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Jews' culture

December 22, 2023

What exactly is Chinese culture? Why is it that the history of the nation of Israel is similar to that of China, but we can’t see Israeli culture? The only thing we know is: Jews are good at making money! There are many Jewish Nobel Prize-winning scientists! The Jews have almost represented the nation of Israel, but is the nation of Israel what we have seen in the past 200 years of history? Jews are very good at making money because they took advantage of the industrial revolution and made money from loan sharking! There are many Jewish scientists, and we find that all Jewish inventions are based on "profits"! In the history of the Israelites, only the Bible is the true historical heritage of Israel. Apart from the Bible, the Israelites had nothing! The Jews produced two figures in history who changed the history of the West: one is Jesus! One is Marx! That's right! It is the Marx of Marxism! Marxism changed the modern history of the West! How did Marx judge the Jews? Marx himself was a Jew. He said: The Jewish faith is "Money"! The Jews are a group of "Selfish" people! This is a Jew’s judgment on a Jew! Why are Jews "selfish"? Because the education that Jews have received since childhood is: selfishness! This is why we don’t see the culture of the Israelites! The Israelis are completely uneducated! Because they receive "selfish education", they have no culture to pass on! Even today, the only pride of the Jews is the Talmud. The Talmud teaches: The art of making money and the art of maneuvering! What a miserable nation!

I often wonder: What can I leave to future generations? We often leave a lot of "legacy", but we have never thought about: If, one day, our descendants become the Palestinian people, will these legacies be helpful to them? I wonder what you see in the Palestinian people? Let’s think about it again: Japan invaded China, did “heritage” help the Chinese? Why can China defeat Japan? Why won’t China tolerate it for 56 years like the Palestinians? Why do the Israelis tell the Palestinian people to go south, and the Palestinians go south, and end up dying even worse! China is a literate country! Our childhood education is the only "weapon" that helps us defeat the Japanese! Chinese culture is deeply "influenced by Confucianism"! Let’s think again about the invention of our Chinese culture: We have the compass! We have papermaking! We have Chinese medicine! Of course "gunpowder" is also a Chinese invention! "Gunpowder" was invented by the Yuan Dynasty! We have an almanac! I must say: Chinese culture is an "altruistic culture"! Let’s take a look: the compass, traditional Chinese medicine, papermaking and the almanac, all to improve people’s lives! This is the true "core value" of Chinese culture!

What is "altruistic culture"? "Altruistic culture" is a kind of "idealism", and "idealism" and "materialism" are opposite! Jewish culture is "materialism"! Why do Jews have no culture? Because they turned "culture" into "material", and "material" eventually came to nothing! This is the main reason why the Jews are uneducated! The two Jews who had the most profound influence on the West: Jesus and Marx! Jesus and Marx emphasized "idealism"! It is the same system as Chinese Confucianism! The ceiling of "Confucianism" is the "world of great harmony"! Both Jesus and Marx advocated a "universal world"! "Great Harmony World" is the common ceiling of Eastern and Western cultures! Why does China have culture? Does the West have no culture? Because the West has been going in the wrong direction all along! Western culture has always been controlled by "materialism", so Western culture cannot be preserved at all! "Materialism" will eventually perish!

Why can Confucius's Confucianism spread? Confucianism has a characteristic: idealism is idealism, but "idealism" requires "tools" to realize it! This is why my dad always says: Christianity is "idealism"! How did Confucius realize his "idealism"? Confucius "traveled around the world" and "taught all people" to spread "Confucianism"! Confucius was not a private school teacher, Confucius himself "walked in the flames of wars"! Confucius' era was the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. He was not afraid of wars. He spread Confucianism everywhere. This is the real greatness of Confucius! Confucius set an example for the Chinese people: Scholars do not just study behind closed doors at home, scholars must step forward to help people live a good life. "Education" changes lives! Remember: It is "Education" that changes life, not "knowledge" that changes life! Without the influence of "Confucianism", we would not have so many young students resisting Japan, and we would not be able to defeat the Anti-Japanese War! "Young students" are the future of the country!

China's status since ancient times has been: scholars, farmers, industry and commerce! We must understand that this is a very, very important order, and none of it can be changed! Western ideological education is: businessmen, officials, workers and farmers! This is the class concept of Western education, and this is also the reason why Western ideas have corrupted the world! In the West, "businessmen" always come first. If you have money, you can control politics. If you control politics, you can control the working class. But farmers have always been at the bottom of life! Why is life in South American countries so miserable? Why is life in Indonesia so miserable? Because they are all victims of Western culture! They are all victims of "materialism"! The ceiling of Chinese Confucianism is the "Great Harmony of the World", and the "Great Harmony of the World" must be achieved: "Scholars, farmers, industry and commerce"! We have been taught since ancient times that "officials" must be "examples"! "Teacher" must be a "role model"! Are there any mistakes in these Confucian thoughts? These ideas are absolutely correct! But Western ideas have corrupted the Chinese people! Our current "officials" are colluding with "businessmen". Why are there corrupt officials? Because "collusion between government and business" can make a lot of profits faster! Western thought puts businessmen and officials first, and rich people can buy officials and control politics! This is what Confucianism says: No personality!

If a country is full of no personality officials, how miserable will the people of this country be? There are too many "corrupt officials" in the United States, and the United States is a country without "honesty"! This is the sad fate of the American people! Chinese history tells us one thing: scholar-bureaucrats must be noble and incorruptible! Class is very important: scholar-bureaucrats, farmers, workers, and finally businessmen! Why? (Continue tomorrow)