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How does the world survive?

November 24, 2022

Which species of cattle, sheep and pigs is the least valuable? "Pig" is the least valuable! Goat milk and cow's milk can be drunk, but pigs can only eat! The value of cattle is higher, and cattle can be farmed! Can "pigs" create their own value? Pigs create their own value by becoming a male pig on the altar, making themselves fat and heavy ~ let others slaughter them! If a "pig" wants to live a long time, it must be healthy, and everything depends on itself to maintain a good figure! Have you noticed that people are a bit like pigs, with no real value at all! Wrong! People are indeed worse than pigs! Pigs are lazy at most, but pork has edible value. What should people compare themselves to? "Bacteria"! Mankind is to the earth: the bacterias of the earth! In fact, people really have nothing to write about, but I just feel sad for the Creator, why did they create humans?

(Genesis 6:5) And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. (6) And it reputed the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. ~It turned out that in Genesis the Creator regretted creating human beings, why? Because the heart of man is full of evil and deceit! Mencius said: At the beginning of human beings, nature is good! Xunzi said: At the beginning of human beings, nature is evil! No matter whether human beings are originally good or evil, there is nothing wrong, because human beings are "bacterias" to the earth!

There are all kinds of bacterias in our body, and we all coexist with all kinds of bacteria! "Bacteria" can help the body become healthy ~ probiotics! "Bacteria" can harm the body, and it is "germs" that make us sick! Is there a difference between "germs" and "probiotics"? In fact, many "germs" and "probiotics" are the same bacteria, so why is there a difference between "probiotics" and "germs"? Take "E. coli" as an example. We generally have E. coli in our intestines. E. coli can help us digest food, but E. coli exists in other meats or in the water we drink, and these will become germs! Why do we have E. coli in our bodies and we get sick when we eat meat with E. coli? This is how "bacteria" cause different results in different ways and in different places!

We humans are all "bacteria" of the earth! There are human beings who help the earth, and there are human beings who harm the earth! Just like a group of people who work hard and shepherd sheep, they give the earth a healthy help! And those have nothing to do with the planes flying around! It's okay to shoot, to fight! Relying on wars to make money and inventing some high-tech wastes of money are all harmful to the earth! How long will it take the earth to consume all these plastics? How long will it take the earth to consume these chemicals and the metals left over from these weapons? We have less and less arable land, because humans have been expanding the war zone! Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, our war zone has been expanding and we have never been less depleted of the earth! What have we done for the earth?

What will happen when "bacteria" become "germs"? "Germs" will continue to erode the human body, and eventually people will die due to illness, and these germs will also perish! The host of "bacteria" is the "human body"! And "probiotics" help the human body to be healthier, the longer the human body lives, the probiotics can naturally multiply and continue to live in the human body! As human beings with bacteria on the earth, we need to understand one thing - the earth can carry the reproduction and growth of "probiotics", but the earth cannot carry the reproduction and growth of "germs"! "Germs" continue to multiply and destroy the human body, and the human body will definitely die of illness! And humans will be extinct as well! Human beings are extinct not because of the large number, but because of the continuous destruction and consumption of the earth by human beings, which eventually leads to the demise of the earth and the inevitable death of human beings! What should we do? We should eliminate "germs" and create more "probiotics"!