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Justice must come/报应必临

September 20, 2024

Israel’s BB call incident really put Taiwanese people on the altar! Why use the popular will of Taiwanese's name to establish a shell company? Why are civilians in Lebanon killed with BB calls made in Taiwan? Those Taiwanese businessmen who licked the butts of the Jews, the people of Taiwan should thank unscrupulous businessman! If Taiwan becomes the target of Hezbollah's attack, they are the biggest contributors! Those businessmen are not only selfish, but also have no moral conscience! No matter what Hezbollah does, it cannot use BB calls as bombs to blow up civilians! "Wars" should be on the battlefield, not treating the people as cannon fodder! God knows your wickedness, Israel! And those false pastors, what disgusting things are you doing? God knows everything! For those of you who support Israel’s evil deeds, you will definitely get the retribution you deserved it! God will surely judge people according to our deeds! I can tell you all: Whether you believe God or not, God is a real existence! If God can be killed by "evolution", He is not God! God is not dead! He still controls everything in the universe! We need to fear God, we are not afraid of those beastly people who are full of lies! The people of Taiwan have really been harmed by "the United States" and "Israel"!

The corruption in the Taiwanese government all started in the United States! Now Taiwan's education has lost all moral conscience, and these will be recorded in the history of the Chinese people! Let the people of Taiwan continue to do evil! There will be a lot of suffering ahead... God will definitely repay everyone according to their deeds! Those who do evil will definitely receive "retribution"!


以色列的BB call事件真的把台灣擺上神壇!為什麼用台灣人的民義成立空殼公司?為什麼用台灣產的BB call殺死黎巴嫩的平民?那些給猶太人舔屁股的台灣商人,台灣人民都應該感謝你們這群人!如果台灣成為真主黨攻擊的對象,你們就是最大的功臣!你們這些人不單自私,而且泯滅道德良知!不論真主黨如何,都不能用BB call當炸彈,去炸平民百姓!「打仗」應該在戰場,不是把人民當成炮灰!以色列你們的邪惡,上帝都知道!還有那些假牧者們,你們做什麼噁心的事?上帝都知道!你們這些支持以色列作惡的人,你們必然會得到應該的報應!上帝必然照你們的惡,審判你們!我可以告訴你們大家:不論你們相信、或不相信,上帝就是真真實實的存在!如果、上帝能夠被「進化論」殺死,祂就不是神!上帝沒有死!祂依舊掌管宇宙萬有!我們需要敬畏上帝,我們不是害怕那些滿嘴謊言的畜類人!台灣人民真的被「美國」和「以色列」害慘啦!
