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世界如何大重置?How the New World Order?

April 20, 2022






          What is the current state of the world? We keep saying: The New World Order is a lie! And this is indeed happening! The United States has now mastered the countries of Europe and South America, as well as the countries of Oceania and Asia have been controlled! Their biggest stumbling block at the moment: Russia and China! Remember or not: Trump and Biden are targeting different countries!  Trump targeted China, Biden targets Russia! In fact, they are the same raccoon dog! Republicans and Democrats are singing double reeds! One to deal with Putin, the other to deal with Xi Jinping, the purpose is to unify the world! And what happened to the U.S.-NATO alliance? Their ultimate goal is to reset the world and control the world. They want to build the New World Order. Only everything has them to approve!

          How do they work in the US-UK NATO alliance? They are annexing small countries in the world to achieve the goal of unification! They use election cheating and high technology to support their own puppet government! These European Union countries grow themselves first, and then start charging protection fees from countries around the world! If these small countries do not want to be wiped out, they must buy weapons from big countries like Europe and the United States! They support their own regime to run the country, and then the leaders of these small countries must have many domestic opposition forces, because after all, they obtained power by cheating, and they must embezzle to pay NATO to protect the big countries! They need to buy many unnecessary weapons and vaccines! They must feed these corrupt leaders of NATO!

          The Russian-Ukrainian war has exposed the ugliness of the NATO alliance! Putin must end the war as soon as possible this time! Because the war of attrition hurts the whole world! But if Putin is really knocked out by NATO this time! Then there will be Big problems in China! Because it's a matter of humans existence, as a Christian I can't just think about myself! Think about this: the Ukrainian president could have avoided this war! But he keeps expanding and provoking wars! And completely ignore the life and death of people all over the world! If Ukraine does not provocatively join NATO, there would be no war! The President of Ukraine has plunged people all over the world into an energy crisis and a food crisis! This world is not for people who can lie and deceive people and he can play good dramas, why should we believe him?

          Trump is also a big liar! He became president in 2016 because he knew the truth about 9/11, and he wanted to threaten the Democratic Party! And the Democrats are not willing to eat a dead cat and want to get him out of office! It's not so much to get him down, it's better to say that everyone makes a fortune together! Who gets the money to impeach Trump? Everyone knows it! Why did Trump push the vaccine? Because they know that Biden can't push because no one believes Biden! The filth and ugliness of American politics can't be finished in 3 days and 3 nights! The NATO countries led by the United States have fattened the opposition forces in China and Russia. They want to kill Putin and Xi Jinping, and they can control the world! With this group of devils taking over the world, we will all live rather than die!

           Inflation over all the world and energy crises are nothing to their corrupt and wealthy leaders! But this will affect billions of people around the world! UAE has killed more than one million people because of vaccinated , but these numbers have been covered up! At least 10 million people have died in the United States because of vaccines! These numbers are well below the target value of the New World Order! They were able to blow up more than 3,000 people in the Twin Towers, as well as destroy 3 civil aircrafts and the people on board. See how inhuman these people are? Just as inhumane as Ukrainian President Zelenskky! Be smart and New Yorkers we should have our independent! God will take over New York! We can't control by those devils!