation must be solved! And if consumption slows down, it will inevitably encounter the problem of economic downturn and rising unemployment! In terms of American history, they handled the economy pretty badly! They are not solving the problem at all, but creating more problems to divert the problem. The US government has always been an ostrich mentality, as stupid as Trump building a wall! Ignorance and ignorance will create more problems to divert attention. Neither the Trump administration nor the Biden administration have no the ability to solve problems at all! Even if you can't manage your own country's problems, you keep targeting China and Russia. Why? That's what I said: they create more problems and divert attention from the ones that should really be the focus! Creating racial antagonisms, and creating human rights issues in China and Russia are all to divert people's attention! The problems in the United States this time cannot be solved by printing money, fighting wars, and investigating election fraud. These are all deliberate tactics by politicians to divert people's attention! America must be dismantled! We don't need a corrupt American regime! It is because the corruption is so serious that people are afraid to have children, that they have been open to foreign immigration without restrictions! If there were no foreign immigrants, the United States must have withered! Just like Europe is supported by refugees, without refugees Europe would perish!

If we want to survive and we should follow God's mind and ignore that whatever politicians want. Only God can save our lives. Politicians kill the world and kill our lives. Don't follow politicians and we have to end corrupt regime. America must be end! America must destroy! America should divide by small regimes. We should stop corruption governments. We should protect the world and protect everything God created in the world!