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In order to live with you~old, and then we must bravely destroy criminals!

August 24, 2022

Eliminated Crimes, everyone has responsible! Went to be a poll worker again yesterday! Impressed all day yesterday! In fact, I don't know what modern people are thinking now. But I know the life I want for myself! Yesterday saw many old men and old ladies come to vote and see traditional America! They are all both lovely couples! Although there were no Republicans at all yesterday, because there were no Republican candidates at all! Many old people and Jews are Democrats! Yesterday I saw a couple and a family, and one of our scrutineers is Jewish. Her husband is super kind to her. Her husband brings lunch and dinner, and her daughter accompanies her to eat lunch and dinner outside. The daughter is ready to be 13 years old and accept the Jewish bar mitzvah! I have never seen such a sweet picture in my life! We often say: Jews pay attention to their benefits! In fact, there are many different kinds of people in the Jewish people, they focus on profits, but they focus more on family! And seeing the 12-year-old daughter, it turns out that she is also a godly Jew!

America is the last piece of pure land in the world! Especially New York! I was really moved by seeing many old couples yesterday! Most of them came to vote together on crutches, and every couple came to vote together hand in hand, and then seeing the people who work with us, their family eating pizza outside, it was really warm! I don't know what kind of life you want? But I know New Yorkers are being brainwashed all the time - live for yourself! In fact, I am already quite tired of the selfishness in this world, and I am even more tired of those who regard selfishness as a dogma and spread selfish remarks everywhere! As if the world could not survive without selfishness! In their eyes everything is profits! Money is the value standard by which they judge people! I will stay in America because I have promised God to help Americans, but what I can do is so limited! If, I can't survive, I will choose the way I can survive! Surviving is not difficult for me at all, but what I saw yesterday made me see the life I want to live again! The most romantic thing we've ever heard - growing old with you! We can choose to die of old age with "money", or we can choose to die of old age with our loved ones! It's all your choice!

(Isaiah 3:5) And the people shall be oppressed, every one by another, and every one by his neighbour: the child shall behave himself proudly against the ancient, and the base against the honourable. ~See Isaiah says : The people will oppress each other! Everyone has to be oppressed by their neighbors, and young people insult the elderly. We can see this everywhere in our lives. There is no respect for the elderly in all parts of the world. We feel that the elderly should die, and the elderly are a waste of the world’s resources. Bullying each other, without love, full of violence between people, this world is the world of barbarians, are barbarians human? Basically, barbarians should be animals, barbarians are disciples of Darwin, barbarians believe in evolution! A beast without theoretical morality and conscience! The theory of evolution is the fulfillment of the Bible book of Isaiah: the people will oppress each other! There is only the animal world - no humanity, no ethics!

Why does the Book of Isaiah say: The humble will despise the honorable? Because we are in an era of laughing at poverty and not laughing at prostitutes! As long as we have money, money is everything in our eyes. There is no moral conscience for money, no shame for money, and those shameless rich people are worshipped like gods! This is the humble man insulting the noble man! Many people no longer advocate morality, and many people voluntarily humble themselves and regard it as a glorious thing to lick their buttocks. For money, they can lick their buttocks, shit, and pee. They are completely shameless and lowly people, but these lowly people often it is the loudest insult to the virtuous poor! None of our ancient sages were born in this era. If these people who did not bow down to the five-quater rice people were died in this era, there would be no Chinese culture at all! If Chinese culture has the same values ​​as Western culture, Chinese culture is rubbish! The breadth and depth of Chinese culture is that Chinese culture always teaches people to become "humans", not to turn them into "animals"! Western culture teaches humans become inhuman and immoral, we are all animals!

Do "animals" have family values? Animals of course have family values, but today's Americans are even worse than animals! Just chatting with friends and seeing this group of seniors, I remembered what I promised God: I want to help Americans because old white couple saved my life! Every time I hear disgusting remarks from the leaders of the church, I really want to God destroy them! These bullshit church leaders have always worshipped Money, and they have always respected Luxury Clothes first and then people! They respect people because their money! In their eyes "money" is more important, how could they possibly change the church? How could they possibly revive the church? How could they help people saved life? In their eyes, they can do everythings with money, and they can't do anything without money! What's the difference with these politicians? The purpose of the church is to make money, and the purpose of the church is to make money from conggregations. Do you really think that if there are more churches in the world that make money, the world will become better ? The money-gathering church has been ruining the world, and they are indeed insulting God!

The church is all about helping each other! What is the modern church? It is the humble man who insults the noble man! The church doesn't want to help the poor at all, and the poorest ethnic group in the world - poor single-parent families and poor old people! Do you know why politicians treat illegal immigrants with special courtesy? Because they are afraid of illegal immigration! Illegal immigrants can kill politicians and government officials like dogs, they ignore American law at all, that's why politicians treat criminals with special courtesy! Offending criminals will kill they, offending the good and the weak, and you don't need to be afraid of their revenge! What is this called? Bully the good and fear the evil! America is now a country that kills the elderly! Politicians are doing everything possible to kill those poor, vulnerable families and the elderly! Because these ethnic groups have absolutely no economic profits, they cannot help politicians to obtain more benefits, so politicians want to kill these old people and poor people! And the church is doing the same thing - they only welcome the rich, they hate the poor!

Do you know what moved me the most about the old couples? I am your eyes, I am your crutch! Women tell them the names on the ballots, whether men can't see well. No matter whether anyone has a bad foot, they will support each other and help each other ~ walk slowly! None of them dislike each other, and the other half of their limbs are aging, for each other ~ just like their own body aging! This is the concept in the Bible ~ man and woman are to be one! Marriage is supposed to support each other for a lifetime! And the church is shepherding the body of Jesus! The church often throws bad members and old members out of the church door. What do you think of the Creator? Does the Creator only create rich and powerful people? Seeing this group of elderly couples makes me even more excited to protect the poor, defend the rights and interests of the elderly, and protect our family and moral values! Do you really think animal politicians should sacrifice the weak and the elderly for fear of death? If we continue to make concessions, the United States will only become more and more corrupt, and more vulnerable and elderly people will become victims! We can no longer tolerate "criminals" at all! Eliminated crimes and we can live old together!