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How ghosts are produced?

October 13, 2022

"Money can make a ghost run the stone mill" is not false at all! Are there ghosts in this world? Jesus said: There are ghosts! Paul also said: There are ghosts! Most of the folk religions in China and different religions in the world all say: There are ghosts! Who said there are no ghosts? "Science First" Great Western Countries! But it is very interesting~ Western countries have always believed that there are ghosts. Since the Industrial Revolution, ghosts have disappeared! Isn't this a rather interesting thing? Where were these ghosts going? I know! Ghosts have gone to churches and temples! We need to understand something - Jesus always told us: Jesus is "casting out demons"! Jesus never "destroyed demons"! The Chinese are still more powerful! Many of our mages can wipe out the ashes of ghost burning! Ghosts are not eliminated in the Bible, and there will be more and more of them! When ghosts are eliminated in the Bible, it is the time of the great battle of Revelation. Think again: How many ghosts do we have in the world now?

We now have ghosts in the world that have existed since the creation of the world! We shouldn't have many real people in the world right now! Buddhism often says: reincarnation! We know that the Bible says: If a ghost that exists since the creation of the world is possessed by a person, that person is what we call reincarnation! If a person is possessed by dozens of ghosts at the same time, then this person must have dozens of "reincarnations" in the past! Therefore, the "reincarnation" that we are obsessed with and do not regret is born in this way! Many people say: The Bible is not scientific! The Bible is quite scientific! And the Bible is completely logical! If you are really not a pedantic idiot, you will find that the Bible is quite scientific and perfectly logical! There are too many lies in this world, and it is quite easy for liars to make up the set of lies, but if we think about it carefully, we can break the lies! Lies must never be scrutinized! (Sharing some ghost news with everyone, because it seems like we need to start casting out ghosts for ourselves!)

(1 Corinthians 10:20) But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils. (21) Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils.~Paul said: We cannot eat the Lord's banquet and the devil's banquet! We can't have fellowship with ghosts! The "devil" exists since the creation of the world, and the devil is a fallen angel! And Paul and the apostles knew that there is only one God and that is Trinity God! Why did the devils fall? Because the devils wants to rob God of authority! The devils is like Eve, she wants to eat the fruit of good and evil from the tree of good and evil, she wants to have the wisdom of God! And the devils is the same, what they want is to snatch the world created by the creator!

Why do I say: there are more and more devils? Because Jesus never destroyed the devils, Jesus only drove the devils out, and the devils who was driven out will return to the human being, and the devils will leave temporarily. The Bible also records that a ghost left someone, and it took 7 other ghosts to live back in! So, why do I often cast out demons for my sisters? Casting out demons is not a one-time eradication, the devil is like a viruses! When the "viruses" enters the human body, people will get sick! If the viruses does not enter the human body, of course people will not get sick! And our immunity can defeat the viruses, and we won't get sick! Only if we welcome the viruses and we inject it into the human body, we will definitely get sick! We allow the devils to dwell in our minds, and we will surely get sick!

Demons are "evil spirits"! And how does the devils arise? Each of us has a soul, and when we live with the devils, our souls is contaminated by the devils, and we become the devils! Why "cast out demons"? "Exorcism" is like treatment and medicine! "Viruses" invades our body, we need to rely on immunity to eliminate the viruses! If our immunity is not enough, we will definitely get sick. When we get sick, we must take medicine to eliminate the viruses! And "ghosts" is the same! "Devils" invades our body, some people can avoid being invaded by the devils, just as I am not afraid of ghosts since I was a child, so it is more difficult for ghosts to invade my body! Ghosts can often invade some people with weak resistance, and many people are not only invaded by the devils, but walk with the devils in the end! Just live with the devils! And "casting out demons" means relying on the power of the Lord Jesus to let the demons temporarily leave the body!

"Ghosts" and "viruses" cannot leave forever! Our world is already full of viruses and devils! Only by relying on our own immunity and resistance can we resist "ghosts" and "viruses"! If our immunity and resistance cannot resist "ghosts" and "viruses", we must use external forces! That is, we need to rely on "medicine" and "exorcism" to drive out viruses and demons! We can eliminate the "viruses" and "devils" in our bodies, but we can never eliminate the viruses and devils in the environment! Why are there more and more devils? Because there are many who sell their souls to the devils! There is another kind of person who is a ghost! The devil can take away a person's soul before he dies! And the soul that follows the devil will become a new devil! This can explain: Why there are more and more devils in the world! There is a "deal" between the devil and man! The devil must be good conditions to some people, and those people will sell their souls to the devil!

Jesus revealed two important messages when He cast out demons! 1. 2000 ghosts can be attached to the same person! We often foolishly believe in reincarnation! Those evil spirits were humans in the past, and they definitely knew what happened when they were humans! And after several generations of reincarnation, dozens of evil spirits are possessed by the same person! 2. Ghosts can attach to animals! We often see animals attacking people suddenly, why? Why do normal animals suddenly attack people? Remember Jesus allowed the ghosts on the pigs, and the pigs jumped into the water! We have to be very careful now, because there are too many ghosts in this era! We can often see our pets - suddenly attacking the owner! These pets may be possessed by ghosts! Why "cast out demons"? Because there are too many ghosts in this era! And when a person is invaded by 10 ghosts, think: How pathetic that person? Ghosts can use human bodies to do all kinds of evil things! There is too much bitterness in our age, and too many people choose to follow ghosts! And there are still many people who have died unexpectedly, and their souls have also become evil spirits! So we have to resist demons and we have to keep our souls clean so that we can go to heaven! If we are ruled by ghosts, our life will be full of bitterness, just like if we are ruled by a viruses, our life will no longer be our own and we don't have health bodies! Therefore, we must resist the devil and cast out demons! Don't listen to the nonsense of Christians who don't understand ghosts! Those pastors who tell you that there are no ghosts, they themselves are demons! Of course the devils does not want people to resist them! Just like the viruses likes people who have the weak immunity and accept the viruses themselves those group people! So we don't know ghosts and we won't prevent devils, and we don't know viruses and we won't protect ourself!