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How much profits does the scam syndicate make?

August 3, 2022

We often say: give you 30% of dye, and you can open a dyeing workshop! Now we can open a dyeing workshop without using 30% dyes! Recently, the fraud group has started to work hard again. At least 3-4 fraudulent calls can be received a day. I often think: Why is the fraud group working so hard? Are scam syndicates doing so well? Are fraudulent groups all made a lot of money? Fraud groups are also divided into high-level and low-level! Highest standard fraud groups can open dye workshops without dyes! A low-level fraud group may need 30-50% of dye to open a dye workshop! Highest level fraud groups are empty-handed white wolves! The real scam is to rely on their mouths, they don't need to have anything, as long as they can make up stories! As we often say: beef essence has nothing to do with beef at all, it is just a bunch of artificial spices. The tricks used by the fraud groups are the same as those of beef essence. It doesn't matter whether you have beef or not, the important thing is to be able to deceive your taste! Something that tastes like beef may have nothing to do with beef at all. This is "fraud"!

Are scam syndicates scary? Fraud groups are not scary! Because we may all be part of a scam syndicate! The real horror of scam syndicates is that we don't even know their purpose! Everyone has their own purpose to defraud. Children lie to their parents and say: Stomach pain! It may be that they don't want to go to school or not do their homework. We all know these goals. Do we think children's fraud is terrifying? The child ate candy secretly. In order to cover up the truth of stealing candy, he said: The candy was eaten by mice! Is this lie scary? The "lie" itself is definitely not scary, and the people who lie are nit scary, otherwise we won't easily believe their lies! The real horror is: "the purpose of the lie"! Children lie, it is unavoidable! Because each of us grew up with lies! Instead of blaming children for lying, ask yourself: Why are you lying to your children? What is: follow the example? America is a fraud nation! "Integrity" is completely worthless in the United States! If you don't have integrity, why do you demand integrity from others?

(Genesis 3:1) Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?~ The Bible really describes human nature incisively and vividly! I said: lies are not terrible, but the purpose of lies is terrible! Lies begin in the Genesis of the Bible! The snake deceived Eve! Adam deceived God! Abraham and Isaac lied that their wife was their sister just to save their lives. "Lies" are common in the Bible, and many people don't believe the Bible. If the Bible is not true, why does the Bible record "lies"? Today I'm not going to discuss the truth of the Bible, let's discuss "the purpose of the lie"!

Kids lie, maybe because they want candy, or because they don't go to school, we all know what kids are doing, so we don't see kids' lies as scary! But do we understand the purpose of the scam group? We don't understand the purpose of the fraud group at all, so the fraud group makes us feel terrible! And how was the snake's lie to Eve carried out, and how destructive was the snake's lie to Eve? There are many people in our lives who defraud us. Some people may be our family, relatives, friends, and even our spouses. Why are the lies of relatives, family members, spouses and friends so deadly? Because we didn't anticipate their purpose! Perhaps we miscalculated their purpose! Just like when we know the purpose of children's lies, children are our relatives, but they don't want to go to school and want to eat candy, we know the purpose of these lies, so, these lies have no lethality to us!

What was Eve's purpose in eating fruit from the tree of good and evil? Eve may have been curious, attracted to the fruit, or just to challenge God's authority! Why did the serpent deceive Eve into eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge and evil? For a "fraud group" to successfully defraud, someone must be willing to believe and execute it. If no one believes the lies of the fraud group, then the fraud group will not have business, and naturally there will be no fraud group! Why are scam syndicates so prevalent in the United States? It is because the profits of the "fraud group" are too high and the cost of fraud is too low, perhaps there is no cost to the fraud at all! In addition, Americans are fools, so the scam group can deceive endlessly! Americans have been deceived for nearly 100 years, and never grow up, never grow their brains! They always follow with politicians! Politicians are taking advantage of your ignorance and blind obedience, it is your ignorance and blind obedience, and it is your ignorance and blind obedience that makes fraudulent syndicates prevail, it is your ignorance and blind obedience, so that fraudulent syndicates never have to pay! This is really ~ well deserved! The lies of the fraud group are not terrible, but the purpose of the fraud group is really terrible! One thing American politicians often do - shift the "focus"! Is there only election fraud in America? Corruption in America is so bad! The US government must end! America must be crashed completely! No one can save America! The only thing is to put an end to the evil American regime~! America is the most evil regime in the world! Don't talk about America today, Americans are willing to continue to be fooled... go on! I'm fine! The real difference is ~ the poor and the elderly, and the ignorant middle class! I already know their scam methods and content, and they have very little lethality to me! It's like receiving 3-4 fraudulent calls every day, they can't deceive me at all, and the "fraud group" will never disappear, but we need to know who is the fraud group and what is the purpose of the fraud group?

Eve is despising the purpose of the snake's deception! Does Eve know that the snake is lying? Of course Eve knew the snake was lying! Since the snake is not God, how could the snake know the dialogue between God and Adam? The purpose of the snake is evil! I believe no one has ever thought about it: Why did the snake deceive Eve to eat the fruit of the tree of good and evil? Just like Eve never thought about the snake's purpose! Serpent's real purpose: destroy God's authority in Adam and Eve's heart! 2.Destroy God's Faithfulness! 3.Destroy the justice of God! 4.Destroy the relationship between man and God! With so many fruits in the Garden of Eden, are the fruits of the tree of good and evil really attractive? Of course not! The fruit of the tree of good and evil represents the commandments of God! And when God's commandments are violated by man, it directly destroys the relationship between man and God! Is God going to punish Adam and Eve? If God does not punish Adam and Eve, then God is not a faithful Lord! If God didn't let Adam and Eve die, then God would be unjust! For God has said: If you eat of the tree of good and evil, you will surely die! So Adam and Eve must die! Eve believed the word of the serpent, Eve undermined the authority of God! Because the serpent was not the owner of the Garden of Eden, but God was the owner of the Garden of Eden. Only the master can have power over the Garden of Eden, and the words of the master can be executed in the Garden of Eden! So Eve listened to the words of the snake, which means that Eve made a mistake about the owner of the Garden of Eden, completely trampled on God's sovereignty over the Garden of Eden, and took the snake as the owner of the Garden of Eden! You need to listen to what the master says!

Therefore, the real harm of the fraud group is "the purpose of the lie"! When we see "the purpose of the serpent's lies", do we still feel that God is making a fuss? It's just one fruit. The big deal is that Eve can buy a dozen fruit from the tree of good and evil and return it to God! Of course it's not about a single fruit! It's a question of who is the master! The serpent is about to take God's Garden of Eden! The snake is to destroy the relationship between God and man! The serpent is to destroy God's faithfulness and justice! This is a scam group! They can make you bankrupt, they can make you prostitute for life, or even make you a drug addict for life to be controlled by them! The purpose of the scam group is not to make you free and make you live a better life. The purpose of the scam group is to make you their slave for life and be "used" by them all your life! American politicians and the American government are doing this kind of thing!