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Kill God! Trample God! Who suffers?

August 25, 2022

There has been a lot of weird news in America recently! A woman wants to touch porcelain, but she can't get it in the end. Touching the magnetism of Chinese women all over the world is really disgraceful to Chinese women, and disgraceful to the world. Since she is shameless, we don't need to be polite~ expose her! Lying naked on the street for money, seeing the police with their feet open, how shameless would it have to be to do this? America is full of shameless and bizarre things! The original explanation of "Land of the Free" was: America is the land of freedom, but now the latest explanation: America is free everywhere! In fact, the US is now free everywhere! As long as you are shameless and strong enough, as long as you can knock everyone down, you can definitely beat, smash, and burn! So I decided to start practicing Chinese kung-fu and air kung-fu. In ancient times, I saw the teacher gently wave and wave away a few big men. It was more fun than magic! Speaking of the police, I was doing election work that day, and there was a police officer on active duty. He is 54 years old and ready to retire! He has been working for 30 years!

He is so much fun! He likes to learn Chinese, and they asked me to teach them Chinese, so I said: Chinese is very interesting! They asked me how to curse the F-word? I said: “幹“ (gan)! But I said: "幹" (gan) is an ugly word, and we don't usually use it alone, and changing "幹" (gan) into "幹什麼" (gan she me)means something completely different! "F~~~"? "What are you doing"? Chinese is really fun, and one Jew put it to use right away! She said: Chinese is similar to Hebrew! I said: there are similarities! Chatting with the police, I remembered of the days when I used to eat, drink, prostitute, and gamble. I don’t prostitute, drug, or gamble, but many of my friends are bosses! So I have seen many whore, drug addicts, prostitutes and gamblers! There was a client who played slot machines in one night and lost $300,000. That was 20 years ago. She lost a house in one night! Later, the police told me: He lost a maximum of 50,000 to 60,000 dollars a night! Why can cops lose $50-60K in one night? And why is he able to spend about $5000 a month on the house? I said: In the past, many of my friends were in the business of eating, drinking, prostitution and gambling, and their biggest expense was the police! They had to pay for raising a lot of policemen. It seems the same in America!

(Malachi 1:6) A son honoureth his father, and a servant his master: if then I be a father, where is mine honour? and if I be a master, where is my fear? saith the LORD of hosts unto you, O priests, that despise my name. And ye say, Wherein have we despised thy name? ~ Many people ask: What is the difference between Christians? We must first know who do Christians worship? Why should we worship Him? Many Christian pastors have no idea: Who do Christians worship? Why should we worship Him? These Christian pastors will be judged soon! The people who judge God are all in the last days! Malachi of the Old Testament judges God's people and shepherds! New Testament Revelation judges the church congregations and the pastors! Christianity is the worship of the "Creator", and we have only one Creator! The God who created all things in the universe is the only Creator! Many pastors are talking nonsense, each religion has different gods, and each religion has only one "Creator"! Therefore, Christians only regard the "Creator" as God, and other religions create many gods for themselves!

Malachi is usually the book that pastors use to ask for money! Pastors like to use Malachi to preach sermons. Every time I hear Malachi, I know that the church is short of money, and the pastors are ready to start cheating! Malachi has already told us at the beginning: God is our heavenly Father! God is our Lord! God is both a father and a master, but we have repeatedly despised God, we have repeatedly shamed God, and we do not fear God at all! Many people say: I fear God! In fact, I really want to ask them: Why do you fear God? How do you fear God? There are many Christians and pastors who are modern Saul! They have the appearance of godliness, but not the heart of godliness! They think that going to church every Sunday to listen to sermons on ignorance and hypnosis and throwing away some money for dog food every Sunday is the fear of God! You really have to ask yourself: Do you have more time, energy and money with your pets and children than with God? If your answer is: yes! Do you fear God? You should be in awe of your pets and children even more!

How is the fear of God? The fear of God is "the true fear of God in spirit"! The fear of God is not in deeds and mouths, but in the heart! In order to gain the support of the people, Saul insisted on leaving Samuel behind! What Saul paid attention to was the form of sacrifice. Saul did not fear God at all! The real reason for the decline of Christianity is the lack of fear of God! These Christian pastors are so focused on the "congregations" that they will change the law of God, and their excuse is: Jesus! Jesus is love and Jesus died for us! God loves the world! Is God's love for the world the basis for you to trample on God's law? None of these Christians and pastors deserve to say "love" at all! "Love" has absolutely nothing to do with trampling on God's law!

Our government officials are the same as these pastors ~ they keep saying "love the people"! Is "loving the people" a cover for crimes? Prostitution is allowed, robbery is allowed, drug trafficking is allowed, gambling is allowed... Are these all about loving the people? We must know that the government allows these illegal activities to "make money"! Why can large casinos open collectively, and why is it illegal for several elderly people in Chinatown to get together to play mahjong? Let’s be honest: Do you lose $300,000 in a night playing mahjong? The government can do shameless and shameless things. As long as the people have the money to buy the government officials, they can also commit murder and arson! Our laws are not at all to make people's lives better, all of our laws are to allow the government to legally exploit and oppress the people from the people! All eating, drinking, prostitution and gambling activities are legal as long as they have a legal license! If you don't have a license, you must pay the local police! Why do these illegal activities have money to buy the police? Because it's all ~ huge profiteering!

Americans simply despise God! Trample the law of God! God's law can help people have a good life, they refuse to use God's law, Americans deliberately kill God with evolution! Because evolution can make the creator completely non-existent! Only if there is no creator, human beings can be their own masters! Humans can do anything without shame for "money"! It's as ugly as lying naked on the street for money! God's law is the "Bible"! The Bible teaches to protect human beings! And the laws of mankind are the laws made by the nations! All laws made by governments are for their own interests, no government makes laws for the profits of the people! Why do I say: Humans make laws for their own benefits? Because no one will make laws against himself! And everyone is just as selfish! Only the law of God is perfectly fair and just! Let’s think about it again: We usually treat God as a fart and trample on God’s laws. Why should we allow God to support justice for us and save us from the evil regime? God will not save you! Because you don't fear God at all! You have neither God as Father nor God as master! Let's examine it for ourselves: what have we destroyed the earth? Fornication, evil and lies are everywhere! Do you get involved one of them?