Electric energy is originally a "secondary energy source"! "Secondary energy" must be lost. Why is every country actively promoting "electric energy" now? "Solar energy" and "wind energy" are direct power generation, but "thermal power generation", "nuclear power generation" and "coal power generation" all convert existing energy into "electrical energy", and the real purpose of developing "electrical energy" is: computerization! Because the computer cannot be started with "coal" or "oil"! "Electric energy" can be controlled, but general energy is relatively uncontrollable, which is why more and more weapons are powered by electric energy! And the electric energy conversion tools made of "wind energy" and "solar energy" are also natural enemies of environmental pollution! Can "solar" and "wind" power generation equipment really provide effective electricity? Or "cost" and "production value" are not enough to offset? What about high-tech waste polluting the environment? "Computers" and "electricity" have become indispensable tools in our lives, but should we waste them infinitely?
Living in this generation is no longer a "war" between "humans" or "humans and animals", but a war between "humans and machines"! We need to ask ourselves: Can we live without "machines"? The world God created for us has no "machines", all "machines" are not "living things", "machines" are "tools", but we have already regarded all inanimate things as more important than living things value! We don't know what life is at all? Life is not living for "material"! Without life, leaving "machines", will this world be beautiful? Many people regard "computer" as a god! Many people value "cars" as their wives and children... We have been emphasizing the greatness of these "inanimate tools", but we don't care about the "value and needs of living people" at all. Where is the "devil"? The "devil" is in our hearts! ”(Mark 12:30) And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.(31) And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as myself. There is none other commandment greater than these.~Jesus never told us to cherish our "car", "house", "treasure".... "Love" is Intangible, but we have turned "love" into a cheap "commodity"!
The worst thing about the church now is not to teach people how to "love" but to teach people how to "Donation"! Most churches follow the world law: Celebrity effect! These Christians believe that a "big church" means "big influence"! More and more churches keep growing, but people's hearts are getting more and more evil! Christians are blinded by the "money of the world"! God will have mercy on "people", but God will never have mercy with "devils"! Don't lie to the "Holy Spirit"! If God is not a God who can search people's hearts, if God can't distinguish between "man" and "devil", then how can He be God? If God can't tell the difference between "man" and "devil", then we don't have to follow God at all! Because how could this kind of "foolishness" be a "god"? The Creator must be the oldest! And the Creator who can't tell the difference between "human" and "devil" is worse than human beings. He is either an "old fool" or an "old idiot". Then we don't need to follow the "creator"! If the Creator repays everyone according to their deeds, it means that He is absolutely righteous, and that is our own ignorance, everyone needs to pay the price for their deeds!
I believe in the "Creator"! I also fully believe in the justice of the Creator! He will surely reward everyone according to their deeds! The ending of the wicked will be miserable that we cannot see! If we want to "deceive ourselves" then no one can save us! There is absolutely no "free lunch" in this world, we must all pay the price for our actions! Just like how we treat people, others must treat us in the same way! Don't treat everyone in the world as "fools"! A "lie" is always a "lie"! The "wicked" must receive "retribution"!