November 14, 2023

I saw some news: 1. The "Israeli Army Rabbi" allowed Israeli soldiers to rape non-Jewish women whatever they want! 2. The Israeli government will eliminate the news reporters to covered the music festival on 10/7 about truth of Israel massacres Palestinian peoples! As long as you record any war news 10/7, those reporters must be die! The Israeli government has made the "death hit list"! 3. The Israeli government sets up an “Anti-Jews Internet Cleanup Agency” in China! What is "anti-Jews speech"? When will Chinese netizens become governed by Israel? Israel seems confused about where their country is? Israel seems not to know what righteousness is? Israel seems not to know that the Chinese are not a country that relies on Israeli charity! Of course the United States needs to rely on Jewish charity, because there are 5.4 million Jews in the United States, and Jews hold for 90% of the national assets of the United States! A reminder to the Chinese government: there must be no private ownership of state assets, otherwise China will become the United States! The United States has become Germany...China must never privatize national assets, especially not privatize national livelihood projects! China must control: Education, Media, Transportation, Food, Military industry, Banks, Land, Medical care, High-tech industries... everything related to people's livelihood must not be privatized!

What is "rabbi"? "Rabbi" is the leader of Judaism, just like a Christian pastor or a Catholic priest! I was just discussing an incident with a friend: 2 good friends. Girl A had a boyfriend. Girl A wanted to break up, but the boyfriend didn’t want to. Later, Girl A turned to Girl B. Girl B kindly took Girl A in, but Girl A's boyfriend killed Girl B! This individual incident only resulted in the death of one person, but do we know how much loss a wrong leader will cause an enterprise and a country will lose? Jewish rabbis encourage Israeli soldiers to rape non-Jewish women. The evil deeds of Jewish rabbis are the same as the cruel evil deeds of Japan in China! The Japanese army forcibly dragged Chinese women to be "comfort women"! All I can say is: This rabbi, you will make the Israeli genocide extinct! Because you have greatly dishonored the Lord God! You rabbis teach the people to do evil, which reminds me: the Jewish priests and elders encouraged the Jews to crucify Jesus and release the murderer Barabbas! The Jews never repented of the evil they did to Jesus! Wrong leaders will kill thousands and thousands of people! Just like Trump allowed Israel to move its capital to Jerusalem! And Trump allowed the release of the "Covid virus"! Is Trump really like the Israeli government: They think they can do whatever they want as long as they control the media? Doesn’t the whole world know the Truth? Doesn’t the whole world know about these damn devils?

Israel wants to kill the reporter who reported on 10/7 just to cover up the truth! This is the same as the Jews never read the New Testament! Why don’t Jews read the New Testament? Because they think that if they don't read the "New Testament", the descendants of the Jews will not see how cruel and greedy the Jewish priests and elders are? The Jewish priests and elders were really ruthless! Not only do they want to kill Jesus, they have been "Rewriting Christian doctrine"! The Jews have always relied on "money" to control the "church"! Both "Christian" and "Catholic" doctrines have been rewritten in the mess! If I hadn’t studied theology and the Bible well, I really wouldn’t have known how “evil” the Jews were! Including "Islam"! I have Muslim friends, and they told me: Today’s “Islam” is also worshiping “money”! Religions all over the world now worship "money"! Is "religion" good or bad? What is the nature of "religion"? If you "worship money", any "group" or "religion" is evil!

Finally, "anti-Jews remarks"! It seems that I may have also been labeled for "anti-Jews remarks"! I have no feelings for Jews! In the past, many people around me hated Jews, but I had little contact with Jews, so to me, Jews are the race! Even though the Jews crucified Jesus, I still feel that Jesus was willing to forgive them, and it certainly had nothing to do with me! Why do I find Jews annoying? Because they use the name of Jehovah God to do evil! If they don’t use the name of Jehovah, I won’t hate them, but they are indeed dishonoring Jehovah God! I believe in the sovereignty of God! I also believe that God will certainly punish the Jews for their sins! There are no "anti-Jews remarks" in my mind, I'm just telling the "Truth"! Just like I told everyone the "truth about Trump"! Is the “Truth” the “anti-Jews rhetoric”? It's a scary world! We have entered the world what the right or wrong are "upside down the right and wrong"! When the "Truth" is distorted! When "lies become truth"! How pathetic are people? I don't know why Jews can control online media in China? Chinese people really need to think about: Are our current values ​​the values ​​given by our ancestors? Or is it the values ​​​​of "Money first" and "Money is everything" given to us by the Jews?