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Israel's joint sitting method/以色列的连坐法

October 14, 2023

I'm right again! As early as a few days ago, I told everyone: Hamas's bombing of Israel this time is Israel's fishing strategy! Israel wants to eat up Palestine in one go! Israel now not only wants to eat Palestine, but also Syria! (Matthew 24:15) When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)(16) Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: ~~The Bible has anticipated today! The Palestinian people must not retreat to the south. The Palestinian people must run to the mountains! Israeli MPs want to launch doomsday weapons and raze Palestine! It seems that the doomsday war is already underway! The government of Israel was the one "Daniel saw to do desolation and abomination"! The Bible is truly amazing!

I also tell Israel: If you really raze Palestine, people all over the world will raze Israel! Do you have any doomsday weapons? We’ll just wait and see! Don’t give in even a step this time! Israel's razing of Palestine is the beginning of the end of the world! Does Israel think they can wipe out other countries casually because they have doomsday weapons? Is it okay to trample on life casually? I really feel bad about these beasts in Israel! Are you human? You are not human at all! What is the relationship between the Palestinian people and Hamas? If you don’t have the ability to arrest Hamas, can you let the entire Palestinian people be buried with Hamas? Is it because there is a people or a group in China who are unhappy with Israel and bombing Israel? Are you ready to kill 1.4 billion Chinese people?

The Chinese figure it out! This is not what I said, this is what Israeli officials are doing now! You people all over the world have clearly seen what disgusting things Israel is doing? Hamas is just a minority organization in Palestine, but in order to kill Hamas members, they want to destroy Palestine, right? ! frenzied! Supporting Israel is not the devil, what is it? There are 1.4 billion Chinese people in China. Can the Chinese government watches of everyone? If there are American citizens committing crimes in China, should the Chinese government destroy the United States? How many American citizens committed crimes in Japan? Does Japan want to destroy the United States? Whoa whoa! Feel sorry! Japan and China are useless countries! You do not have doomsday weapons like Israel and the United States! The whole world can destroy any country at will: Israel and the United States! Because they have powerful weapons! Very great! The Chinese people had better watch and monitor at every Chinese, lest China be destroyed by Israel! Israel is so great! We were all scared to death! You must not offend Israel...they can bring the entire country to justice! Strong than God! Israel is Greatest country in the world!

我又說中啦!早在幾天前、我已經告訴大家:這次哈瑪斯炸以色列是以色列的釣魚計謀!以色列想一鍋端,吃掉巴勒斯坦!以色列現在不單想吃掉巴勒斯坦,還有敘利亞!(馬太福音 24:15) 「你們看見先知但以理所說的『那行毀壞可憎的』站在聖地(讀這經的人須要會意)。(16) 那時,在猶太的,應當逃到山上;(Matthew 24:15) When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)(16) Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:~聖經已經預料到今天!巴勒斯坦人民千萬不能撤到南部,巴勒斯坦人民千萬要跑到山上去!以色列議員要發動末日武器,夷平巴勒斯坦!看來末日戰爭已經在弦上!以色列政府就是那「但以理看到要行毀壞和可憎的」!聖經真的太神奇!

