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Humanism is destroying the world!

October 1, 2022

What is "humanism"? The United States has always claimed itself as a "humanitarian" country. Is the United States really a humanitarian country? America is inhumane at all! Correctly said: American officials are not humans, they are simply beasts! They don't care "people" in their eyes, they only care about "money" in their eyes! Their "humanity" is hypocrisy! Opening the border to allow illegal immigrants to come to the United States is not "humane" at all! These officials are undermining the U.S. Constitution and allowing these "illegal immigrants" to commit crimes! American officials are creating "criminals", and this is their "humanity"! Creating "criminals" and covering up "criminals" is not "humane" at all, but murder! 80% of the criminals in the world are made in the United States, and the devils is the main reason for making criminals! The devils is the master of criminals! Why does the U.S. government shield "criminals"? Because the US government is "incompetent"! Only an incompetent government can shelter criminals!

How incompetent is the US government? The US government is as "incompetent" as the American Christian Church! The Christian church has no "Holy Spirit" and cannot be called Christianity at all! There is no "Holy Spirit" in the American Church! Therefore, the American Church denies the "Holy Spirit"! American Christianity is completely wrong! The "Trinity" taught by American Christianity is the Father, the Son, and the Bible! This is completely wrong teaching! If Christianity Can't Work: Miracles of Healing, Casting Out Demons! There is no need for Christianity at all! Christianity is definitely not chicken soup for the soul! God once asked me a question: Are you afraid? I asked: What are you afraid of? He said: When the whole world does not support you, are you afraid? I am really scared! But I have overcame already! God once said: The world is in the hands of the devil! It's easy and a lot to support the devil's people! You have to be mentally prepared! No one cares about "Truth", everyone cares about "Profits"! Only money can make it: ghosts push the mill! There is no "profits", there is no one around you, and no one will help you! No one cares about "fairness" and "righteousness"!

(John 3:19) And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. (20) For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light , lest his deeds should be reproved.(21) But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.~ If you say: the Bible is useless, even the Bible is the soul chicken soup, those people and those pastors must be "idiots"! Only fools cannot see the true value of the Bible! There are too many idiots in this world who only see "profits" in their eyes!

This passage tells us: The world does not love the light, so why they do not like the light? Because their deeds are evils! We all know that "doing evil" is a secret act! And if you do evil things righteously, you will definitely be blamed! So, why don't people love light? Because the evil deeds of evildoers will be exposed, and their evil deeds will be blamed! In this dark and rebellious age, if we want to practice "Truth", we must rely on "God" to do it! Because we simply cannot practice the "Truth" on our own! In what capacity do we have to do the Truth on our own? We simply do not have the ability to perform miracles of "casting out demons" and "healing people". How can we perform "Truth"? Why is the presence of the "Holy Spirit" necessary? Why are miracles of "casting out demons" and "healing people" necessary? Because what the Holy Spirit does on your behalf is "Truth"! The presence of the Holy Spirit means that what you do is done by "the Holy Spirit"! And "casting out demons" and "healing people" are the most common and most needed things in this world! If there is no miracle by the Holy Spirit, ask: Christians and Christian pastors, how do you prove the existence of God? Do you think it's great to talk nonsense with your mouths and people believe God? Will "deceiving people" and "deceiving God" not be paid for pricees? You have to surely be paid for cheating!

In the past, our evils deeds were sneaky, but now America is totally different that they totally postive evils things! America is really disgusting! U.S. government officials use "humanism" to turn the world into a "ghost world"! What is "humanism"? 1. Allow illegal immigrants to enter the United States at will? 2. Rationalization of beating, smashing, looting and burning? 3. Criticize and sanction other countries casually? 4. Legal abortion? 5. Legalize gay marriage? 6. Is it justifiable to frame the blame? 7. America is the greatest, money is omnipotent, money is supreme? 8. God is our slave. Whatever we ask Him to do, He must do it. If God cannot do it, there is no God, no God! 9. To talk nonsense and use God's name in vain is to use God to make money! This is what is happening in America! America has turned the whole world into a dark world! America doesn't care about "Truth" and "righteousness" because America is a country ruled by the devils! Once again: the United States, whether "Democratics" or "Republicans", is the parties of the devils!

Why is the presence of the "Holy Spirit" so important? Because only in the presence of the Holy Spirit can we perform "miracles"! We don't need big miracles, but we must have general miracles! Everyone's mouth can make up stories without the presence of the Holy Spirit! No one can do the "Truth" by himself, and the "Truth" is definitely not something we can do if we want to do it. We must rely on God to do it when we do the "Truth"! Why? Because none of us know what the real "Truth" is, only the "Spirit of Truth" knows what the real "Truth" is! Why are there so many nonsense churches today that they lead the congregations to do evils, but a bunch of congregations worship them and follow them? Because the devils wants to destroy the light! The devils just keeps us in the dark, and we don't know what "Truth" is? What is "sin"? Many Christian pastors want Christians to die! They kept Christians fighting against the governments, and they made Christians die horribly! Did Jesus send His disciples to die? If, these pastors can perform miracles like Jesus, they are qualified to send Christians to die!

Christianity has been spreading for nearly 2,000 years, which is a shame! What are Christian pastors doing now? Christianity cannot perform miracles at all! The 1.5 billion Christians in the world really don't understand whether you are Christians or not? No miracle is no Holy Spirit! Churches and pastors who can't heal people, cast out demons - have nothing to do with God at all! Don't trust anyone's mouth! "Lies" everyone can tell beautiful words! We must see "miracles"! Now the church cannot perform miracles, so it directly denies the Holy Spirit! Only churches that can do miracles can do "Truth"! Only churches that practice "Truth" can believe and follow! The US government is not "humane" at all! Prices and energy are so expensive that people can't live! And people have to work 2-3 jobs to survive. Is this government humane? The more the income of the people, the more heavier the tax! Can't live without income! An electric car is 12 times the price of an electric bike! And the electricity bill is not cheap, but the electric car manufacturers are profitable! The people have to deal with beating, smashing, looting and burning by ourselves, and we have to lockdown to deal with the viruses. Who told me: Where does show the humanity of the American government? Legal Abortion Is Humane Killing! Beating, smashing, looting and burning are legal and humane killings! Soaring energy and prices are humane killings! The humanitarianism of the U.S. government is to kill legally! The United States can release and study the viruses, killing people all over the world! This is called the destruction of humanity! Including only the United States in the world is eligible to release nuclear bombs with impunity! The humanitarianism of the US government is to follow the devils! And because the American church doesn't have the "Holy Spirit" at all, Christianity is the place to help the devils doing evils! Where is the Holy Spirit? There is light there! Am I afraid? If the Holy Spirit is not with me, I am just an ordinary person, of course I am afraid! But I can do miracles and the Holy Spirit is with me, why should I be afraid? Without the Holy Spirit with me, I simply cannot walk in the light because I have no power at all! But without the Holy Spirit with me, I must be sought after by the devil! So, as long as we are walking in the light, as long as we have the Holy Spirit, we must not be afraid! On hurricane, during nuclear wars... The Holy Spirit will surely protect us! That's why I'm not afraid at all!