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Israel's Planed/以色列的计谋

October 9, 2023

I was discussing something with a friend just now: A child drowned in the swimming pool! Why drowned? Because there is a man who refuses to save him a little boy! This man is not human at all! There are too many "faults" in this world, so everyone is "it's better to have one less thing to do than one more thing have to do"! I told my friends: Nowadays, Chinese people are becoming more and more like "Jews". They have no moral conscience and only care about money! That's right! The Jews simply "have no moral conscience." How many of you would rather die than save moral and conscience? I don't care anymore! Because I hate this kind of people who don't want to save anyone the selfish person! A friend said: Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda! But when facing people who refuse to save life, they are not trying to do "merit" at all. They don't understand what "merit" is at all! All I can say is: "Failing to save someone is equal to murder"! Let me say it again: Failure to save someone is equal to murder! All you lickers of Jewish ass are murderers!

Let me explain to you a bigger conspiracy: "Israel"! You are such thieves! Hamas fired 5,000 rockets, did Israel’s Hassad not know? Do you think it's possible? What kind of nonsense is this? Israeli Jews, listen clearly: Look at how you Israeli officials treat your soldiers! This is obviously a "trap"! Why should these "5,000 rockets" be used to bomb Israel? Take advantage of the situation! Israel wants to destroy Palestine! Israel takes this opportunity to destroy Palestine! I am very, very disgusted with the inhumanity of the Jews! In fact, why does Israel need female soldiers? Are Israeli men incompetent? Israel is certainly not a godly nation! If we read the Bible, we will find that Jehovah God hates “female soldiers”! Israel completely deviates from biblical truth! God Himself will attack these sins!

Let me tell you first: Israel’s dirty plan! Israel is using Hamas to "annihilate Palestine"! Did these 5,000 rockets immediately arouse public condemnation? I would like to ask Israel: 1. How many Palestinian civilians have you killed? 2. Let me ask Israel again: How much Palestinian resources and land do you occupy? 3. Occupying Palestine and annihilating Palestine is just the beginning the plan for Israel! Their goal is to take over Ukraine! When Israel solves the Palestinian issue, they will solve the "Russian-Ukrainian war"! Ukraine is basically rotten! They can pay money and get Ukraine! Now it is very easy for Israel to take over Ukraine! As for what will happen after Israel takes over Ukraine? I don't know either! Think about it: Ukraine’s geographical location, Ukraine is an important transportation location connecting Europe and Asia! Ukraine’s agricultural product production ranks in the world! You understand what Israel is going to do! These Scriptures have told us beforehand! Let’s see how it develops in the future… If you want to know what happens next… please read the breakdown next time!




