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Jews return to Israel

October 7, 2023

In morning prayer, I asked God what to do with the Jews who control America? God replied: Let them all return to "Israel"! I asked: How could they return to Israel? He said: They could only take "cash, gold and jewelry" with them when they returned to Israel! Send them all back to "Israel" by the plane! I said: There is no way they will go back to Israel! He said: They must go back! God will let the Jews return to Israel, and only bring back “cash, gold, and jewelry”! The only option is to "fly"! They can’t “take a boat” back to Israel! I believe that if it is God’s will for the Jews to return to Israel, He will definitely accomplish it Himself! The Jews totally pissed off God this time! God gave the Jews 2,000 years to repent and gave them so many warnings, but they became increasingly evil and deviated from the truth! The Jews had no chance to repent! Get ready to go back to Israel!

Why is God so sure that the Jews will return to Israel? Because wealthy Jews have built a "fortress against nuclear war" in Israel! Therefore, many rich people around the world will fly to Israel to escape the nuclear war before the "nuclear war" happens! They need to "save their lives"! Only a lunatic would believe the nonsense about "Mars"! The rich all know that they have bunkers in Israel. How can they stay in the United States and wait for a "nuclear war"? There are still a bunch of fools in America! Spending money to buy the Jewish "nuclear war bunker" is exorbitantly expensive! However, rich people are willful! It's like committing suicide on the Titanic! Spend $250,000 on suicide! interesting! This is called "where does the money come from and where does the money go"! The money you got with a evil heart will definitely make you die in pain!

The US government must tell Americans the truth about the "Covid virus"! The United States already has a "serious gap between rich and poor", but after the "Covid virus", our "gap between rich and poor" has become even more serious! Many people have been deceived by the "lying media"! Does anyone know how the "COVID-19 Relief Fund" is distributed? We don’t have “bailout money”, all we get is “unemployment money”! What does this mean? The higher your tax return, the higher your unemployment benefits! I want to ask everyone: Is this fair? Of course it's not fair! This is also why government departments have been closed for so long! All American people are victims of the "Covid virus". Why do government employees receive unemployment benefits with high wages when they file high taxes? How many "high-wage people" do you know who don't want to work at all, they just want to get "unemployment benefits"! Because the government’s so-called “fake bailout” allows them to eat, drink, and sleep at home, and the salary is higher than working! I want to ask everyone: Do homeless people and some women file taxes? Have they suffered during the "Covid virus" period? Are they "victims"? There are many people who have been "unemployed" for a long time. Don't they need "government relief funds"? "Covid virus" is another way for "American politicians" to widen the gap between the rich and the poor! This is another huge contribution made by American politicians to the "rich Americans"!

Originally, "Covid virus relief funds" should not have been distributed to the rich! Too many people die because of "poverty"! Why are there suddenly a lot of homeless people on the New York subway? Why are there so many homeless people on the streets of New York? Do you think these “tramps” are illegal immigrants from Mexico? You should investigate: How many "illegal immigrants" are there on the streets of New York? These streets homeless people are “Americans”! They are the people living at the bottom of society! The "Covid virus" makes them even more difficult for them to survive! Real "illegal immigrants" are smuggled into the United States, and human traffickers have arranged accommodation for them. Many of them come to seek refuge with relatives and friends! There are many poor Americans who stop working and no money to eat. They have no savings at all. How can they pay "rent and living expenses" in the face of the "Covid virus period"? What do the homeless people on the streets of New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles tell us? "The cost of living in these cities is too expensive"! There are many people who have worked hard in the city all their lives, but they can’t even afford a house! Please! Americans should look at our compatriots with "empathy"! Whose fault is this? Is COVID-19 the fault of homeless people? Is it those people’s fault for “$0 dollar shopping”? The cost of living is so high! Government corruption and inaction! Who should we blame? We are luckier than them! But that doesn’t mean those at the bottom of society deserve to die! In China, I often speak out for those who are bullied by urban officers! I often feel sorry and voiced for those "low-end people"! In the United States, why can't I challenge "corrupt officials"? In the United States, why can't we stand up for the "poor and homeless"? Are American politicians more hateful than the Communist Party? Isn’t the United States a democratic country? "Democracy is indeed dead" in the United States! The United States is not a "democracy" country at all! The United States is a "money-driven country"! Everything in the United States is "money first"! If you have money, you have power! Rich people can trample on "the lives of poor people" at will! This is a fact! It is beyond my power to drive the Jews back to Israel, but God always does what He says! Don't worry, poor people! God only punishes “the wicked”!