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Isreal thinking=Poor people thinking

December 14, 2022

Suddenly thought of the poor thinking! I don't understand why many Christians are "poor people thinking"! What is poor thinking? It is "Jacob thinking"! Jacob is Israel! And the Jews are the descendants of Israel, and many Jews may feel that they have to behave like Israel! Because many Christian pastors have also been advocating the Israeli way of thinking! Israel is Jacob! "Jacob" means "catch"! "Jacob" will never suffer a loss in his life, which is why the Jews will never suffer losing anything when doing business with them! Because Jacob wrestled with God's messenger, Jacob still won and changed his name to Israel! Because Jacob has been holding on to the messenger of God, why does Jacob hold on to the messenger of God? What does Jacob want? Jacob be blessed! Jacob spent all his life deceitful, deceiving his elder brother Esau's birthright, and deceiving his father Isaac to steal his elder brother Esau's blessing! But the Jews never thought Jacob was bad, and they thought Israel was good! Israel is poor thinking, so the Jews are indeed poor!

Many people will think that I have made a mistake! The Jews are obviously very rich! Israel is rich, most of all the Jews we know are rich! Israel is indeed poor! I mean Jacob was poor! He has been deceitful all his life! But Jacob had no peace and joy all his life! After Jacob deceived his brother's blessing, he began his fate of fleeing! He treated people with deceit, and his uncle treated him with deceit! Later, he left and returned to his hometown, and gave most of his hard-earned wealth to his brother in order to save his life! In the end, the sons murdered the others whole family, made him offend God, and left the place where they settled down! It feels like the fate of the Jews, running around all over the world their lives, no one welcomes Jews! Finally, leave the land promised by God and go to Egypt as a sojourner! Do you think Jacob lived a happy life? From Jacob, we can really see the characteristics of the nation of Israel ~ the thinking of the poor! The nation of Israel has indeed no peace in its life!

There are many Christian pastors who really haven't read the Bible well! How is it possible to worship the life of Israel? Next time someone asks Christians to be the people of Israel, remember to tell him: Are you going to harm us? Do you want us to be cursed? Why do so many people dislike Christians? Because we have all inherited the deceitfulness of Israel! We are all inheriting Israel's "poor mentality"! The real problem for Christians is "deceit" and "not being able to give"! If we take Israel as our goal again, we will be like Jacob for the rest of our lives ~ alone, helpless, and sorrowful, we will go down to Hades! Paul tells us: It is more blessed to give than to receive! But to put it bluntly: Paul said that it is more blessed to give than to receive. Who would believe it? Many people know that Paul can only preach, and Paul has no testimony, right? I'm telling the truth! I do not believe at all that giving is more blessed than receiving! Especially seeing poor pastors like Paul, what do they do? They spit! Who cares about their drool? May I ask how many people drool because of the shepherds... believe that giving is more blessed than receiving! Poor many pastors and Christians! It is the thinking of the poor in Israel, using brothers and sisters all over the world! Pastors who spat like this and Christians who use brothers and sisters, God will never bless you! You are not qualified to be an example of being more blessed to give than to receive!


(1 Kings 17:13) And Elijah said unto her, Fear not; go and do as thou hast said: but make me thereof a little cake first, and bring it unto me, and after make for thee and for thy son.(14) For thus saith the LORD God of Israel, The barrel of meal shall not waste, neither shall the cruse of oil fail, until the day that the LORD sendeth rain upon the earth.~There is only one person in the Bible who is truly more blessed to give than to receive, and that is this unknown woman! And she is also the savior of the Judahs! What kind of story is this? That is, there is a severe drought in the land of Judah, and there is no food at all! The woman only had a little flour and some oil left. She planned to make cakes for herself and her son. After eating, she was ready to starve to death! Later, Elijah told her: You make bread for me to eat first, and then you make the rest for yourself and your son! Surely your flour and oil will not diminish until the rain falls on the earth! The woman believed Elijah's words! The woman believed in Elijah, and she also believed in Jehovah God, so she made bread for Elijah to eat! And the woman's oil and flour never dwindled, and both the woman and her son survived! This is the real thing - it is more blessed to give than to receive! If the woman hadn't fed Elijah, it seemed that Judah's drought would never have been resolved! At least one woman in Judah was God-fearing and compassionate, at least they were willing to sacrifice their own benefits! Let’s think again: Why are Christians not blessed now? God never took the initiative to bless Israel. Israel's blessings were obtained through deceit, but this woman is different! How much courage did it take for her to be willing to sacrifice herself and obey God? But the blessing she received was unconditional, and there was peace! Unlike the blessings that Israel has received, there was no peace in his heart! Let's think again: Are we Israel? Or this unknown woman?