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How's Christianity different?

August 19, 2022

I once had a discussion with a friend: What would I do if I had cancer? No surgery, no radiotherapy, no chemotherapy! I might try traditional Chinese medicine! Why no surgery, no radiotherapy, no chemotherapy? Because I have seen many surgeries and found that the cancer cells have spread and cannot be removed and sewed back again. The result is that they will die! Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are too painful, and I would rather choose a treatment method that my body can bear. Eat Chinese medicine, live or die! "Treatment" is meant to make people live, but it's so painful to live, it's better to die! Western medicine is too heavy, it has violated the real purpose of medical treatment! If we take medicine to treat a disease, and the side effects of medical treatment are more terrifying than the disease itself, I ask: Has the purpose of this medical treatment been achieved? Like the side effects of vaccines, are they worse than we got Covid? However, "medical means and methods" are personal choices. Doctors need to sign a surgical excision contract when performing an operation. Therefore, if you choose to sign a surgical excision contract, you must bear the consequences! This is my choice, but everyone can have different choices, respect everyone's choice, just like the choice of abortion! Because we are not qualified to help others bear the consequences and side effects!

To be a human being really has to be heart-to-heart! I know that many people don't like my brother, and even many children don't respect him, after all, he is an uncle, but his IQ is not as good as theirs. A while ago, my brother was getting thinner and thinner, and he often had epileptic seizures. I suggested that my mother give him Chinese medicine, but of course it turned him out to be very bad, and I was scolded by a lot of relatives! Now my brother took Chinese medicine and he is getting better! Thank God! I don't care how's peole thinking and saying! There is no need to explain too much between people! Just like Americans and Taiwanese are addicted to vaccines, no matter how they block it! Medical care is a personal choice, and "respect" is a basic human quality! Some people accept western medicine, some people accept traditional Chinese medicine, and we are not qualified to deny traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine, because no single medicine or medical practice is 100% safe and has no side effects! If you can't help others suffer, don't encourage others to make any choices! You get vaccinated, this is your choice! If I get sick with the vaccine, will you help me suffer? Why are more and more people not believing in Christianity? Because Christianity can't even do the most basic "healing"! What does Christianity teach now? Teach some bullshit "doctrine"! "Doctrine" is not something that Christian leaders can get together and use their own words to spread. If you preach your own teachings, shut up! You know that false teachings have plagued thousands of years! Pastors and leaders will be judged more severely! This is what the Bible says! Please! Don't preach wrong teachings, wrong concepts are hard to change!

(2 Samuel 22:27) With the pure thou wilt shew thyself pure; and with the froward thou wilt shew thyself unsavoury. ~ I often ask God: Why do modern people have no experience of the Holy Spirit? On the contrary, there are many experiences of evil spirits, and many pastors regard evil spirits as holy spirits, and even more pastors worship evil spirits! They are distorting Christianity according to the teachings of evil spirits. These are the devils and the antichrist! "Devil" is the enemy of Christ, and the devil is also called "Antichrist"! More and more Christians don't have the experience of the Holy Spirit, but the experiences of evil spirits abound! They listen to the teachings of evil spirits and do some very ridiculous things, they call it "receive the Holy Spirit"! That is not to receive the Holy Spirit, that is "evil"! Falling into evil is a common occurrence in Christian conferences, because these people are all pursuing "miracles", and as a result fall into evil! There was once a young sister who had no experience with the Holy Spirit and she was very sad. I helped her pray and she seemed to improve her relationship with God and her faith brought her peace and joy! I don't understand these Christians and Christian leaders: what do you think Christianity is? Why do Christians believe so much that they want to commit suicide? Why do Christians suffer from severe depression? These Christian leaders have resposibility for your congregations!

Jesus always emphasized in the Bible: "The Holy Spirit" is our Comforter! Is Jesus kidding us? I pay great attention to the conduct and conduct of the pastors! I think it doesn't matter if a leader is good or not abouth knowledge, but his character and conduct must be good! If you go into a church, you will scold the congregations, scold some politicians, complain about the world, and so on. I ask you: Is there any difference between you and the people of Israel? Christian leaders don't just get a license, it means you can come out and preach! Do you think that the pastor's card is the guarantee of preaching and pastoral ministry? Many people spend a lot of money to study in seminary, just to get a pastor card, and ask a famous pastor to endorse them, then you have the qualification to be a pastor. If you don’t have the endorsement of a famous pastor, you will starve to death! But I have to be honest: Christianity is disappointing me right now! I haven't seen a good pastor yet! We need to understand one thing: "Faith" is an individual's right to choose, and which church to join and which pastor followed is one's own choice!

"Faith" is a personal choice! Everyone can choose different beliefs! Can we denigrate other people's beliefs all the time and force others to accept our beliefs? Of course not! Strongly twisted melons are never sweet! I never forcefully sell Christianity! Because I think if Christianity is a good Faith, there will naturally be many people willing to become Christians! Christianity is not good, the congregations we got through deception and abduction will leave, and those who have been deceived will smear Christianity everywhere. Isn’t that humiliating God? In order to spread the Gospel and Baptize people, many Christians have distorted the Bible, and even turned Christianity into a prostitution religion with "overflowing love"! There are many Christians who tell non-Christians: Our sins are paid by Jesus! We don't have to pay our debts in the future! I don't know which great pastor's fallacy this is? "Truth" doesn't kill people! Becoming a Christian means being reconciled to God the Father, but that doesn't mean we don't have to pay our sin debt! Why does everyone have a "final judgment"?

Jesus keeps telling us: He will send the Holy Spirit to be our Comforter! The Holy Spirit is the very essence of our Christianity! It makes a difference because the Holy Spirit is in Christianity! If Christianity does not have the Holy Spirit, Christianity has no existential value and meaning! Christianity has no great teachings! Christianity never draws congregations by the Bible! The Bible is the Word of God! And "God's words" must be revealed to you by God, then God's words have meaning! If you always listen to the drooling bible and you never get the revelation of the Holy Spirit, the Bible is dead! Emphasize again: the "Bible" must be inspired by the "Holy Spirit" before reading the Bible can be meaningful! The Bible is not an ordinary book. The Bible is not a story, nor is it a means of making money. God’s words must be breathed on by God himself, and the Bible can live!

The Holy Spirit becomes our Comforter, the Holy Spirit who teaches us the truth of the Bible! Why do modern churches and Christians, and modern people, have no experience of the Holy Spirit? Samuel said: Clean, God deals with us clean! Perverted people, God treats them with distortions! In this perverted and rebellious age, why does the Holy Spirit appear to you? The manifestation of the Holy Spirit is for those who "believe"! People who "believe" are not baptized. Many people who are baptized do not believe in God at all, but only use Christianity as a springboard. "Baptized" means that they can use Jesus to pay off their sin debts and go to heaven. The Bible never says that! The Bible says: We all have a "Final Judgment"! Got a chance to share it with you on Sunday: Eternal Life and Eternal Death! If Christianity does not have the Holy Spirit, you must not believe in Christianity! Christianity must have the Holy Spirit, Christianity must be able to do: the functions of "healing", "casting out demons" and "praying"! If you believe in Christianity without peace, then you have entered a cult! Believing in Christianity and not being healed means that the Holy Spirit is not present! The Holy Spirit never lies! The Holy Spirit will tell us: Will He heal us or not! I healed a lot of non-Christians and Christians alike, and I have to have the consent of the Holy Spirit for everyone to heal! The Holy Spirit disagrees, I cannot do healing! Therefore, I will refuse to heal, if the Holy Spirit says: No! Holy Spirit healing must be glorified to God! "Healing," "casting out demons," and "praying" are the power of the Holy Spirit! There are definitely ghosts in this world! What the Bible says is absolutely 100% true, if 1% of the Bible is not true, the Bible is not the word of God! Also, if there were no ghosts, there would be no gods! So, "healing," "casting out demons," and "praying" are all gifts of the Holy Spirit! No church without the Holy Spirit could do these things! A church without the Holy Spirit is not Christianity! Christianity is able to perform miracles of "healing", "casting out demons" and "praying" because we have the Holy Spirit! Most importantly Christians have absolute peace! There is "peace" in any circumstance, as Paul said: there is peace in poverty, affliction, and persecution, this is the true "doctrine" of Christianity and the value of Christianity!